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7  :    THE 



GEE  M  A  X 


J.  .<?.  EEISEXDER.  Ph.  Doc. 









This  little  work  is  neither  a  grammar,  a  dictionary, 
a  series  of  selections,  a  vocabulary,  nor  a  volume  of 
dialogues  and  conversations,  In  taking  it  up,  the 
reader  must  not  expect  it  to  introduce  him  to  all  the 
detail  to  be  met  with  in  Adelung,  Noehden,  or  Grimm. 
Its  object  and  aim  are  to  ease  the  labour  and  econo- 
mise the  time  of  those  beginning  to  learn  German. 
The  first  three  chapters  contain  sound  theoretical  and 
practical  instruction,  calculated  to  give  the  young 
student  clear  and  correct  ideas  of  pronunciation,  de- 
clension, conjugation,  literal,  interlinear,  and  free 
translation,  syntax  and  construction. 

These,  together  with  the  two  chapters  of  Familiar, 
Idiomatical,  and  Mercantile  Phraseology,  at  the  end 
of  the  book,  will  enable  him,  with  a  very  moderate 
share  of  the  assistance  of  a  competent  master,  to  read, 
write,  and  speak  German  in  a  short  time,  when  he 
will  be  prepared  for  the  attainment  of  any  degree  of 
perfection  at  which  he  may  feel  desirous  of  aiming 
in  the  language  and  literature  of  Germany. 

The   Author. 

London.  May,  1844. 


Page  92,  eight  lines  from  bottom,  for  "  German  propositions"  read 
"German  prepositions" 


In  pronunciation  and  provincial  peculiarities  of  every 
description,  Germany  has  as  many  Yorkshires  and 
Lancashires,  &c,  as  any  nation  in  Europe.  This 
fact  will  enable  the  intelligent  reader  to  account  for 
the  discrepancies  published  in  German  grammars  on 
the  sounds  and  powers  of  different  elements  in  the 
German  alphabet.  In  the  pronunciation  of  these, 
however,  natives  of  England  cannot  do  better  than 
follow  the  directions  given  in  this  work,  disregarding 
in  toto  the  verbiage  of  those  who  say  that  b,  at  the 
end  of  German  words  takes  the  hard  sound  of  t,  and 
thus  teach  their  pupils  to  transform  Sob  into  Xot, 
Jtmb  into  Mint,  tmb  into  unt,  SJiunb  into  SKunt,  SSJJonb 
into  gjfont,  ©lieb  into  ©iter,  &c.  &c. 

The  letter  b  has  the  same  sound  and  power  in 
German  as  in  Dutch,  French,  Italian,  Latin,  Portu- 
guese, and  English  words. 

In  the  pronunciation  of  the  letter  §,  the  studenr 
who  may  endeavour  to  teach  himself  may  be  guided 
by  the  note  at  the  bottom  of  page  4.  The  only  ad- 
dition to  be  made  at  present  to  the  instruction  con- 
tained in  that  note  is  this  :- — §,  followed  by  a  consonant, 
is  occasionally  articulated  like  sh  in  English,  ch  in 
French,  and  sc  in  Italian  words ;  but  in  the  second 
person  of  some  verbs,  and  at  the  end  of  superlative^ 


in  jie,  the  ft  preserves  the  articulation  it  has  in  state, 
standard,  &c. 

In  German,  as  in  English,  Dutch,  Danish,  Swed- 
ish, Norwegian,  Icelandic,  and  other  various  lan- 
guages and  dialects,  verbs  have  only  four  simple 
tenses,  viz.  two  in  the  indicative  mood,  and  two  in 
the  subjunctive  mood.  In  all  these  languages,  the 
future  and  conditional  tenses  are  not  simple,  but 
compound  forms,  obtained  by  placing  certain  tenses 
of  some  auxiliary  or  helping  verb  before  the  infinitive 
mood  of  another  verb. 

In  German,  the  present  tense  of  the  indicative  of 
the  verb  roerbett  is  used  to  form  the  future  tense, 
while  the  imperfect  tense  of  the  subjunctive  mood 
of  the  same  verb  is  employed  in  the  formation  of  the 
conditional  tense.  For  this  reason  these  two  tenses 
only  of  voetben  are  given  in  this  work,  pages  25,  26, 
and  27,  almost  immediately  before  the  introduction 
of  the  future  and  conditional  tenses,  pages  28  and  29. 

The  potential  mood,  as  defined  by  English  gram- 
marians, has  no  existence  in  the  northern  languages 
of  Europe,  nor  is  such  a  mood  either  known  among 
or  acknowledged  by  German,  Dutch,  Swedish,  or 
Danish  grammarians.  It  has  been  allowed  to  appear 
in  the  present  publication  for  the  sake  of  conforming, 
in  some  measure,  to  the  notions  entertained  on  this 
point  by  native  writers  on  English  grammar,  and  in 
order  to  elicit  such  further  attention  to  this  subject  as 
those  whom  it  more  particularly  concerns  may  think 
proper  to  bestow  upon  it. 

The  conditional  tense,  which  in  this  work  has  been 
called  the  "  Conditional  Mood,"  is  not  a  part  of  the 
subjunctive  mood,  as  some  contend,  but  a  compound 


form  of  the  verb  in  all  the  northern  languages  of  the 
Indo-Germanic  family,  that  might,  perhaps,  with  more 
propriety  be  termed  the  imperfect,  or  second  form  of 
the  future  tense. 

This  must  become  evident  to  any  person  who  will 
take  the  trouble  to  compare  the  two  simple  tenses 
of  the  French,  Italian,  Spanish,  and  Portuguese  sub- 
junctive mood  with  the  future  and  conditional  tenses 
of  the  same  languages,  In  each  of  these  languages, 
the  future  tense  is  a  separate  and  distinct  form  of 
the  verb,  produced  by  a  change  in  its  termination, 
and  so  is  the  conditional  tense ;  and  the  forms  of  these 
two  tenses,  in  the  language  of  each  of  these  four 
sections  of  the  European  Continent,  are  very  different 
from  either  the  present  or  the  imperfect  tense  of  the 
subjunctive  mood. 

Regular  active  German  verbs  are  conjugated  like 
the  regular  neuter  verb  fcfyerjen  (p.  45).  Thus,  loben, 
to  praise  : — 

Indicative  Mood. 
Present  Tense. 
3ct)  lobe/  eu  fobfti  er  lobt ;  toil  lobeti/  tyi  lebet/  fie  loben. 

Imperfect  Tense, 
3$  lobte/  bu  lebteft,  er  lobte  3  toil  lebten,  tyt  [obtet,  fie  lobten. 

Subjunctive  Mood. 
Present  Tense. 
3d)  lobe,  bu  lobeft,  er  lobe  3  rotr  loben,  tyr  iobei,  }it  (oben. 

Imp ei feet  Tense, 

3*  (obete/  bu  lebeteft,  er  (obetej  mix  lobeten,  tbr  lofretet,  fie 


Future  Tense. 
3cf)  roerbe   loben,  bu  rairft  loben,  er  nrirb  loben  ;    wtu  rcerben 
loben/  ttjr  roerbet  loben/  fte  roerben  loben. 

Conditional  Tense. 
3rf)  tturbe  loben/  bu  rcurbeft  loben/  cu  nmrben  loben  5  wir  ixmrben 
loben/  tyr  routbet  loben/  fte  rcurben  loben. 

Pres.  Part. — lobenb.  Past  Part. — gelobt. 

German  passive  verbs  are  formed  by  means  of  the 
simple  tenses  of  the  verb  Herbert,  and  the  past  parti- 
ciple of  the  active  verb.  Thus,  id)  werbe  gelobt,  I  am 
praised ;  id)  rourbe  gelobt,  I  was  praised,  and  so  on, 
for  the  other  persons  and  tenses. 

German  irregular  verbs  may  be  divided  into  six 
classes.  The  first  class  contains  only  fen,  of  which 
the  following  are  the  radical  monosyllables:  bad, 
fafyr,  grab,  lab,  maty,  fcfyaff,  fcfylag,  trag,  roacfyS,  roafd). 
With  the  exception  of  mafyl,  the  radical  vowel  a  is 
changed  into  u  in  the  imperfect  tense  of  the  indicative 
mood ;  hence  in  that  tense  they  make  buf,  fufer,  grub, 
tub,  fcfyuff,  fcfylug,  trug,  wucfyS,  roufcfy.  The  imperfect 
tense  of  the  subjunctive  mood  is  formed  by  changing 
the  u  of  the  imperfect  of  the  indicative  into  u,  and 
adding  e  to  the  final  consonant,  thus:  bitcfe,  fufyre, 
grube,  tube,  fdjuffe,  fcfyluge,  truge,  rpuc^fe,  wufdje.  Each 
of  these  verbs  takes  the  augment  ge  in  the  past 
participle,  retaining  the  radical  monosyllable  and  the 
termination  of  the  infinitive  mood :  as,  ge^bac?-en, 
ge^fafyr^en,  ge-grab-en,  ge^lab-en,  ge^maf)Uen,  ge-fd)afj^ 
en,  ge^fd)lag-en,  ge-trag^en,  ge-wad)^en,  ge-wafcr^eiu 
These  verbs  also  contain  the  radical  monosyllable 
in  the  imperative  mood,  to  which  e  is  added  to  form 
the  second  person  singular,  as  given  in  the  list.     The 


irregularity  of  the  present  tense  of  the  indicative, 
consists  in  changing  the  radical  vowel  a  into  a  in 
the  second  and  third  persons  singular.  The  present 
tense  of  the  subjunctive  mood  of  irregular  verbs  is 
always  regular, 

The  second  class  contains  fourteen  verbs,  of  which 
the  following  are  the  radical  monosyllables  : — bld§, 
brat,  faf>,  fait,  i)ang,  lag,  rati),  falj,  fcplaf,  fpalt,  i)au, 
lauf/  ruf,  ftof,  fang,  ^alt*  The  imperfect  tense  of 
the  indicative  mood  of  these  verbs  is  formed  by 
changing  the  radical  vowel  a  into  ie  and  i :  fyang  and 
fang  are  the  only  themes  in  this  list  which  change 
a  into  t  in  the  imperfect  tense.  Hence  they  make 
blte§,  brief,  (fat)  has  no  imperfect  tense)  ft  el,  i)tng, 
Hep,  rtetl),  ftyltef,  l)ieb,  lief,  rief,  ftte£,  ftng,  f)ielt. 
@aljen  and  fpatten  are  irregular  throughout,  except  in 
the  past  participle.  Sjauzn  is  regular  in  the  present 
tense  of  the  indicative  mood.  The  radical  mono- 
syllable is  retained  in  the  past  participle  of  each 
of  this  class  of  irregulars,  and  preceded  by  the  aug- 
ment ge,  as  in  the  first  class,  thus : — ge-blaf-en,  ges 
brazen,  ge-fa^en,  ge-falUen,  ge^ang-en,  ge^laff^en, 
ge^rat^en,  gesfalj-en,  gesfdjlafcen,  ge^fpalteen,  ge^f)au- 
en,  ge4auf-en,  ge^tufcen,  ge-ftoj^en,  ge-fang~en,  ge- 
fyalt^en.  Like  the  first  class,  these  verbs  also  retain 
the  radical  monosyllable  in  the  imperative  mood,  and 
add  e  to  it ;  they  likewise  form  their  second  and  third 
persons  singular  of  the  present  tense  of  the  indicative 
mood  by  changing  the  radical  vowel  a  or  o  into  a  or 
6,  as  in  the  first  list. 

The  third  class  contains  thirteen  verbs,  of  which 
the  following  are  the  radical  monosyllables  : — 1%  frep, 
geb,  *ne8,  ^fd)el),  leg,  me£,  fety,  tret,  sgeg,  bitt,  lieg,  fife 

The  imperfect  tense  of  these  verbs  is  formed  by 
changing  the  radical  vowels  e  and  i  into  a  :  as,  a$, 
frag,  gab,  ge^na§,  ge^fcfyafy,  la§,  maf,  faf),  trat,  ser^gafj, 
bat,  lag,  fap.  These  verbs  retain  the  radical  e  in  the 
past  participle,  and  take  the  augment  ge:  thus,  ge- 
geffcen,  gc^freff-en,  ge^geb-en,  ge-nefcen,  ge^e^en, 
ge-lefcen,  ge^mefj^en,  ge-fe^en,  ge^tret^en,  tter^geff-en, 
ge^bet^en,  ge^leg^en.  ©e-nefcen,  bitten,  lieg^en,  and 
]t^en,  are  regular  in  the  present  tense  of  the  indica- 
tive mood.  They  are  also  regular  in  the  imperative 
mood,  and,  therefore,  make  genefe,  bitte,  liege,  and 
ft^e,  in  the  second  person  singular. 

The  fourth  class  contains  thirty-nine  verbs.  The  radi- 
cal concretive  of  these  is  ei,  which  is  changed  into  t  in 
the  imperfect  tense  and  in  the  past  participle.  Each 
of  these  verbs  is  regular  in  the  present  tense  of  the 
indicative  and  in  the  imperative  mood.  Their  radical 
monosyllables  are : — fieif ,  betf ,  bletcf),  gtetd),  gleit,  gretf, 
reif,  fnetf,  fneip,  letb,  pfeif,  retj*,  reft,  fcfyletd),  fcfyleif, 
fcfyleijj,  fcfymei^,  fdmeib,  fdjreit,  ftteicfy,  jlreit,  miti),  bletb, 
-betf),  lety,  meib,  preiS,  reib,  fd)eib,  fcfyem,  fcfytetb,  ferret, 
fc^roeig,  fpei,  jleig,  treib,  n>ei§,  jety,  l)ei£L 

With  the  exception  of  be^fietf^en,  all  the  verbs  of  this 
class  take  the  augment  ge  in  the  past  participle  :  as,  ge^ 
biffcen,  &c. 

The  fifth  class  contains  forty-nine  verbs,  each  of 
which  changes  its  radical  vowel,  or  concretive,  into  o 
in  the  imperfect  tense  and  in  the  past  participle. 
Their  radical  monosyllables  are:— Meg,  Met,  flieg, 
fliel),  flieg,  frier,  *nie£,  fried),  ftyfeb,  fd)ie£,  fd)lie£, 
fcfcnieb,  fieb,  fipriefj,  jiieb,  trief,  trug,  ^btie£,  4ier,  uneg, 
jtef),  fauf,  fcfynaub,  fcfyraub,  glimm,  flimm,  flemm,  *roeg, 
fed?t,  flecfyt,  ^eb,  meif,  pfleg,  quell,  fdjer,  fcfymelj,  fc&well, 


mb,  gd^r,  fdbwar,  »dg,  [ijwbx,  lofd),  fcfyatt.  With  the 
exception  of  those  compounded  with  be  and  set,  the 
past  participle  of  these  verbs  takes  the  augment  ge : 
as,  ge-boteen,  ge^flob-en,  &c. 

The  sixth  class  contains  forty-two  verbs,  fourteen 
of  which  change  their  radical  vowel  i  into  it,  while 
the  rest  change  their  radical  e  into  o,  in  the  past 
participle,  and  all  have  a  in  the  imperfect  tense  of 
the  indicative,  and  d  in  the  imperfect  of  the  subjunc- 
tive mood.  Their  radical  monosyllables  are  : — binb, 
bring,  ftnb,  4tng,  fling,  ring,  filing,  fcfynnnb,  ftng,  finf, 
fprtng,  trinf,  rrunb,  jrctng,  -ginn,  -roinn,  rinn,  fdutnmm, 
firm,  sfeljt,  berg,  berft,  brefd),  ^bdr,  gelt,  bred),  belf,  nefym, 
fcfyeit,  feared,  fpred),  fied),  jlecf,  ftebt,  jlerb,  trejf,  =berb, 
rcerb,  rcerb,  rcerf* 

With  the  exception  of  be-ginn^en,  be-fefyUen,  emp^ 
fef)Uen,  and  fler^berb^en,  each  of  these  verbs  takes  the 
augment  ge  in  the  past  participle,  as  ge-bunb-en,  ge- 
brofd)-en,  &c. 

For  a  more  detailed  account  of  German  verbs,  the 
student  is  referred  to  the  fifth  and  sixth  chapters  of 
the  first  part  of  "  Every  Englishman  his  own  German 
Master."  In  the  former,  the  irregular  verbs  are 
conjugated  at  full  length ;  and  in  the  latter  there  is  a 
complete  development  of  the  nature  and  formation  of 
German  verbs  and  substantives. 

German  construction,  the  theory  of  which  the 
student  will  find  in  the  third  chapter  of  this  book,  is 
not  natural  but  scientific  ;  it  is  a  servile  imitation  of 
the  Latin  construction,  introduced  at  first  in  the  sus- 
tained style  of  the  bar,  and  of  public  business,  whence 
it  passed  into  the  ordinary  language  of  the  people,  and 
into  common  life. 


In  using  this  part  of  the  work,  each  rule  and  exam- 
ple should  be  committed  to  memory,  and  reference  be 
made  to  such  portions  of  the  practical  application  of 
the  theory  as  bear  immediately  upon  the  rule.  More- 
over, each  example  ought  to  be  considered  as  a  model 
sentence,  by  which  the  student  is  to  construct,  write, 
and  speak  other  sentences. 

The  Familiar,  Idiomatical,  and  Mercantile  Phrase- 
logy  in  the  two  last  chapters,  should  be  studied  in  the 
same  manner. 

By  a  strict  adherence  to  the  directions  given  for 
using  this  book,  the  student  will  make  more  solid  pro- 
gress in  a  few  weeks  than  he  would  be  able  to  make 
in  as  many  months,  by  pursuing  a  different  course  in 
his  endeavours  to  acquire  a  knowledge  of  German. 

In  conclusion,  the  student  should  not  omit  learning 
to  write  the  German  character. 




//..  %  J,  -I 



B  C 

Mm  4. 3  1  discern 

J  K 


L  M 

'/__  //, 


P  /  Q  R  S 

W^PCh.  -2. 

W  X 

n  ; 



c  d. 

\\ . 


/VW,     AV,       /V,  \    ,        sty,  K\ 


O  , 







V  17 


r  ,  vt   -11  , 




^  2 .        «C 


1  /    ,  KA 







FROM       LUTHER'S       TRANSLATION      OF     THE      BIBLE 


OH*^Pty      _Si    Ti  1'PtsH/'    ^t^O^t^t^t/tt^  ^Py^iy^U^t^^l^tplfT. 

h/11^       1  1&  I  1i        I  *  J  I  '■ ' 

^ti^^t^py^u^  /Pispt  6       \  17^-pp^ 
<^Pu^^pi^  ^p^/p^pp^^p^i//-  /Pyn    v 


c->^  c  1^11/        1  111  1        l/^lw 

^p-pi/  y^t^^fy&ispj^ 


TO    THE 





Sounds.        P( 





21    a 




o  J 

t    a  i 
3Ce  a  J 


oeu,  (jeu,  vceu 

)     oe 







25   b 




pa  ef 


6    c 




pa  hah 



tsa  hah 







tsa  hah 






£>  b 







e   e 



©d)  fcb 

ess  tsa  hah 


S    f 




ess  ess 






ess  ta 


©    8 







£    I) 





ta  hah 


3    i 





ta  tset 


3   i 







it  i 





u  (rue,  vue) 


8    I 





f ho  it- 



ell  ell 






3R  m 







91    n 







.0     0 









The  simple  vowels,  a,  it  if  r;,  o,  \x,  are  pronounced  as 
follows  :  — 

%,  when  long,  like  a  m  the  English  word  bar,  in  the 
French  word  has,  and  in  the  Italian  verb  dare.  As  exam- 
ples the  student  may  take,  libenb,  evening  ;  SSatet"/  father  ; 
2i bel,  nobility. 

In  each  of  the  above  German  words,  the  a  has  a  long 
quantity.*  When  this  German  vowel  is  short,  it  is  pro- 
nounced like  a  in  the  English  words  glass,  pass,  grass,  &c. 
As  examples  the  student  may  take,  bacBen,  to  bake  ;  mad)en/ 
to  make,  &c. 

The  German  C/  when  long,  is  sounded  like  the  English  a 
in  fate,  hate,  late,  &c.  ;  and  like  the  English  e  in  the  words 
met,  pet,  yet,  &c,  when  its  quantity  is  short. 

It  is,  moreover,  to  be  observed,  that  this  e  is  never  mute 
or  silent  in  German,  except  when  immediately  preceded  in 
the  same  syllable  by  the  vowel  i,  in  which  situation  e  loses 
its  own  sound,  and  lengthens  that  of  i,  which  is  then  equi- 
valent to  the  English  double  e,  in  the  words  meet,  street, 
fleet,  &e. 

I  have  now  said  sufficient  respecting  the  sounds  and 
powers  of  the  German  vowels  a,  e  and  i,  to  justify  me  in 
introducing  the  student  to  the  definite  article,  which  is  de- 
clined thus : — 

*  As  a  general  rule  for  the  pronunciation  of  the  vowels  and  diph- 
thongs in  the  German  language,  it  may  be  observed  that  they  have 
a  long  quantity  when  followed  by  one  consonant  only,  and  a  short 
quantity  when  followed  by  two  or  more  consonants. 




P/z*r.  for  all  genders, 

N.  bet 



bit,  the 

G.  beg 



ber^  of  the 

D.  bem 



bem  to  the 

A.   ten 



bie#  the. 

This  is  the  most  perfect  specimen  of  declension  in  the 
German  language,  and  that  according  to  which  ail  German 
adjectives,  present  and  past  participles,  as  well  as  all  relative, 
possessive,  demonstrative,  and  indefinite  pronouns  are  de- 

The  definite  article  owes  its  origin  to  the  three  personal 
pronouns,  zt,  he  ;  \ie,  she  ;  €6/  it.      The  terminations — 





.  for  all  genders, 

X.  er 




G.  ee 




D.  em 




A.   en 




affixed  to  any  one  of  the  above-mentioned  parts  of  speech, 
will  give  its  declension  in  the  different  cases  and  numbers. 
This  view  not  only  explains  the  theory  of  German  declen- 
sion, but  is,  in  fact,  the  substance  of  all  the  declension  that 
has  any  real  existence  in  the  German  language,  with  the 
sole  exception  of  that  which  is  peculiar  to  the  personal  pro- 
nouns, to  be  given  hereafter. 

©ut/  good  ;  wetfJi  white  ;  Itebenb/  loving  ;  ap\etyct$  learned  ; 
gebtlber,  educated  ;  tretdfv*  who,  which;  mein,  my  ;  betiij  thy  ; 
fetti/  his  ;  bteS/  this  ;  jen,  that;  job/  each,  every ;  Eein,  no  one, 
none,  and  fold)/  such,  are  adjectives,  present  and  past  parti- 
ciples, relative,  possessive,  demonstrative  and  indefinite  pro- 
nouns, which  the  student  will  be  able  to  decline  at  once,  bv 

*  In  the  German  language,  d)  and  Qf  initial,  medial  and  final,  have 
peculiarities  of  sound  which  can  only  be  acquired  by  imitating  the 
pronunciation  of  a  competent  master.  Those,  however,  who  are 
acquainted  with  the  gutteral  aspirate  sounds  of  the  Romaic,  Turkish, 
Hebrew,  Arabic.  Persian,  Coptic,  Sanscrit,  Spanish,  Welch,  Irish,  or 
even  with  the  sound  of  chin  the  word  Lochlomond.  will  experience  no 
difficulty  in  acquiring  the  pronunciation  of  the  German  characters. 

affixing  to  them  the  above  terminations,  as  given  in  the 
different  cases.  The  adjective,  therefore,  he  will  decline 
thus  : — 






all  genders. 





















This  example  will  show  the  student  that  the  nominative 
and  accusative  cases  singular,  feminine  and  plural  of  all 
genders  are  the  same  ;  that  the  genitive  and  dative  cases 
singular  feminine  are  alike ;  that  the  genitive  plural  of  the 
three  genders  is  the  same  as  the  nominative  singular  mas- 
culine, and  that  the  accusative  singular  masculine  and  the 
dative  plural  of  the  three  genders  have  the  same  termina- 

I  shall  give  another  example  in  illustration  and  exempli- 
fication of  what  I  have  just  advanced,  and  then  leave  it  for 
the  student  to  affix  the  terminations  to  the  other  words  him- 
self, which  he  will  be  able  to  do  correctly  without  any 
difficulty  whatever. 




Plur.  for 

all  genders. 





















Before  returning  to  the  analysis  of  the  vowels,  it  may 
not  be  amiss  to  teach  the  student  how  to  conjugate  the 
German  verbs  fetn,*  to  be,  and  fyaben,  to  have. 

*  In  German ,  the  consonant  f,  where  it  is  not  accompanied  by 
another  consonant,  is  invariably  pronounced  by  good  readers  and 
speakers  like  the  English  s  in  rose,  repose,  &c.  Before  p  and  t, 
at  the  beginning  of  a  word,  it  is  pronounced  like  s  in  the  same  situa- 
tion in  English  words.  Double  f/  medial  and  final,  is  pronounced 
like  st,  in  the  word  listen.  The  German  et  is  pronounced  like  the 
English  i  in  wine,  vine,  &c. 

Indicative  Mood. 
Present  Tense. 
3d)  ton/ 1  am ;  bu  tuft/  thou  art ;  cr,  fte/  eS  tji,  he,  she,  it  is ;  voiz 
ftnb/  we  are;  tfyr  fetb/  you  are ;  fie  ftnb/  they  are.  3$  bin  nid;t,  I 
am  not ;  bu  toft  nid)t,  thou  art  not ;  er  tft  ntd)t,  he  is  not ;  wiv  ftnb 
mcl)t,  we  are  not ;  it)r  fetb  nid)t,  you  are  not ;  fie  ftnb  nid)i#  they 
are  not.  Sin  id]  ?  Am  I  ?  Stft  b\x  ?  Art  thou  ?  3  ft  er  ?  Is 
he?  (Sinb  wit  ?  Are  we  ?  ;2etb  itjr  ?  Are  you  ?  ©inb  fte  ?  Are 
they? — Sin  id)  ntd)t  ?  Am  I  not?  SBtft  bu  nidjt  ?  Art  thou 
not  ?  3fr  er  ntdt  ?  Is  he  not  ?  (gtnb  rotr  nid)t  ?  Are  we  not  ? 
Seib  tt)r  nid)t  ?   Are  you  not  ?    Stub  fte  mdji  ?  Are  they  not  ? 

Imperfect  Tense. 
3d)  war/  I  was ;  bu  roar  ft/  thou  wast ;  er  wavf  he  was  ;  rotr 
roaren,  we  were  ;  tfyt  waret,  you  were  ;  fte  roareit/  they  were. 
3d)  roar  ntd)t, 1  was  not ;  bu  roarji  ntd)t  thou  wast  not ;  er  roar 
nid)tf  he  was  not ;  ttor  roaren  md)t,  we  were  not ;  tfyr  roarer 
nid)i,  you  were  not ;  fte  roaren  nidit/  they  were  not.  2Bar  tdi  ? 
Was  I  ?  <Barft  bu  ?  Wast  thou  ?  2Bar  er  ?  W^as  he  ?  SBaren 
rotr  ?  Wrere  we  ?  SSavet  tt>r  ?  Were  you  ?  SBaren  fte  ?  Were 
they  ? — 2Bar  id)  ntd)t  ?  Was  I  not  ?  3Sar(!  bu  ntcfet  ?  Wast 
thou  not?  £Kkr  er  rud)t?  Was  he  not?  SSaren  rotr  nid)t  ? 
Were  we  not  ?  SSaret  tyr  ntd  t  ?  Were  you  not  ?  ££aren  fte 
mdjt  ?  Were  they  not  ? 

Subjunctive  Mood. 

Present   Tense* 

34  fet/  I  may  be  ;  bu  fetff,  thou  mayst  be ;  er  fet/  he  may 
be ;  ttrir  feieri/  we  may  be  ;  il}r  fetet/  you  may  be  ;  fte  feien/  they 
may  be.  3d)  fet  tnd't/  I  may  not  be  ;  bu  feijt  ntdjt/  thou 
mayst  not  be  ;  er  fet  md)t,  he  may  not  be  ;  ttnr  feien  nid)t/  we 
may  not  be  ;  tfyr  fetet  nid)w  you  may  not  be  ;  fte  feien  nityx, 
they  may  not  be. 

The  other  forms  of  this  tense,  when  used,  are  obtained 
by  placing  the  pronouns  after  the  verb,  as  in  the  foregoing 


Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  mare,*  I  might  be  ;  bu  tvdreft,  thou  mightest  be  ;  er 
ware/  he  might  be ;  xoxt  rr-drert/  we  might  be  ;  tyt  tr-dret,  you 
might  be  ;  fie  waun,  they  might  be.  3d)  rpare  ntd)t,  I  might 
not  be ;  bu  rodreft  md)t,  thou  mightest  not  be  ;  er  ware  nidjt, 
he  might  not  be ;  trtr  rodren  nid)r,  we  might  not  be  ;  tyr  rcdret 
nid)t,  you  might  not  be  ;  fte  wdren  nid)t,  they  might  not  be, 
SBdrc  id)?  Might  I  be?  SSdteft  bu?  Mightest  thou  be  ? 
2£dre  er  ?  Might  he  be  ?  £Baren  nur  ?  Might  we  be  ?  2£drct 
it)v  ?  Might  you  be  ?  SSdren  fte  ?  Might  they  be  ? — ££are 
id)  nid)t  ?  Might  I  not  be  ?  2£drejt  bu  nidftt  ?  Mightest  thou 
not  be  ?  2£dre  er  nidjt  ?  Might  he  not  be?  aBdren  trir  md)t  ? 
Might  we  not  be  ?  2£dret  tyt  md)t  ?  Might  you  not  be  ? 
fS&cen  fte  ntdbt  ?    Might  they  not  be? 

(Seienb,  being;  a,err>efen/  been. 

Indicative  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 
3d)  t)abe,t  I  have  ;  bu  fyaji/  thou  hast ;  er  fyaf/  he  has;  u;tr 
rjaben,  we  have;  tyt  t)abet,  you  have;  fte  ^aben,  they  have, 
3d)  tjabe  nid)t,  I  have  not ;  bu  t)afr  nid)r,  thou  hast  not ;  er  t)a£ 
nid)t,  he  has  not ;  xoxx  fyaben  nidjt,  we  have  not ;  ityv  f)abet 
nid>t,  you  have  not ;  fte  fyaben  nid)t,  they  have  not.  $abe  id)  ? 
Have  I  ?  #aft  bu  ?  Hast  thou  ?  *g>at  er  ?  Has  he  ?  Spaben 
xviv  ?   Have  we  ?    £abet  ibv  ?    Have  you?   4paben  fte?    Have 

*  The  German  \v  has  the  same  sound  and  power  as  the  English  v, 
in  the  words  vine,  vote,  &c.  ;  and  the  German  t)  is  pronounced  like 
the  English /in  father,  feather,  fifty,  &c,  while  two  dots  over  a>  0/ 
U/  in  German  words,  convert  these  vowels  into  a,  6/  U,  the  first  of 
which  is  pronounced  like  the  English  a,  in  fate,  &c,  with  a  long  or 
short  quantity,  according  to  the  general  rule  already  given.  The 
second,  like  eu,  in  the  Erench  words  feu,  peu,  &c.  and  the  last,  like 
the  French  w,  in  the  words  vertu,  bossu,  &c. 

f  The  German  t)  has  three  different  powers.  At  the  begining  of 
words  it  is  aspirated  rather  more  than  in  the  English  words  house, 
home,  horse,  &c. ;  in  the  middle,  and  at  the  end  of  words,  it  serves 
merely  to  lengthen  the  vowel  which  precedes  it,  whilst  in  compound 
words  it  retains  its  aspiration. 

they  ?—  v£abe  id)  ntcfyt  ?  Have  I  not?  £aft  bit  ntd)t  ?  Hast 
thou  not  ?  $ctt  er  ntd)t  ?  Has  he  not  ?  Jpctbert  wit  ntd)t  ?  Have 
we  not  ?  £abet  i(;r  ntd)t  ?  Have  you  not  ?  apaben  fie  md)t  ? 
Have  they  not? 

Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  fyatte/  I  had ;  bu  tyatteji)  thou  hadst ;  er  fyatte,  he  had  ' 
ttnr  fatten/  we  had  ;  tt)r  t)attetf  you  had  ;  fte  fatten,  they  had. 
3d)  fyatte  nid)t/  I  had  not ;  bu  ^attefc  ntd)t/  thou  hadst  not ;  er 
fjatte  ntd)t,  he  had  not ;  tr-tr  fatten  ntd)t/  we  had  not ;  tfyr  fatter 
md)t,  you  had  not ;  fte  fatten  nidjf,  they  had  not.  |>atte  tcb  ? 
Had  I  ?  £attefr  bu  ?  Hadst  thou  ?  £atte  er  ?  Had  he  ?  %aU 
ten  ttnr  ?  Had  we  ?  #attet  ifyc  ?  Had  you  ?  .patten  fte  ? 
Had  they  ? — apatte  id)  nidjt  ?  Had  I  not?  £atteft  bu  md)t  ? 
Hadst  thou  not  ?  $cttte  er  nid)t  ?  Had  he  not  ?  fatten  voit 
ntcrt  ?  Had  we  not  ?  $attet  t£r  nid)t  ?  Had  you  not  ?  .patten 
fte  ntcfet  ?   Had  they  not  ? 

Subjunctive  Mood. 

Present  Tense* 

3d)  fyabt,  I  may  have ;  bu  fyabejr,  thou  maysthave  ;  cr  ^abtt 
he  may  have ;  irtr  fcaben/  we  may  have  ;  if)r  fyabet/  you  mav 
have ;  fte  fyaben,  they  may  have.  3d)  fyabe  md)t,  I  may  not 
have  ;  bu  fyabeft  nicbt/  thou  mayst  not  have  ;  er  fyabz  nid)t,  he 
may  not  have ;  ttur  i)abm  nui-t,  we  may  not  have  ;  tfjr  fyabet 
ntd)t/  you  may  not  have  ;   fte  fyaben  nid)t#  they  may  not  have. 

Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  §atte/  I  might  have  ;  bu  tjattefr,  thou  mightest  have  ; 
er  §&tte/  he  might  have  ;  ttrir  fatten,  we  might  have  ;  ibr 
t)dttef/  you  might  have  ;  fte  fatten/  they  might  have.  3d) 
t)dtre  md)t,  &c. ;  ^dtte  id)  ?  &c.  ;  %attz  id)  nid)t  ?  &c,  all  to  be 
written  out  at  full  length,  and  committed  to   memory. 

Conversational  Exercise, 

Illustrative  of  the  Use  and  Construction   of  German  Personal,  Posses- 
sive}  Demonstrative,  Interrogative,  and  Indefinite  Pronouris,  &c. 

3d)  bin  ntdfjt    ta    gewefen. 
/  am   not  there    been* 
I  have  not  been  there. 

S3in  id)  nidjt    ba    geroefen  ? 
^m  /   wo/"  £#ere    6  <?<???  ? 
Have  I  not  been  there  ? 

3d)  fyabe    intt    tfom  ntdbt  gefprod)en9 
/  Aa^e  with  him  not    spoken. 
1  have  not  spoken  to  him. 

$abm    jte    tt)n   gefetjen  ? 
Have  they  him    seen  ? 
Have  they  seen  him  ? 

3d)  f)abe    tfyn     beute   ntcfyt  gefefyen. 
J  /mve  A/m  to-day  not     seen. 
I  have  not  seen  him  to-day. 

(§r.   t)at  met)r    alg    gwanjtg*  $)ferbe. 
He  has  more  than  twenty    horses. 

©ic   fyaben  nfdjt  mefyr  a!S    funfgefyn  ^ferbe. 
They  have  not  more  than  fifteen  horses. 

SBStr  baben  Mm  spferbe  mefyr. 
We  have  no  horses  more. 
We  have  no  more  horses. 

(Ste    l)at  Me      erfyabenfte,      anftanbtgfie  unb  fceufceibenjie   $aU 
She  has  the  most  dig nified^most  decent,  andmost  modest  car- 

tung/  mld)e  ein  grauenjtmmer  fyaben  fann. 

r/a#e  which  a        woman        have    can. 

She  has  the  most  dig-nitied,  decent,  and  modest  carriage 

that  a  woman  can  have.f 

*  In  German,  %  is  pronounced  like  ts  at  the  end  of  English  words, 
as  in  rights,  flights,  &c. 

t  The  general  rule  for  the  formation  of  the  comparative  and  su- 
perlative degrees  of  German  adjectives  is  this  :— The  comparative  is 


©eben  <£te  eg  ratr. 
Give  you  it  to  me. 
Give  it  to  rce. 

<gte  fyaben  eg    mir   nidjt  gegeben. 

You  have  it  to  me  not   given. 
You  have  not  given  it  to  me. 

@etne  (Scfcroefier  tft   junger      cti§    er. 
His     sister     is  younger  than  he. 

<&&  tjl  gegen  t§n  etngenommen. 
She  is  against  him  prejudiced. 
She  is  prejudiced  against  him. 

Sinb  ©ie  gegen  micf)  etngenommen  ? 
Are  you  against  me  prejudiced  ? 
Are  you  prejudiced  against  me  ? 

SBtr  t)aben    fd)on      trei     SBriefe    Don    tfym  er^atten. 
^Fe  have  already  three  letters  from  him  received. 
We  have  already  received  three  letters  from  him. 

Sftetne  S3afe  tft  frutjer  ba  angefommen  alg  er. 
ilfz/  cousin  is  earlier  there  arrived  than  he. 
My  cousin  arrived  there  earlier  than  he  did. 

£aben  (§te  tbm  metnen  SSrtef  ubergeben  ? 
Have  you  to  him  my  letter  overgiven  ? 
Have  you  delivered  my  letter  to  him  ? 

S£o    tft  er  ?     3*  fr*be    if)n  md)t  gefer>en. 
Vihere  is  he  ?       I  have  him  not     seen. 
Where  is  he  ?      I  have  not  seen  him. 

93?etne  ©dwefter  tft  jefct  mit  tfym  fefyr  gtifrtefcen. 
il/y  sisfer  £s  wow  m?z£/&  7z/?/z  «?er^  happy. 
My  sister  is  very  happy  with  him  now. 

formed  by  adding  xf  or  er/  to  the  adjective  in  its  positive  state,  and 
changing  the  vowels  at  0/  and  U/  into  d  6/  it  5  and  the  superlative 
degree  is  formed  by  adding  ft/  or  eft/  to  the  comparative.  It  is,  more- 
over, to  be  observed,  that  when  the  definite  article  precedes  the  ad- 
jective, as  in  the  above  sentence,  an  e  is  added  to  the  saicl  termina- 
tions, in  the  nominative  case  singular  and  plural  of  all  genders  ;  zx\, 
in  the  genitive  and  dative  cases  singular  and  plural,  and  e  in  the  accu- 
sative plural. 


£a     tfl  er. 

There  is  he. 
There  he  is. 

©a  gefyr  er  oorbet/  feben  ^ie  it)n  ntcbt  ? 
There  goes  he  past  {by),  see  you  him  not? 
There  he  is  going  by,  do  you  not  see  him  ? 

©efyen  ete  ifyn  ?     5ft  er  es?      (5r  tft  eg  ntcfet. 

#ee   you  him  ?      Is  he  it  ?     He  is  it  not. 

Do  you  see  him  ?     Is  it  he  ?     It  is  not  he. 

(Seine  Gutter  furfrt  tftr.  auf. 
i7fs  mother  seeks  him  up. 
His  mother  is  seeking  him. 

.pat    fie     Sfynen   *>on  ifym  gefagt  ? 
Has  she    to  you    of    him  said  ? 
Has  she  spoken  to  you  about  him  ? 

Qx  bat  eg    mtr    gefagt.  1  He  told  it  to  me. 
He  has  it    to  me    said.  J  He  told  me  so. 

©te  bjaben       ftd)         rerrecbner. 

jTow  7?<zre  yourself  mis-reckoned. 

You  have  made  a  mistake  in  your  reckoning. 

3cun  bin  id)  bereft  ab$uget)en. 
iVow  a??z  /  ready  away  to  go. 
Now  I  am  ready  to  go. 

(Sr  tft  ramgjhfif  §et)n  Sato     alter    al§   fetn   better. 

He  is    at  least    ten  years  older  than  his  cousin. 

$aben  ©ie  tbnen  ton  mtr  Qtfatf  ? 
//"at? 6?  ^om  fo  them  of  me  said  ? 
Have  you  spoken  to  them  about  me  ? 

©te    t)at  eg     bunt      tfcn  §u  imffen  befommen. 
She  has  it  through  him  to  know       got. 
She  has  got  to  know  it  through  him. 

3d)  bin    fceure    bd  ifom  geirefen. 
/   am  to-day  by  him    been. 
I  have  been  at  his  house  to-dav. 


SBSir  fyabtn  ibr       baoon     abgeratfcen. 

JFe   7z£zz;e  /?er  therefrom  dissuaded* 

We  have  dissuaded  her  from  it. 

£abcn    fie  fid)  oerrecfynet  ? 

Have  they  themselves  mis-reclconed  ? 

Have  they  made  a  mistake  in  their  reckoning  ? 

£aben  Sie      fid-       man      oerredmet? 

Have  you  yourself  not  mis-reclconed? 

Have  you  not  made  a  mistake  in  your  account  ? 

£aben    fie     S^nen      bason      Qefagt  ? 

Have  they  to  you  therefrom    said  ? 

Have  they  spoken  to  you  about  it  ? 

<gr  {ft        je^r        bet  ifynen. 

He  is   yet  {now)  by  them* 

He  is  now  with  them  (at  their  house). 

©te        feibji       tabert  e§    mir   gefagt. 

772ez/  themselves  have  it  to  me   said. 
They  told  me  so  themselves. 

SOfteine    £Bafe    bat  i^ren  Sfftng  unb  tbren  gddier  settoren. 
Mz/     cousin  has  her    ring  and    her    fan       lost. 
My  cousin  has  lost  her  ring  and  her  fan. 

$abtn  Ste  ue  tl)m  gurutfgegeben  ? 
Have  you  them  to  him  hack  given  ? 
Have  you  returned  them  to  him  ? 

<Sie    t)abcn  t§r      £au3,   ityce       SE3tefe#      unb     tfyre    ^3ferbe 
77ze?/  Aare  their  house,  their  meadow,    and    their    horses 



They   have  sold  their    house,  their   meadow,   and  their 


<Ste    fjat   tfyre  ^tfule  aufgege&en. 
iSTze  has  her  school  up-given. 
She  has  given  up  her  school. 

By  the  foregoing  examples,  the  student  will  perceive  that 
the  verb,  in  interrogative  sentences,  precedes  its  subject  or 


nominative  case,  and  that  the  attributive  is  put  in  the  third 
place  ;  that  adjectives  and  posessive  pronouns  precede  in 
German,  as  in  English,  the  substantive  which  they  qualify, 
whilst  other  determining  words  precede  the  adjective  in  like 
manner  :  that,  with  verbs  in  the  infinitive  mood,  the  deter- 
mining particles,  &c.  precede  ;  but,  with  finite  verbs,  they 
follow  them;  and  that  when  there  is  a  past  participle,  it  is 
placed  at  the  end  of  the  sentence. 

It  is  a  general  rule  of  German  construction,  that  all  the 
cases  governed  by  the  verb  are  put  after  it,  in  the  simple 
tenses,  and  between  the  auxiliary  and  the  participle  in  the 
compound  tenses. 

When  a  dative  and  an  accusative  case  follow  the  verb, 
the  dative  usually  precedes  the  accusative,  although  good 
writers  and  speakers  are,  in  general,  guided  by  the  degree 
of  energy  they  wish  to  give  to  a  word,  placing  it  at  the  end 
of  the  sentence  that  it  may  be  the  better  observed. 

When  one  of  the  two  cases  is  a  personal  pronoun,  it  is 
usually  placed  immediately  after  the  verb  ;  and  when  both 
the  cases  are  personal  pronouns,  the  accusative  generally 
precedes  the  dative  case,  except  for  the  sake  of  emphasis  or 
greater  energy,  as  before  observed. 

The  principal  case  of  the  verb  is  followed  by  the  prepo- 
sition and  the  substantives  it  governs. 

The  circumstances  of  time  and  place  precede  the  principal 
case  of  the  verb,  except  when  the  case  of  the  verb  is  a 
personal  pronoun ;  and  then  the  latter  is  placed  immediately 
after  it. 

The  German  i,  as  we  have  seen,  is  pronounced  like  double 
€  in  English,  and  V)  has  the  same  sound. 

The  vowel  o,  when  long,  answers  to  the  English,  French 
Italian,  Spanish,  and  Dutch  o,  in  the  words  robe,  zone,  porno, 
hombre,  and  open  ;  but,  when  short,  it  is  like  o,  in  the  words 
hot,  pomme,  oggi,  odor,  &c. 

The  German  u,  when  long,  has  the  sound  of  the  English 
oo,  in  Waterloo,  as  before  observed  ;  of  the   French  ou,  in 


poule,  route,  &c. ;    of  the  Italian   u*  in  pure,  oscuro,  &c.  ; 
and  of  the  Spanish  w,  in  robusto,  &c. 

The  student  may  now  learn  the  present  and  imperfect 
tenses  of  the  indicative  mood  of  the  verbs  rootlen,  to  will^ 
or  be  willing  ;  and  fd)lte{krt/  to  shut,  conclude,  &c. ;  and  then 
he  may  enter  upon  the  study  of  short  reading  pieces  in  literal 
interlinear  translations. 

Indicative  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 
3d)  will,  I  will ;  bu  roillft/  thou  wilt ;  er  rotll,  he  will ;  wit 
Bolton*  we  will ;  it;r  rootlet,  you  will ;  fie  rootlem  they  will. 
3d)  rotll  nidjt,  I  will  not ;  bu  roillji  nidrt,  thou  wilt  not ;  et  roill 
nid)t,  he  will  not ;  rotr  molten  nici>t/  we  will  not ;  tfyr  rootlet  mtf)t, 
you  will  not ;  fie  rootten  md)t,  they  will  not.  SSill  id)  ?  Will  I  ? 
fGSttt  id)  md)t  ?  Will  I  not  ?  and  so  on  for  the  other  persons, 
which  the  student  will  write  out  at  full  length  and  commit 
to  memory. 

Imperfect   Tense. 

3d)  rootlte,  I  would,  was  willing,  &c.  ;  bu  roolltefr,  thou 
wouldst ;  er  rootlte,  he  would  ;  rotr  roollten,  we  would  ;  tfyr  roolltet, 
you  would  ;  fie  roollteri/  they  would.  3$  rootlte  nid)t, 1  would 
not  ;  rootlte  id)  ?  Would  I  ?  ©ottte  id)  md)t  ?  Would  I  not  ?  and 
so  on  for  the  other  persons,  each  of  which  should  be  written 
out  at  full  length  and  committed  to  memory,  as  before  ob- 
served, for  an  oral  exercise. 

Indicative  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 
3<3)  fdjltege,*  I  shut,  conclude,  &c. ;  bu  fd)ltef?e]t/  thou,  &c. ; 
er  fdjltejjr  $  rotr  fd)ltefen#  ifjr  fdhiteger,  fie  fdjltejkn.  3*  (d)liepe  ntd)t. 

*  @d)  is  pronounced  like  sh  in  English  words. 


&&)lk$z  id)  ?  Do  I,  &c.  ©djliejj eft  tu  ?  @d)ltef t  cr  ?  <£d)tie£en 
mix}  ©cfyltefjet  U)r?  (Sd)tie£en  fte  ? — ©djltege  id)  ntdjt  ?  Do  I  not, 
&c.  (gdjltejs eft  bn  ntd.t  ?  ©d)lteft  er  ntdjt  ?  ^d)liefen  nrir  ntd&t  ? 
©cMtefiet  it)r  nid)t  ?  ^d)ltej$en  fte  ntdbt  ? 

Imperfect   Tense. 

3d)  f&tog;  I  concluded ;  bu  fdjlofieft/  er  fd)lojj/  nrir  fdjtoffen, 
ifyr  fd)loffct/  fte  fd)toffcn.  3d)  fcfrlofj  md)t,  I  did  not  conclude. 
©cfclojnd)?  Didlconclude?  (Scbtog  id)  nid)t?  Did  I  not  conclude? 
The  student  should  write  and  read  this  tense  in  all  its  forms 
at  full  length,  as  directed  before. 


(gin    (gcfculmetfter     in  spartS    trotlte    beweifen,     ba$     er     tie 
A    schoolmaster   in  Paris  would      prove     that    he    the 

fd)5nfte       §)erfcn    auf    tern  (Srbboben  fei.        (gr        fdjlofj 
handsomest  person  upon  the      earth     be.        He  {concluded 

alfo :     (Suropa  ift  ber  fd)6nfte  Styeil   ber      SBelt,     granfreid)  ift 
/^ws  :  Europe  is  the  finest    part  of  the  world,     France     is 

ba§  fd)6nfre    2anb     in  (guropar  ?>arfe   ift  tie    fd}6nfte  Btabt  in 
^e  finest   country  in  Europe,  Paris  is  the  finest       city    in 

granfreidv  tie  Unioerfitat   ift  ba£  fcbonfte  £luartiet  in  spartS/  mein 
France,     the  university  is  the  finest    quarter  in  Paris,  my 

Simmer   ift  baS        fcfconfie       in    ber   Unicerjttat/   id)    bin    ba$ 
room     is    the    handsomest   in   the    university,  I     am    the 

(&d]6nfte    in  meinem  Simmer,      ergo,     bin  id)  ber      fcfconfte 
handsomest  in     my      room,     therefore  am  I  the  handsomest 

SDtenfd)  in  ber  SEelt. 
man    in  the  world. 


£er  £%l,  an    beffen  guj?    id)    mid)     befanb/  trar    ber  ^u^ei 
T7*e    hill     at  whose  foot    I    myself  found,  was   the  hill 


ber  J£aftell§         won  Sparta/      roeil     ber  ^djauplag    fid) 

of  the  castle  {citadel)  of  Sparta,  because  the    theatre    itself 

an  ba$  Rafted         anlefjnte  $         ta§  Ueberbteibfel/ raelcfceS  id)  faty' 
at  the  citadel  leaned  against ;    the       ruin         which  I  saw> 

irar  ber  Sempel     ber      SDltneroa    6tyol£i5fo§*       raeil     btefer   in 
was  the  temple  of  the  Minerva  Chalcicecos,  because  this  in 

bem  vKajtett  war  ;  tie  Srummer  unb   tie   langc  Matter/    bte     ten 
the  citadel  was;  the     ruins    and  the    long     wall    which   I 

wetter     unten  gemafyr  wurbe/  gefyorten    gu   bem   (Stamme    ber 
further  down     perceived,     belonged  to    the      tribe    of  the 

Jtpnofuren,       treil     btefer  (gtamm  tm*    nSrbMen  Sfyetie    ber 
Cynosures,   because  this     tribe   in  the  northern  part  of  the 

©fabt  war.     3^3  fyatre      at[o       Sparta     ror    mtr. 
city  was.     I    had  therefore  Sparta  before  me* 

Free  Translation. 

The  hill,  at  the  foot  of  which  I  found  myself,  was  the 
hill  of  the  citadel  of  Sparta,  since  the  theatre  was  built 
against  the  citadel.  The  ruin  which  I  saw  wTas  the  temple 
of  Minerva  Chalciaecos,  because  this  was  in  the  citadel: 
the  ruins,  and  the  long  wall  which  I  perceived  lower  down, 
formed  a  part  of  the  tribe  of  the  Cynosures,  since  this  tribe 
inhabited  the  northern  part  of  the  city.  Sparta,  therefore, 
was  before  me. 

The  student  may  now  learn  the  simple  tenses  of  the  verb 
werben/  to  become,  to  be,  &c,  preparatory  to  his  proceeding 
to  the  formation  of  the  future  and  conditional  tenses  of  all 
German  verbs  : — 

*  Contraction  makes  one  syllable  of  the  definite  article  and  a  pre- 
position .^as,  am/  ans,  oor$/  hoxm,  aufS/  burets  furs,  tm,  ing#  com/ 
uberm,  fibers,  unterm,  mtberS,  $um,  and  gur— for:  an  bem/  an 
ba§,  ttor  ba$,  oor  bem,  auf  t>a$f  buret)  ba$,  fur  baS/  in  bem/  in  bag/ 
sen  bem/  uber  t>emf  uber  ba$f  unter  bem/  wtber  ba$,  gu  bem/  and  gu 


Indicative  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 

3d)  roerbe/  I  become  ;  bu  nrirfr,  thou  becomest ;  er  xvixbt  he 
becomes;  nrir  toerben,  we  become;  xt?r  roerbet,  you  become; 
fie  rcerberi/  they  become.  3d)  roerbe  md)t,  I  do  not  become. 
SBerbe  id)  ?  Do  I  become  ? — SBerbe  td)  rridbt  ?  Do  I  not  become  ? 

The  student  should  write  out  each  form  of  this  tense  at 
full  length,  as  he  was  directed  to  do  in  learning  the  pre- 
ceding verbs,  and  then  commit  them  faithfully  to  memory. 

Imperfect  Tense. 
3*  nmrbe,  I  became  ;    bu  ttmrbeft/  er  ttnirbe/  rott  rourben,  it)r 
nmrbet,  fie  ttmrberr.     3d)  rcurbe  nicfyt.     £Sutbe  td)?     SSurbe  i% 
md)t  ?     To  be  dealt  with  by  the  student  as  before  directed. 

Subjunctive  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 

3d)  rcerbe/  bu  roerbeft,  er  roerbe,  ttrir  roerben,  tt)r  roerbet,  fie 
srerben,  I  may,  thou  mayst,  &c,  become. 

Imperfect  Tense. 
3d)  rrmvbe,  bu  wjurbeft/  er  n>ftrbe#  tt>k  rourben/  it)r  trurbet,  fte 
tt?urbert,  I  might,  &c,  become.  All  to  be  written  out,  in 
each  of  the  four  forms,  at  full  length,  and  committed  to 
memory,  in  the  same  manner  as  the  different  forms  and 
tenses  of  the  verbs  given  before  the  student  entered  upon 
the  reading  pieces. 

Now,  returning  to  the  analysis  of  the  alphabet,  et  and  e$ 
are  pronounced  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  south  of  Germany 
et,  or,  as  the  English  would  pronounce  ae\  or  a  and  e  closely 
connected  in  two  syllables  ;  but  in  the  north  they  pronounce 
these  diphthongs  as  the  English  pronounce  i  in  wine,  vine, 
nine,  &c. 


As  a  general  rule  for  the  pronunciation  of  the  diphthongs 
ax,  ax)t  auf  tit  el)  and  eu,  it  may  he  observed  in  general,  that 
they  have  the  sound  of  the  English  i  in  wire,  mire,  attire, 
&c.  ;  of  the  French  ay  in  ayeul ;  the  Italian  ai  in  aio  ;  the 
Spanish  ai  in  Caiego,  the  name  of  a  mountain  ;  the  Dutch 
ai  in  hair  (hair). 

The  diphthong  au  is  pronounced  nearly  like  ow  in  cow, 
and  exactly  as  an  is  sounded  in  the  Italian  words  aura, 
paura,  causa,  &c. 

The  diphthong  oi,  which,  in  German,  occurs  only  in  a 
few  proper  names,  is  pronounced  like  oi  in  the  English  word 
boil.  The  French  have  no  such  sound  in  their  language. 
The  Italians  have  it  in  Zoilo,  and  the  Spaniards  in  hoi  or 
hoy  (to-day). 

There  is  no  equivalent  in  the  English  language  for  the 
German  diphthong  ui  but  oo,  ee,  as  these  double  vowels 
are  heard  when  pronounced  closely  connected  in  two  syl- 
lables. The  French  approach  this  sound,  in  some  degree, 
in  their  affirmative  adverb  oui,  yes.  The  Spaniards  have 
it  in  their  pronoun  cuiyo  ;  and  the  Italians,  in  their  cui. 

The  yott,  or  \,  when  considered  as  a  consonant,  is  pro- 
nounced like  y  in  the  words  yonder,  yore,  year,  you,  &c. 

Particular  Remarks  on  the  Vowels. 

The  double  vowels  aar  ut  00/  forming  one  syllable,  as  well 
as  at)/  el)/  tl>  ol)/  uf)/  and  ie/  merely  show  that  the  syllable  is 

23aai'/  ready  money  ;  SSaarS,  perch  (a  fish);  $Raa$,  pot, 
measure;  2oo6/  lot,  fate;  loofen/  to  draw  lots;  ©d)oofj/lap; 
sBlaaU  monument,  &c,  are  now  written  with  one  vowel, 
thus  :— SBav,  $8at$f  9XaS/  £o3/  tofem  (£a)o£,  QHat. 

The  double  vowel  forms  two  syllables  in  SSaal  and  its 
derivatives,  and  in  words  in  which  the  particle  ge  or  be  is 
followed  by  a  vowel. 

c  3 


it  is  a  monosyllable  in  $nte,  knee,  in  the  singular  number; 
and  a  dissyllable  in  the  plural — $me,  knees.  This  combi- 
nation is  likewise  a  monosyllable  in  words  of  foreign  origin, 
in  which  the  i  receives  the  tonic  accent,  and  forms  one 
syllable  with  t,  as  in  harmonic/  harmony ;  SJMobte,  melody  ; 
-poefte/  poetry,  &c.  But  it  makes  two  syllables  in  %i\t,  air, 
song,  tune  ;  %\ier\,  Asia ;  gamilie,  family,  &c. 

The  combination  ee  (ee)  is  a  monosyllable  in  (See/  lake, 
sea ;  TUttmt,  army ;  and  a  dissyllable  in  the  plural  number 
of  these  words. 

With  regard  to  the  single  e,  the  student  should  bear  in 
mind  that  this  vowel  is  sometimes  close,  or  shut,  and  some- 
times open.  It  is  close  in  the  first  syllable  of  the  words 
geroefeit/  btabi&n,  lieben/  fyebem  &c. ;  and  in  words  of  two 
syllables,  the  first  of  which  alone  has  an  e  in  it :  as,  iemanb/ 
etrvaS,  £>emurt),  &c.  It  is  open  in  the  monosyllables  fern/ 
(Stern,  er/  bet,  rcer,  bem,  tpent/  ben/  roen$  in  the  first  syllable 
of  beten,  geben,  geber,  &c.  St)  is  long,  and  pronounced  nearly 
like  a  in  fate. 

tt  £>/  and  it  are  more  used  than  %e,  £>/  and  Ue  $  and  the 
first  of  these  softened  vowels  is  pronounced  like  the  German 
6/  with  a  long  or  short  quantity,  according  to  the  general 
rule  given  in  a  preceding  note.  The  6  is  long  in  @tor? 
sturgeon  ;  iobtltd),  mortal  ;  StbniQ/  king ;  Zbtvef  lion ;  SKobre, 
pipe,  &c;  and  short  in  ^Sorter/  words;  ©t6rd)e/  storks; 
gottltd)/  godly,  divine  ;  Golfer,  people,  nations,  &c.  U/  or  &, 
is  pronounced  like  ue  in  the  French  words  rue,  vue,  due? 
&c.  It  is  long  in  fiber/  upon  ;  fufyren,  to  lead,  conduct ; 
fu^len/  to  feel ;  glutfltd)/  lucky,  successful ;  entjutfenb/  charmed, 
delighted  ;   gluffe/  rivers  ;  ©prucfe,  sentences,  &c. 

As  a  general  rule,  the  combinations  ae,  oef  ei/  and  uw  are 
pronounced  as  two  syllables  in  words  not  of  German  origin, 
as  : — ^erometrie,  aerometry  ;  $pfyaeton<  phaeton  ;  ^oet/  poet ; 
2£ti)etjl/  Atheist ;  Sefuittgm/  Jesuitism,  &c. 

The  consonants  2?/  £>,  g,  £,  £,  ®l,  %t,  ty,  yfy  m,  &$>/  and 
Zf  have  the  same  powers  as  in  English  wrords.     All  the 


other  letters  of  the  alphabet  having  been  already  noticed, 
the  student  has  now  sufficient  instruction  to  enable  him  to 
pronounce  German  with  tolerable  accuracy, 




jtonnen,  can. 

Present  Tense.. 

3co  fann,  I  can 
X>u  fannfi/  thou  canst 
(5r  fa  nil/  he  can 
©ie  !ann/  she  can 
(5S  !ann/  it  can 
SBtr  fonnen,  we  can 
3fyr  lonnet,  you  can 
©ie  fonnen/  they  can. 

&ann  i<i)  ?  Can  I  ? 
.ftannft  bu  ?  Canst  thou  ? 

£ann  er  ?  Can  he  ? 
ilann  fte  ?    Can  she  ? 
£ann  eg?    Can  it? 
jlonnen  ictrr   Can  we  ? 
bonnet  inr  ?  Can  you  ? 
fonnen  fie  ?    Can  they  ? 

N  egativeiy , 
3d)  fann  ntd)t,  I  cannot 
£u  fannjt  nid)t/  thou  canst  not 
(Sr  fann  mdjt/  he  cannot 
Bit  fann  nid)r,  she  cannot 
(£$  fann  nid)t/  it  cannot 
2Btr  fonnen  nidbt,  we  cannot 
3br  fonnet  ntdit/  you  cannot 
@te  fonnen  ntd)t,  they  cannot. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
•ivann  id)  nid)t  ?    Can  I  not  r 
£annft  ou  nid)t  ?    Canst  thou 

£ann  er  md)t  ?    Can  he  not  ? 
dtann  fte  nid^t  ?    Can  she  not? 
£ann  eg  ntd)t  ?   Can  it  not  ? 
£6nnen  tutr  ntdit  ?  Can  we  not  ? 
bonnet  tyz  merit  ?  Can  you  not  ? 
fonnen   fte   ntc^t  ?    Can  they 


Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  fonnte/  I  could 
2)u  fonntejt/  thou  couldst 

(£r  fonnte^  he  could 
<25ie  fonnte/  she  could 
@g  fonnte^  it  could 
SGSir  fonnten/  we  could 

3fyr  fonntet,  you  could 
@tc  fonnten,  they  could. 

fonnte  ic^  ?    Could  I  ? 
£onntejt  bu  ?    Couldst  thou  ? 

fonnte  er  ?   Could  he  ? 
fonnte  fie  ?    Could  she  ? 

fonnte  eS  ?    Could  it  ? 
Jtonnten  xoit  ?    Could  we  ? 

fonntet  itjc  ?    Could  you  ? 

fonnten  fie  ?  Could  they  ? 

3d)  fonnte  nicl)t,  I  could  not 
2)u  fonntefl  nid)t,  thou  couldst 

(gr  fonnte  nidjt/  he  could  not 
©ie  fonnte  ntdjt,  she  could  not 
(§§  fonnte  ntd^t/  it  could  not 
2Btr  fonnten   nid)t/  we  could 

Sfyr  f onntet  md)t/  you  could  not 
<Ste  fonnten  nicfyt/  they  could 


Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
fonnte  id)  md)t  ?  Could  I  not  ? 
ivonnteft   bu   ntd)t?      Couldst 

thou  not  ? 
fonnte  er  md)t  ?  Could  he  not  ? 
fonnte  fte  ntd)t  ?    Could  she 

fonnte  eg  nic^t  ?  Could  it  not  ? 
fonnten  nrir  ntd)t  ?    Could  we 

fonntet  tyx  ntd)t  ?    Could  you 

fonnten  fte  md)t  ?  Could  they 


fJRogen,  may. 

Present  Tense. 
Affirmatively .  Negatively. 

3d)  mag,  I  may  3*  ma%  nid)t,  I  may  not 

£)u  ma<$/  thou  mayst  2)u  magft  nid)t/  thou  mayst  not 


Qi  mag/  he  may 
©te  mag/  she  may 
6§  mag/  it  may 
SBtr  mogen/  we  may 
3t)r  moget/  you  may 
©ie  mogen/  they  may. 

3Kag  id^  ?  May  I  ? 
sfltagjl  ou  ?  Mayst  thou  ? 

5Kag  ei*  ?    May  he  ? 
Sftag  fte  ?  May  she  ? 

5CRog  eS  ?    May  it  ? 
fDlfigen  ioic  ?  May  we  ? 

SJtoget  ti>r  ?  May  you  ? 

SDRogen  fte  ?    May  they  ? 

(St  mag  ntcfct/  he  may  not 
©te  mag  ntd)t,  she  may  not 
(§§  mag  ntd)t,  it  may  not 
2Bir  mogen  ntdjt/  we  may  not 
Sfyr  moger  nid)t#  you  may  not 
©te  mogen     md)t,  they    may 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
3J?ag  t<^  ntcfct  ?  May  I  not  ? 
SJtoaJt  bu  ntdjt  ?   Mayst   thou 

!Blag  er  ntdbt  ?  May  he  not  ? 
COcag    fte    nid)t  ?      May    she 

*Dtag  eS  nicfyt  ?    May  it  not  ? 
SOIogen  urir    md)t  ?    May    we 

SOloget   ti>r   nid)t  ?     May  you 

Sftfigen   fte  md)t?    May   they 


Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  m6d)tc/  I  might 
£)u  mocfyteft/  thou  mightst 

<£r  mod)te/  he  might 
©ie  mod)te,  she  might 
<5s  mod)tc/  it  might 
2Bir  mocfytem  we  might 

3t)r  mod)tet/  you  might 
©ie  m5d}ten,  they  might. 

3c!)  modjte  md)t/  I  might  not 
£)u  modjtejl  nid)t/  thou  might- 

est  not 
dt  mod)te  md)t/  he  might  not 
@ie  mod)te  ntd)t,  she  might  not 
(££  mod)te  ntd)t/  it  might  not 
2Btr  mod)ten  ntcbt/   we  might 

3fyc  mod)tetntd)t/you  might  not 
©te  molten  ni<ft/  they  might 



SDfl6d>tc  id)  ?  Might  I  ? 
SK6d)tcjl  bu  ?  Mightst  thou  ? 

€)JZ6cbte  er?  Might  he  ? 

2!Xod)te  fte  ?  Might  she  ? 

93?6d)te  e$  ?  Might  it  ? 
SER6d)ten  ttrir  ?  Might  we  ? 

3Bl6d)tei  tt)c  ?  might  you  ? 

3X6d):en  fte  ?    Might  they  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
?D?6rf)te  id)  nid)t  ?  Might  I  not  ? 
9DWd)tefl   bu   nid)t?     Mightst 

thou  not  ? 
9X6d)te   er.  ni*t  ?     Might  he 

9R6d)te  fie   md)t  ?    Might  she 

not  ? 
?0?6d)te  e$  nid^t  ?  Might  it  not  ? 
S$6d)ten  nrir  nid)t  ?    Might  we 

SK5d)tet  i$r  md)t  ?   Might  you 

9Jl5d)ten  fte  nid)t  ?  Might  they 

not  ? 

©oil en/  shall. 

Present  Tense. 

3d)  foil,  I  shall 
£)u  fottft,  thou  shalt 
@r  foil/  he  shall 
©te  foil/  she  shall 
SS  foil/  it  shall 
2£tr  follen/  we  shall 
3*)t  follet,  you  shall 
©te  follen/  they  shall. 

©oil  id)  ?    Shall  I  ? 
©ollji  bu  ?  Shalt  thou  ? 

©oil  er  ?  Shall  he  ? 

3d)  foil  nid)t,  I  shall  not 
§)u  follft  ntcfct,  thou  shalt  not 
(Sr  foil  md)t/  he  shall  not 
©te  foil  nid)t,  she  shall  not 
@S  foil  ntd)t/  it  shall  not 
sJStr  follen  ntdjt/  we  shall  not 
3f)r  follet  nid)t,  you  shall  not 
©te  follen  md)t,  they  shall  not. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
©oil  id)  nid)t  ?    Shall  I  not  ? 
©ottjt  bu  nid)t?     Shalt  thou 

©oil  ev  ntd)t  ?    Shall  he  not  ? 


©oil  fie  ?    Shall  she  ? 
(Soil  eg  ?    Shall  it  ? 
©ollen  roir  ?  Shall  we  ? 

©ollettr,r?    Shall  you? 
Pollen  fte  ?    Shall  they  ? 

(Soil  fie  nidjt  ?  Shall  she  not  ? 
©oil  eg  mrf)t  ?  Shall  it  not  ? 
©ollen  »tr  md)t  ?    Shall    we 

©oiletiljr  nidjt?  Shall  you  not? 
©ollen  fte  nidjt  ?  Shall  they  not? 

Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  follte,  I  should 
£)u  follte ft,  thou  shouldst 

(gr  follte,  he  should 
©te  follte/  she  should 
(53  follte/  it  should 
SBtr  folltcn/  we  should 
31)*  folltet/  you  should 
©ie  follten,  they  should. 

©ollte  id)?  Should  I? 
©ollteft  bu  ?   Shouldst  thou  ? 

©ollte  er  ?  Should  he  ? 

©ollte  fie  ?  Should  she  ? 

©ollte  e§  ?  Should  it  ? 
©ollten  xoxt  ?  Should  we  ? 

©olltet  fyr  ?  Should  you  ? 

©ollten  fie  ?  Should  they  ? 

3d)  follte  md)t/  I  should  not 
£)u  follteft  ntctit/  thou  shouldst 

<5r  follte  nidjt,  he  should  not 
©ie  follte  nidjt,  she  should  not 
<S§  follte  nidjt,  it  should  not 
2£tr  follten  nid)t/  we  should  not 
3$r  folltet  nid)t/  you  should  not 
©ie  follten  ntdijt,  they   should 


Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
©ollte  id)  nid)t  ?   Should  I  not  ? 
©ollteft  bu   nid)t?      Shouldst 

thou  not  ? 
©ollte  er    nidjt  ?     Should   he 

©ollte  fte  nidjt  ?    Should  she 

©ollte  eg  nidjt  ?  Should  it  not  ? 
©ollten  xoxi  ntd&t  ?    Should  we 

©olltet  itjr  nidjt  ?   Should  you 

©ollten  fie  md)t  ?  Should  they 



SSBollen,  will. 





3d)  »ill*  I  will 

3d)  Will  nici)t,  I  will  not 

2)u  ttullft/  thou  wilt 

2)u  willft  nid)t/  thou  wilt  not 

(gr  will/  he  will 

Qx  will  ntd)t/  he  will  not 

@ie  will/  she  will 

©ie  Will  nid)t/  she  will  not 

@S  will/  it  will 

6$  will  mdfct/  it  will  not 

2Bir  wollen/  we  will 

3Btr  wollen  ntd)t,  we  will  not 

3§t  rootlet/  you  will 

3$c  wollet  nid)t,  you  will  not 

©te  wollen/  they  will. 

©te  wollen  nid)t,  they  will  not. 


Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 

SBill  id)  ?  Will  I  ? 

SBill  id)  nid}t  ?  Will  I  not  ? 

SBtllft  bu  ?  Wilt  thou  ? 

SBillfi  bu  nid)t  ?  Wilt  thou  not  ? 

SBill  er  ?  Will  he  ?  ntdtf  ?  Will  he  not  ? 

SBill  fie  ?   Will  she  ? 

SBill  fte  md)t  ?  Will  she  not  ? 

SBill  e$  ?  Will  it  ? 

SBill  eg  md)t  ?  Will  it  not  ? 

Pollen  ttrir  ?  Will  we  ? 

SBollen   wir    ntcbt?     Will   we 


SBollet  ir.r  ?  Will  you  ? 

SBollet  tyr    nid)t  ?     Will   you 


Pollen  fte  ?  Will  they  ? 

Pollen  fte    md)t  ?     Will  they 


Imperfect  Tense. 



3d)  wollte/  I  would 

3d)  wollte  nid)t,  I  would  not 

jDu  trollteji/  thou  wouldst 

£)u  wolltefi  nicbt/  thou  wouldst 

(Sr  wollte/  he  would 
<Ste  wollte/  she  would 
(gg  wollte/  it  would 
SBir  wollten;  we  would 
3t)r  wolltet/  you  would 
©ie  wollteti;  they  would. 

@r  wollte  ntd)t/  he  would  not 
©ie  wollte  ntcftt/  she  would  not 
@§  wollte  nidht/  it  would  not 
SBir  wotlten  ntd)t,  we  would  not 
3l)t  wolltet  nicH/  you  would  not 
<Sie  wollten  md)t,  they  would 



SBollte  id)  ?  Would  I  ? 
fffiolltcjl  bu  ?  Wouldst  thou  ? 

SBBolite  er  ?  Would  he  ? 

SSSoUte  jtc  ?  Would  she  ? 

SBotlte  eg  ?  Would  it  ? 

SSBollten  ttrir  ?  Would  we  ? 

SEolltet  tyr  ?   Would  you  ? 

fOSolltcn  fte  ?  Would  they  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SEBoUtc  id)  nidjt  ?  WTould  I  not  ? 
SQSoUteji    bu    nid)t  ?    Wouldst 

thou  not  ? 
SBSotlte   er  nid)t?     WTould  he 

SBSollte  fie  md)t  ?    Would   she 

not  ? 
SffioUte   eS  ntcfct  ?     Would    it 

not  ? 
SSoliten  ttrir  nidjt  ?   WTould  we 

SBolltet  tfcr  nidjt  ?    Would  you 

SBSollten  fte  nidjt  ?  Would  they 


2Berben,  to  become,  shall  or  will,  &c. 

Present  Tense. 

3d)  trerbe  md)t/  I  shall,  or  will 
£u  ttrir  ji/  thou  shalt,  or  wilt        £)u  ttrir  jt  nidjt/  thou  shalt,  or 

wilt  not 
(£r  toirb  md)t/  he  shall,  or  will 

©te  ttrirb  ntdht,  she   shall,  or 

will  not 
(§§  ttrirb  nid)t/  it  shall,  or  will 
SGStr  roerben/  we  shall,  or  will       SBMr  ir-erben  ntcfyt/  we  shall,  or 

will  not 
3fyr  rcerbet/  you  shall,  or  will      3fyr  rcerbet  nid)t/  you  shall,  or 

will  not 


3d)  werbc/  I  shall,  or  will 

(gr  toirb/  he  shall,  or  will 
©ie  ttrirb/  she  shall/  or  will 
@£  nrirb/  it  shall,  or  will 


?ie    tuciben/     they    shall,    or      ©ie  meuben   nid)t,  they   shall, 
will.  or  will  not. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
2£erbc  id)  md)t  ?     Shall,  or  will  I  not  ? 

Shalt,  or  wilt  thou  net  ? 
Shall,  or  will  he  not  ? 
Shall,  or  will  she  not  ? 
Shall,  or  will  it  not  ? 
SBSerben  rotr  ntdjjt  ?     Shall,  or  will  we  not  ? 
SBerbet  ifyr  ntd)t  ?     Shall,  or  will  you  not  ? 
SBSerben  fte  md)t  ?     Shall,  or  will  they  not? 

SSirfr  bu  nid)t  ? 
SSirb  er  md)t  ? 
SBirb  fte  ntd)t  ? 
SBtrb  e3  nidbt  ? 

Subjunctive   Mood. 

Imperfect  Tense. 
Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

3a>  wui'be/  I  should,  or  would      3d)  wurbe  nid)t;  I   should,  or 

would  not 
£u  rourbeft/  thou  shouldst,  or      ^ureurbeftnidit, thou  shouldst, 

wouldst  or  wouldst  not 

(Si*  murbe/  he  should,  or  would      (5r  rcurbe  nidbt;  he  should,  or 

would  not 
^Sie   rc&rbe/    she  should,     or      <Ste  rourbe  nid)t;  she   should, 

would  or  would  not 

(£€  rourbe;  it  should,  or  would      (gg  nmtbe  md)t;  it   should,  or 

would  not 
2Btr  ruueben/    we  should,    or      SQStr  nmrben  nidbt/  we  should, 

would  or  would  not 

3i)t  nourbet/   you  should,    or      S^  wurbct  nid)t;  you  should, 

would  or  would  not 

sste  nnuben,  they  should,  or      <Sie  rourben  nid)t;  they  should, 
would.  or  would  not. 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively.  ?  Should,  or  would      SBurbe  id)  nidbt?    Should,  or 
I  ?  would  I  not  ? 


"SSurbejr    bu?     Shouldst,     or 

wouldst  thou  ? 
SGSurbe  er  ?   Should,  or  would 

££urbe  fie  ?   Should,  or  would 

SBfirbe  eS  ?    Should,  or  would 

Sffiurben    trie?      Should,     or 

would  we  ? 
gBurbet  it)r  ?  Should,  or  would 

you  ? 
SBurben     fie  ?        Should,     or 

would  they  ? 

Sffifirbeft  bu  nidjt  ?    Should,  or 

wouldst  thou  not  ? 
SOSurbe  er  nidst  ?    Should,   or 

would  he  not  ? 
2£utbe  jte  nicht  ?    Should,  or 

would  she  not  ? 
SBSurbe    eg  ntdbt  ?    Should,   or 

would  it  not  ? 
SBurben  rotr  md)t  ?    Should,  or 

would  we  not  ? 
SGSurbet  ijr  niefct  ?     Should,  or 

would  you  not  ? 
SSurben  fie  nid)t  ?    Should,  or 

would  they  not  ? 

The  Auxiliary  and  Active  Verb  QabPXl,  to  have. 

Indicative  Mood. 
Present    Tense. 

3d)  fyaUt  I  have 
£u  fyaft/  thou  hast 
<5r  fyat,  he  has 
©ie  fyat,  she  has 
2Bir  fyabeii/  we  have 
3fyr  ^abztt  you  have 
@ie  £)aben,  they  have. 

%abt  id)  ?    Have  I  ? 
£afx  b\x}    Hast  thou  ? 
$at  er  ?   Has  he? 
£at  ftc  ?    Has  she  ? 
*&aben  rotr  ?   Have  we  ? 

3d)  fabe  nid)t,  I  have  not 
£)u  fyaft  rrid)ti  thou  hast  not 
(§r  fyat  nid)t/  he  has  not 
(Ste  fyat  md)t/  she  has  not 
2Bir  fyaben  nid)t/  we  have  not 
StyE  fya&et  nid)t/  you  have  not 
©te  fyaben  nid)t/  they  have  note 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
£abe  id)  nid)t  ?   Have  I  not  ? 
4?a#  bu  nid)t  ?  Hast  thou  not  ? 
Jgat  er  nid)t  ?  Has  he  not  ? 
Jg>at  fie  ntd)t?    Has  she  not  ? 
^aben  uur    nidn?    Have    we 


£abet  tyt  ?    Have  you  ? 

£abcn  fte  ?    Have  thev  ? 

£abet  tfyv.  nid)t  ?     Have  you 

£aben  fte  ntrf)t  ?    Have  they 


34  $atte,  I  had 
2)u  "^atteft/  thou  hadst 

(§t  tjatte/  he  had 
©te  ^attc/  she  had 
SBit  fatten/  we  had 
3§r  l)attet,  you  had 
@te  fatten/  they  had. 

Imperfect    Tense. 

3d)  tjatte  nid)t/  I  had  not 
2)u  tjatteft   md)t/   thou   hadst 

(5r  tjatte  ntdjt/  he  had  not 
<Ste  fyatte  nidjt/  she  had  not 
&Bir  fatten  md)t/  we  had  not 
3^  fyattet  ntd)t/  you  had  not 
©ie  fatten  md)t,  they  had  not. 

£atte  td)  ?   Had  I  ? 
£aite#  bu  ?   Hadst  thou  ? 

4?atte  er  ?    Had  he  ? 
£atte  fte  ?    Had  she  ? 
fatten  tt>tt  ?    Had  we  ? 

$attet  tyr  ?    Had  you  ? 
fatten  fte  ?    Had  they  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
£atte  id)  nidjt  ?  Had  I  not  ? 
£atteft  bu  md;t  ?     Hadst  thou 

#atte  er  ntcfyt  ?     Had  he  not  ? 
£atte  fte  nid)t  ?    Had  she  not  ? 
fatten    rotr   mci)t  ?     Had   we 

4?attet  ifc  nid)t  ?  Had  you  not  r 
fatten   fte  nidjt?     Had  they 


Future  Tense. 

34  trerte  fyaberi/  I  shall,   or 

will  have 
2)u  urirft  fyaben,  thou  shalt,  or 

wilt  have 
G£c  mtrb   fyabm,  he  shall,   or 

will  have 

3d)  roerbe  nid)t  fyctben/  I  shall, 

or  will  not  have 
Sunrirft  md)t  fyaben,  thou  shall, 

or  wilt  not  have 
(Sr.  roirb  titd)t  fyaben,  he  shalL 

or  will  not  have 


$Bir  werben   fyaben,  we  shall, 

or  will  have 
3fyc  werbet   fyaben,  you  shall, 

or  will  have 
©ie  werben   r/dbem  they  shall, 

or  will  have. 

28erbe   id)   fyaben?     Shall,  or 

will  I  have  ? 
SBBtrft  bu  t)aben?  Shalt,  or  wilt 

thou  have  ? 
£Birb  er  fyctbert  ?    Shall,  or  will 

he  have  ? 
£3erben  xoxx.  fyaben  ?    Shall,  or 

will  we  have  ? 
*2Berbet  i£)r  i;aben  ?     Shall,  or 

will  you  have  ? 
SBerben  fee  fyaben?   Shall,    or 

will  they  have  ? 

SBStt  tt?erbennic()t  t)aben#  we  shall, 

or  will  not  have 
3t)r   rcerbet    ntcfet   tyabeti/   you 

shall,  or  will  not  have. 
Bie   roerben  md)t  fyaben/   they 

shall,  or  will  not  have. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SJerbe  id)  nutt  fyaben  ?    Shall, 

or  will  I  not  have  ? 
SBStrft  bu  md)t  ^aben  ?     Shalt, 

or  wilt  thou  not  have  ? 
2Birb  er  nidjt  r>aben?    Shall, 

or  will  he  not  have? 
SSerben  ttrit  tud)t  fyaben  ?  Shall, 

or  will  we  not  have  ? 
SBerbet  ityt  nidbt  fyaben?   Shall, 

or  will  you  not  have  ? 
Herbert  fie  ntcbt  tyabm  ?    Shall, 

or  will  they  not  have  ? 

Conditional   Mood. 

3d)  murbe  ijaben/  I  would,  or 

should  have 
or  shouldst  have 

<5r  rourbe  t)aben,  he  would,  or 

should  have 
2Btr  tpurben  fyaUxii  we  would, 

or  should  have 
3fyc  rcurbet  rjaben/  you  would, 

or  should  have 
Sie  rourben  fyabzxx,  they  would? 

or  should  have. 


3d)  tourbe  nidit  t)aben/  I  would, 

or  should  not  have 
£>u  ttmrbeft  ntd)t  fyaben/  thou 

wouldst,    or  shouldst  not 

Sr  xvixxbe  ntdjt  fyaben,  he  would, 

or  should  not  have 
SBStr    murben    nid)t   tyabeii/  we 

would,  or  should  not  have 
3§r   rourbet   nid)t   bjaben,   you 

would,  or  should  not  have 
<Ste  ttmrben   ntd)t  tjaben/  they 

would/  or  should  not  have. 

D     3 


SBurbe  id)  fyaben  ?    Would,  or 

should  I  have  ? 
SBSrbejibu  f)aben?  Wouldst,  or 

shouldst  thou  have  ? 

SBurbe  er  fyaben  ?    Would,  or 

should  he  have  ? 
SBurben  rotr  fyaben  ?    Would, 

or  should  we  have  ? 
SBurbet  ifyr  Ijaben?  Would,  or 

should  you  have? 
SBurben  fte  fyaben  ?   Would,  or 

should  they  have  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SBurbe  id)  nid)t  fyaben  ?  Would, 

or  should  I  not  have  ? 
Sffiurbejr      bu      md)t      fyabert  ? 

Wouldst,  or  shouldst  thou 

not  have  ? 
SBurbe  er  ntd)t  t)aben  ?  Would, 

or  should  he  not  have  ? 
2Burbenttnrntd}t  fyabert ?  Would, 

or  should  we  not  have  ? 
SBurbet  tfyr  ntd)tt)aben  ?  Would, 

or  should  you  not  have  ? 
SBurben  fie  ntd)t  fyaben  ?  Would, 

or  should  they  not  have  ? 

Imperative    Mood. 

$qU  (bu)/  have  (thou) 
$abz  er/  let  him  have 

$aUn  roto  let  us  have 

£abt  (tt)r)/  do  you  have 
£aben  [u,  let  them  have. 

%ake  (bu)  nid)t,  do  not  have 
£abe  er  mcfyr,  do  not  let  him 

$aben  ttrir  nid)t/  do  not  let  us 

%aht  tfyr  nicrjt,  do  not  have 
Jgabcn  fte  md)t,  do  not  let  them 


Subjunctive  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 
Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

£)a£  id)  r;abe/  that  I  have  Dafj  id)  ntd)t  r;abe/  that  I  have 

£af  bu  'gabeft?  that  thou  have      £)afj  bu  nid)t  fyabejl,  that  thou 

have  not 
>Dag  er  %aU,  that  he  have  Oaf  er  nid)t  fyabe/  that  he  have 



Dag  ttric  fyaben,  that  we  have        Dag   nrir  nidjt  Ijaben,  that  we 

have  not 
Dag  tyr  ^abet/  that  you  have        Dag  "ifjr  ntc^t  t)abet/  that  you 

have  not 
Dag  fte  Ijaben/  that  they  have.      Dag  fie  nicJjt  tjaben/  that  they 

have  not. 

Imperfect  Tense. 

Affirmatively .  Negatively. 

SBenn  id)  i)dtte,  if  I  had  ££enn  id)  nidjt  fjdtte,  if  I  had 

2£enn  tu  t)dtte{l/  if  thou  hadst      2£enn  bu  nidjt  tjdtteft,  if  thou 

hadst  not 
SKenn  er  t)dtte/  if  he  had  SSknn  er  nidjt  fjatte/  if  he  had 

££enn  roir  fatten,  if  we  had  Sffienn  nnr  nidjt  fatten/  if  we 

had  not 
£8enn  tfjr  fedttet,  if  you  had  2Benn  tl)t  nidjt  tjdttet,  if  you 

had  not 
28enn  jte  fatten/  if  they  had.         SEcnn  fte  nidjt  fatten/  if  they 

had  not. 

Compounded  Form. 

Present  Tense. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

3d)  $abz  getjabt,  I  have  had  3d)  fyabe  nidjt  gefjabt,  I  have 

not  had 
Du  fjafr  gcbabt/  thou  hast  had      Du  fyaft  nidjt  getjabt/  thou  hast 

not  had 
<Sr  fyat  geljabt/  he  has  had  dt  tyat  nidjt  gefjabt/  he  has  not 

SSir  fyaben  gefjabt,  we  have  had      2Bir  fyaben  nidjt  gefjabt,  we  have 

not  had 
3fyr  ijabet  Q&abtf  you  have  had      3^c  fyabet  nidjt  getjabt/  you  have 

not  had 
©te  fyaben  getjabt/   they  have      Sie  tjaben   nidjt   getjabt/    they 
had.  have  not  had. 


Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 

•£abe  ify  gefyabt  ?  Have  I  had  ?  Jgabe  id)  md)t  getjabt  ?    Have  I 

not  had  ? 

£aft  \m  getyabt?     Hast  thou  *g>aft   bu  ntdjt    gebabt?     Hast 

had  ?  thou  not  had  ? 

gat  er  getjabt  ?  Has  he  had  ?  Jfrat  er  nidjt  gefyabt  ?     Has  he 

not  had  ? 

#aben  rmr  ge^abt  ?     Have  we  «£>aben  rrrir  mcftt  geljabt  ?    Have 

had  we  not  had  ? 

Sbabzt  tt>u  gefyabt?     Have  you  $abet  t§r  nid)t  ge^abt  ?    Have 

had  ?  you  not  had  ? 

Soabzn  fte  gefyabt  ?    Have  they  £ctben  fte  ntcbt  geqctbt  ?    Have 
had  ?  they  not  had  ? 

Imperfect  Tense. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

3d)  fyatte  gefyabr/  I  had  had  3$  fyatte  nid)t  ger>abt,  I  had 

not  had 
Du  tyatteft  ge^abt/  thou  hadst      2>u   fyatteft    n£d)t  gefyabt,  thou 

had  hadst  not  had 

(5r  battc  ge^abf/  he  had  had  (gr  tjatte  nicfyt  gefyabt,  he  had 

not  had 
2£tr  fatten  gebjabt,  we  had  had      Sffitr  fatten  ntd)t  gefyabt/  we  had 

not  had 
3fjr  ^attet  gefyabt,  you  had  had      3$t  tjattet  ntd)t  getjabt,  you  had 

not  had 
©tc  fatten    gefyabt,   they   had      <2te    fatten    md)t  getyabt/  they 
had.  had  not  had. 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 

Sbaitt  id)  geljabt  ?    Had  I  had?      £atte  td)  md)t  gefyabt  ?     Had  I 

not  had  ? 
£atteft    bu     gefjabt?      Hadst      £attejl  bu  ntd)t  getjabt  ?  Hadst 

thou  had  ?  thou  not  had  ? 

£atte  er  get;abt  ?  Had  he  had  ?      $attt  er  ntd)t  get)abt  ?   Had  he 

not  had? 


fatten  ttit  gefyabt  ?    Had  we 

£attet  tyt  gefyabt  ?     Had  you 

fatten  fie  gefyabt  ?    Had  they 


fatten  wit  nid)t  gebabt  ?    Had 

we  not  had  ? 
Jgattet  ityt  inert  Qthabt?    Had 

you  not  had  ? 
fatten  fte  ntd)t  gefyabt?    Had 

thev  not  had  ? 

Future  Tense, 

3d)  roei-be  getjabt  ^aberi/  I  shall, 

or  will  have  had 
£)u    nrirfr  gefyabt    fyaben,  thou 

shalt,  or  wilt  have  had 

@r  tt)trb  getyabt  fyabeti/  he  shall, 

or  will  have  had 
3Btr  roerben  gefyabt  fyaben,   we 

shall,  or  will  have  had 

3^r  roerbet  gefyabt  tjaben/  you 
shall,  or  will  have  had 

&&  merben  gefyabt  fyaben,  they 
shall,  or  will  have  had. 

3cb  r&erbe  ntd)t  getjabt  t;abeti/  I 

shall,  or  will  not  have  had 
£u    urirjt   ntd)t    gebabt    fyaben, 

thou  shalt,  or  wilt  not  have 

(ix  with  nicH  gebabt  fyabeii/  he 

shall,  or  will  not  have  had 
3Btt  irerben  nid)t  gefyabt  fyaben/ 

we  shall,  or  will  not  have 

3fyr  roerbet  md)t  gefyabt  fyaben./ 

you    shall,     or     will    not 

have  had 
@tc  werben  nidt  getjabt  fyaben/ 

they  shall,  or  will  not  have 


SBerbe  id)  ge^abt  fjaben  ?  Shall, 
or  will  I  have  had  ? 

SBirft  bu  gefyabt  fyaben  ?    Shalt, 
or  wilt  thou  have  had  ? 

2Btrb  er.  gefyabt  Ijaben  ?    Shall, 
or  will  he  have  had  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
3Betbe  id)   Hid):  ge:abt  fyaben  ? 

Shall,  or  will  I  not  have 

gBtrji  bit  md)t  gefyabt   fyaben  ? 

Shalt,    or    wilt    thou    not 

have  had  ? 
$3tri>    er    ntdjt   gebabc    fyabenr 

Shall,  or  will  he  not  have 



SScrbcn  ir>tv  gc^abt  t)abcn  ?  Shall, 
or  will  we  have  had' 

SBerbet  u)r  ge^abt  rjaben  ?  Shall, 
or  will  you  have  had  ? 

uSerben  fie  qetyabt  fyaben?  Shall, 
or  will  they  have  had  ? 

SBecben  tpir  ntcfyt  ge^abt  ^aben  ? 

Shall,  or  will  we  not  have 

SKSerbet  ifyr  md)t  ge^abt  fyaben  ? 

Shall,  or  will  you  not  have 

Berben  fte  nid)t  ge^abt  fjaben  ? 

Shall,  or  will  they  not  have 


Conditional  Mood. 

3d)  wurbegebabt  babeii/I  should, 
or  would  have  had 

2)u  vpurbef:  gefyabt  $aben#  thou 
shouldst,  or  wouldst  have 

Qt  umrbe  ge^abv  fyaberw  he 
should,  or  would  have  had 

SKr  untrfcen  gefyabt  t)Qben/  we 
should,  or  would  have  had 

3£)t  murbet  gefyabt  fyaberi/  you 
should,  or  would  have  had 

©te  rourben  ge^abt  fyaben,  they 
should,  or  would  have  had. 


SBfobe  tcbgefyabt  fyaben?  Would, 

or  should  I  have  had  ? 


3d)  n?urbe  md)t  geljabt  fyaberi/  I 

should,  or  would  not  have 

£>u  rourbeji  nicftt  getjabt  t)aben; 

thou  shouldst,  or   wouldst 

not  have  had 
@r  rofirbe  ntcbt  ge^abt  ^aben,  he 

should,  or  would  not  have 

2£tr  rourben  nidjt  gcl;abt  fyaberi/ 

we  should,   or  would  not 

have  had 
Sfyr  nmrbet  nidjt  gefyabt  fyaben, 

you  should,  or  would  not 

have  had 
©ie  rourben  nicfyt  $efyabt  tyabeti/ 

they  should,  or  would  not 

have  had. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SBfiube  id)  nidbt  getjabt  fyaben  ? 

Would,   or   should    I  not 

have  had  ? 


SQSfirbcffc  bit  qefyabt  tyaben  ? 
Wouldst,  or  shouldst  thou 
have  had  ? 

2£urbe  er  get;abt  fyaben  ?  Would, 
or  should  he  have  had  ? 

SBurben    \v\t    gefyctbt    fyaben  ? 

Would,  or  should  we  have 

SBurbet     tyv     gebabt     fyaben? 

Would,     or     should    you 

have  had  ? 
fBSurben      fte     gefectbt     fyabtn  ? 

Would,    or    should    they 

have   had  ? 

22urbejt  bit  nicfet  ge^abt  fyaben ? 

Wouldst,  or  shouldst  thou 

not  have  had  ? 
SSurbe  er   ntcfyt  gefyabt  bjabea  ? 

Would,  or  should  he  not 

have  had  ? 
fSSurben  ttrir  md)t  gefyabt  fjaben  ? 

Would,  or  should  we  not 

have  had  ? 
2£utbet  ibr  nid)t  getjabt  fjaben  ? 

Would,  or  should  you  not 

have  had  ? 
2$urben  fte  nid)t  Qtyabt  fyaben  ? 

Would,  or  should  they  not 

have  had  ? 

Potential    Mood. 

Present  Tense. 
Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

3d)  fann  fyaben/  I  can  have  3$  fann  nid)t  fyaben,  I  cannot 

Du  fannft  tjaberi/  thou  canst     £u  fannft   nid)t    t)aben/   thou 

have  canst  not  have 

G£r  fann  fyabeiv  he  can  have         (§r  fann  nidjt  fyaben/  he  cannot 

§8$ir  fonnen  fyaben/  we  can  have     SGStr   fonnen    nidbt    fyaben/    we 

cannot  have 
3*)t   f6nnet    fyaben,   you    can     3$r  fonnet    ntdjt  tyaben/   you 

have  cannot  have 

@te   fonnen  fyctben/   they   can     (gtc  fonnen  nid)t  fyabeti/  they 
have.  cannot  have. 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 

Mann  i§  tyabzn  ?  Can  I  have  ?     Mann  i§  nidjt  fyaben  ?    Can  I 

not  have  ? 
ftannft  bu  fyaben?    Canst  thou     fannft  bu  ntcbt  f)aben  ?     Canst 
have  ?  thou  not  have  ? 


^ann  er  i)aben?  Can  he  have? 

$6rmen   toil  t)aben  ?    Can  we 

have  ? 
bonnet  ity  i)oben?     Can  you 

have  ? 
£6nnen   fte  t)aben?    Can  they 

have  ? 

£ann  er  nid)t  fyaben  ?     Can  he 

not  have  ? 
£6nnen  ttrir  ntd)t  kabm?    Can 

we  not  have  ? 
bonnet  it)r  md)t  tyaben?    Can 

you  not  have  ? 
£6nnen  fte  ntd)t  fyaben  ?    Can 

they  not  have ? 

The  Auxiliary  and  Neuter  Verb  (gjetn,  to  be. 

Indicative  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 

3d)  bin/  I  am 
£>u  btji/  thou  art 
(St  ift,  he  is 
(Ste  tfl/  she  is 
2Btt  ftnb/  we  are 
3t)c  fetb/  you  are 
©ie  ftnb/  they  are. 

23in  id)  ?     Am  I  ? 
SBijl  bu  ?     Art  thou  ? 
3ft  er  ?     Is  he  ? 
3ft  fte  ?     Is  she  ? 
©tn&  ttnr  ?     Are  we  ? 
©etb  3^  ?     Are  you  ? 
©inb  fte  ?     Are  they  ? 

3d)  bin  nid)t/  I  am  not 
SDu  toft  ntd)t/  thou  art  not 
Gsr  tjt  ntd)t,  he  is  not 
©te  tjt  md)t/  she  is  not 
2Btr  ftnb  ntdjt/  we  are  not 
3*)r  fetb  md)t/  you  are  not 
©te  ftnb  nid)t/  they  are  not. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SBin  id)  ntd)t  ?     Am  I  not  ? 
SBtjl  bu  ntd)t?     Art  thou  not? 
3ft  er  md)t  ?     Is  he  not  ? 
3ft  fte  ntd)t  ?     Is  she  not  ? 
©tnb  tt>ir  mcbt  ?     Are  we  not  ? 
©cib  i^r  ntd)t?    Are  you  not? 
©tnb  fte  md)t?    Are  they  not? 

3d)  roar/  I  was 
£)u  rrxtrjr/  thou  wast 
(£r  rear/  he  was 

Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  mar  ntd)t,  I  was  not 
£)u  trarjr  md)t/  thou  wast  not 
(5r  wax  md)t/he  was  not 


©tc  war/  she  was 
SBir  »areri/  we  were 
St)t  waret,  you  were 
©ie  waren/  they  were, 

$&at  id)  ?     Was  I  ? 
SBarjt  bu  ?     Wast  thou  ? 
fffiar  er  ?     Was  he  ? 
2Bar  fte  ?     Was  she  ? 
52Baren  wtr  ?     Were  we  ? 
28aret  tyr  ?     Were  you  ? 
SBaren  fte  ?     Were  they  ? 

(§?t€  war  md)t/  she  was  not 
9Bir  waren  ntd)t,  we  were  not 
3fyt  rraret  ntdjt/  you  were  not 
(£ie  raaten  nid)t/  they  were  not. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SBar  id)  nid)t  ?  Was  I  not  ? 
SBarjrbumdjt?  Wast  thou  not? 
2Bar  er  md)t  ?  Was  he  not  ? 
SBar  fte  nicf)t  ?  Was  she  not  ? 
2£aren  wtr  ntdE>t  ?  Were  we  not  ? 
S£aretu)tntd)t?  Were  you  not? 
SBaren  fte  nidjt  ?  Were  they 
not  ? 

Compound  Forms. 

Present  Tense. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

34)  bin  gewefen,  I  have  been        3d)  bin  nid)t  gewefen,  I  have 

not  been 
£)u  bifr  gewefeti/  thou  hast  been      £)u  btft  titer;  t  gewefen/  thou  hast 

not  been 
dt  ifr  gewefen,  he  has  been  Grr  if:  ni<§t  gewefen/  he  has  not 

©ie  tjt  gewefen/  she  has  been        ©te  ift  nidjt  geraefen/  she  has 

not  been 
2Btr  ftnb  gewefeti/  we  have  been      2Btr  ftnb  nid)t  gewefeti/  we  have 

not  been 
3fyr  fetb  gewefen/  you  have  been      3^  fetb  nid)t  gewefen/  you  have 

not  been 
©ie   ftnb  gewefen/  they  have      <Sie   ftnb    mcf)t   gewefen/   they 
been.  have  not  been. 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 

23in   id)   gewefen  ?       Have    I     £5in  id)  nicbt  gcwefen  ?     Have 
been  ?  I  not  been  ? 



Sift  bu  geroefen  ?     Hast  thou 

been  ? 
3ft  cr  geroefen  ?    Has  he  been  ? 

3ft  fie  geroefen  ?  Has  she  been  ? 

!2>tnb  roir  geroefen  ?     Have  we 

been  ? 
'Sett  tfjr  geroefen  ?     Have  you 

been  ? 
<Stnb  fte  geroefen?    Have  they 

been  ? 

S3tft  bu  ntdjt  geroefen  ?      Hast 

thou  not  been  ? 
3ft  er  ntdjt  geroefen?     Has  he 

not  been  ? 
3ft  fte  ntdjt  geroefen  ?    Has  she 

not  been  ? 
©tnb  roir  nidjt  geroefen?    Have 

we  not  been? 
<§eib  tfjr  nidjt  geroefen  ? 

you  not  been  ? 
©inb  fte  nidjt  geroefen  ? 

they  not  been  ? 


Compound  Forms. 

Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  waz  geroefen/  I  had  heen 

3d)  war  nid)t  geroefen/  I  had 
not  been 
£)u  roarft  geroefen,  thou  hadst      £>u  roarft  nidjt  geroefen/  thou 

(Sir  roar  geroefen/  he  had  been 

hadst  not  been 
@r  war  ntdjt  geroefen/  he  had 
not  been 
@te  roar  geroefen/  she  had  been      ©te  roar  ntdjt  geroefen/  she  had 

not  been 
2Bir   roaren  geroefen/  we  had     SBSir  roaren  ntdjt  geroefen/  we 

been  had  not  been 

3£jr  roaret  geroefen/  you  had     3^  roaret  ntdjt  geroefen/  you 

been  had  not  been 

©te  roaren  geroefen/  they  had      @te  roaren  ntdjt  geroefen/  they 
been.  had  not  been. 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 

28ar  id)  geroefen  ?  Had  I  been  ?      SGktr  tdj  nidjt  geroefen  ?     Had 

I  not  been  ? 
2Barft  bu  geroefen  ?  Hadst  thou      SBarft  bu  ntdjt  geroefen  ?    Hadst 
been  ?  thou  not  been  ? 


§Bac  er  gercefen  r  Had  he  been  ? 

3Bar  fte  gercefen?      Had  she 

been  ? 
SBaren  wit  gemefen  ?     Had  we 

been  ? 
SBaret  ifyi  geme[en?     Had  you 

Sffiaren  fte  gereefen?    Had  they 

been  ? 


3d)  tttfrbe  fetn/  I  shall,  or  will 

*Du  ttrirft  fetn/  thou  shalt,  or 

wilt  be 
<5r  ttnrb  fcin#  he  shall,  or  will 

*Ste  rotrb  fetn/  she  shall,  or 

will  be 
2£tr  roerben  fetn/  we  shall,  or 

will  be 
Sfyr  roerbet  fetn/  you  shall,  or 

will  be 
©te  merben  fetn/  they  shall,  or 

will  be. 


SGSerbe  id)  fetn  ? 

I  be? 
SBtr  ji  bu  fetn  ? 

thou  be  ? 
SBirb  er  fetn  ? 

he  be? 
SBirb  fte  fetn  ? 

she  be  ? 

Shall,  or  will 

Shalt,  or  wilt 

Shall,  or  will 
Shall,  or  will 

SSktr  er  nid)t  geroefen  r     Had 

he  not  been  ? 
£Bac  fte  nidjt  gercefen?     Had 

she  not  been  ? 
SOSaren  mir  ntdjt  ge&efen  ?    Had 

we  not  been  ? 
SBaret  ttyr  mcf)t  gewefen  ?     Had 

you  not  been  ? 
gSaren  fte  ntd)t  getrefen?    Had 

they  not  been  ? 


3d)  rcerbe  md)t  fetn/  I  shall,  or 

will  not  be 
£>u  tt>trfr  md)t  fetn/  thou  shalt, 

or  wilt  not  be 
(5r  tvizb  ntd)t  fetn/  he  shall,  or 

will  not  be 
@ie  rotrb  ntd)t  fetn/  she  shall,  or 

will  not  be 
£8tr  roerben  nid)t  fetn/  we  shall5 

or  will  not  be 
3t)r  rcerbet  nidjt  fetn/  you  shall, 

or  will  not  be 
©ie  rcerben  md)t  fetn/  they  shall, 

or  will  not  be. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SBerbe  id)  ntd)t  fetn  ?    Shall,  or 

will  I  not  be  ? 
SBBtrft  bu  nicfit  fetn  ?     Shalt,  or 

wilt  thou  not  be  ? 
SfBtrb  er  md)t  fetn  ?     Shall,  or 

will  he  not  be  ? 
SBirb  fte  nidjt  fein  ?     Shall,  or 

will  she  not  be  ? 


SEBerten  mir  fetn  ?     Shall/  or 

will  we  be  ? 
SBerbet  fyt  fein  ?      Shall,   or 

will  you  be  ? 
2£erben  fie  fetn  ?      Shall,   or 

will  they  be  ? 

Compound  Forms  of 
3$  merbe  gemefen  fein#  I  shall, 

or  will  have  been 
£!u   mirjt    gemefen   fetn/   thou 

shalt,  or  wilt  have  been 
dt  mtrb  gemefen  fetn/  he  shall, 

or  will  have  been 
Sir  merben   gemefen  fetn/  we 

shall,  or  will  have  been 

3f)r  merbet  gemefen  fein#  you 
shall,  or  will  have  been 

©ie  merben  gemefen  fein/  they 
shall,  or  will  have  been. 

Serbe  id)  gemefen  fetn  ?    Shall, 
or  will  I  have  been  ? 

fOStrft  bit  gemefen  fetn  ?    Shalt, 
or  wilt  thou  have  been  ? 

fBSivb  er  gemefen  fetn  ?     Shall, 
or  will  he  have  been  ? 

Serbenmtt  gemefen  fetn?  Shall, 
or  will  we  have  been  ? 

Serben  mir  ntcfjt  fein?     Shall, 

or  will  we  not  be  ? 
SBerbet  tf)t  ntd)t  fein  ?     Shall, 

or  will  you  not  be  ? 
Serben  fte  nicfyt  fein  ?     Shall, 

or  will  they  not  be  ? 
the  Future  Tense. 

3cf)  merbe  niefct  gemefen  fetn/ 1 

shall,  or  will  not  have  been 
£u  mtvfi  nici)t  gemefen  fein/  thou 

shalt,  or  wilt  not  have  been 
(5c  mirb  md)t  gemefen  fein,  he 

shall,  or  will  not  have  been 
SBtr  merben  nid)t  gemefen  fetn/ 

we  shall,  or  will  not  have 

Sfyr  merbet  nidjt  gemefen  fein/ 

you  shall,  or  will  not  have 

©te  merben  nidjt  gemefen  fein/ 

they   shall,    or    will    not 

have  been. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
SCerbe   id)  nidjt  gemefen  fetn  ? 

Shall,  or  will  I  not  have 

been  ? 
fSStrft  bu   ntd)t   gemefen   fein  ? 

Shalt,    or   wilt   thou   not 

have  been  ? 
SBtrb   er   nidjt    gemefen    fetn  ? 

Shall,  or  will  he  not  have 

been  ? 
SBSerben  mir  nid)t  gemefen  fein  ? 

Shall,  or  will  we  not  have 

been  ? 


SOSerbet  tfyr  gercefen  fetn  ?    Shall, 
or  will  you  have  been  ? 

SBerben  fie  geroefen  fetn  ?  Shall5 
or  will  they  have  been  ? 

fBerbet  tyr  nid)t  gercefen  fetn  ? 

Shall,  or  will  you  not  have 

SBevben  fte  nicfjt  gettefen  fetn  ? 

Shall,   or    will    they    not 

have  been  ? 

Conditional  Mood. 

3d)  rourbe  fetn/  I  would,  or 

should  be 
£)u  timrbeffc  fetrv  thou  wouldst, 

or  shouldst  be 
&t  rcurbe  fetn/  he  would,  or 

should  be 
SQSir  rtmrben  fetn/  we  would,  or 

should  be 
3fyr  itmrbet  fetn/  you  would,  or 

should  be 
<Ste  routben  fetn/  they  would,  or 

should  be. 

Burbe  id)  fetn  ?     Would,  or 

should  I  be 
Sffiurbeft  bu  fein  ?    Wouldst,  or 

shouldst  thou  be  ? 
2Burbe  er   fetn  ?     Would,  or 

should  he  be  ? 
SOSurben  ttrir  fetn  ?    Would,  or 

should  we  be  ? 
SB&firbet  tyr  fetn  ?     Would,  or 

should  you  be  ? 
aBfirben  fte  fetn  ?     Would,  or 

should  they  be  ? 

3d)  rcurbe  ntd)t  fetn/  I  would, 

or  should  not  be 
£)u   rofabeft   md)t    fetn/    thou 

wouldst,  or  shouldst  not  be 
(Sr  rourbe  ntdjt  fetn/  he  would. 

or  should  not  be 
£Btr    rcurben    ntdbt    fetn/    we 

would,  or  should  not  be 
3$*    wurbet    ntd)t    fein/    you 

would,  or  should  not  be 
<Ste    umrben    ntd)t    fetn,    they 

would,' or  should  not  be. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
jE&urbe  id)  md)t  fetn?     Would, 

or  should  I  not  be  ? 
S3urbeftbuntd)tfetn?  Wouldst, 

or  shouldst  thou  not  be  ? 
2Burbe  er  ntd)t  fetn  ?     Would, 

or  should  he  not  be? 
££urben  wit  md)t  fetn?  Would, 

or  should  we  not  be  ? 
2£urbet  tyr  nid^t  fein?    Would, 

or  should  you  not  be  ? 
Burben  fte  nid;t  fetn?    WTould, 

or  should  they  not  be  ? 
e  3 


Compound  Forms  of 
3d)  rourbe  geroefen  fein,  I  would, 
or  should  have  been 

£>u  roffcbefi  gercefen  fein;  thou 
wouldst,  or  shouldst  have 

(5c  rourbe  gercefen  frity  he 
would,  or  should  have  been 

SSic  trurben   gewefen  fcth#  we 

would,  or  should  have  been 

3f)t  tt>urbet  getrcfen  fein/  you 
would,  or  should  have  been 

Bie  rourben  geruefen  fetn/  they 
would,  or  should  have  been. 


^urbe  id)  gewefen  fein?  Would, 

or  should  I  have  been  ? 

SBurbejt     bu     gewcfen      fetn? 

Wouldst,  or  shouldst  thou 
have  been  ? 
5Burbe  er  geroefen  fein?  Would, 
or  should  we  have  been  ? 

-&urben    trie     geirefen     fein  ? 

Would,  or  should  we  have 

been  ? 
SBSftrbet     tijr     geroefen      fein  ? 

Would,  or  should  you  have 

been  ? 

the  Conditional  Mood. 
Set)  trurbe  tudjt  gewcfen  fein/  I 

would,  or  should  not  have 

£u  rourbeft  ntcl;t  geroefen  fein/ 

thou  wouldst,  or  shouldst 

not  have  been 
{Sr  rourbe  nid)t  geroefen  fein/  he 

would,  or  should  not  have 

SBStt  n?urten  nidjt  gemefen  fein/ 

we  would,  or  should  not 

have  been 
2>t)r  nmrbct  ntdjt  geroefen  fein/ 

you  would,  or  should  not 

have  been 
g>te  trurben  nidfjt  gewefen  fetn/ 

they  would,,  or  should  not 

have  been. 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 
SBurbe  id)  nidjt  gewefen  fein  ? 

Would,   or  should   I  not 

have  been  ? 
'Burbeft  bu  nid)t  geroefen  fein  ? 

W7ouldst,  or  shouldst  thou 

not  have  been  ? 
2£urbe  er  mcf)t   geroefen    fein  ? 

Would,  or  should  he  not 

have  been  ? 
fEuvten  npir  ntd)t  geroefen  fein  ? 

Would,  or  should  we  not 

have  been  ? 
Sffifirbet  ifyr  nid)t  geroefen  fetn  ? 

Would,  or  should  vou  not 

have  been  ? 


SBfaben     fie     geroefen      fein  ?     SBSurten  fie  nidjt  geroefen  fein  ? 
Would,    or    should    they  Would,  or  should  they  not 

have  been  ?  have  been  ? 

Imperative  Mood. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively, 

^et  b\Xf  be  (thou)  ©ei  bu  md)t,  be  (thou)  not 

Eei  ttt  let  him  be  (set  er  ntdjt/  let  him  not  be 

(Set  fie/  let  her  be  (Set  fie  nid)t,  let  her  not  be 

Set  e§/  let  it  be  @et  eS  nicfct/  let  it  not  be 

©ein  mio  let  us  be  (Sent  wic  nid)t/  let  us  not  be 

<Setb  tyv,  be  (ye,  or  you)  ®tib  tfyt  md)t/  be  (ye,  or  you) 


©ein  fie/  let  them  be.  <Sein  fie  nidjt/  let  them  not  be. 

Subjunctive  Mood. 

Present  Tense. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

&afj  id)  fet/  that  I  be  £tafi  id)  nid)t  fet/  that  I  be  not 

Dctjj  bu  feift/  that  thou  be  £af?  bu  nid)t  fetjt/  that  thou  be 

Tag  er  fet/  that  he  be  £>afj  er  ntdfjt  fei/  that  he  be  not 

£>afj  fie  few  that  she  be  £ag  fie  md)t  fet/  that  she  be  not 

£)af  e6  fet/  that  it  be  £5afj  eg  ntdjt  fet/  that  it  be  not 

£ag  nrir  feten/  that  we  be  £aj$  ruir  nid)t  feten/  that  we  be 

£)afj  tyt  fetet,  that  you  be  £q$  tfyr  ntd)t  fetet,  that  you  be 

£aj?  fie  feten/  that  they  be.  £>ajj  fie  nid)t  feten,  that  they  be 


Imperfect   Tense. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

SBenn  id)  rodre/  if  I  were  SBenntd)  nidjt  ware/if  I  were  not 

SKSenn  bu  redveft/  if  thou  wert      5Benn  bu  nid)t  rodtejT/  if  thou 

wert  not 
fSScnn  er  trdve/  if  he  were  S8knnerntcfytware/ifhe  were  not 


&£enn  fte  toaxet  if  she  were  SGSenn  fte   md)t   ware/  if  she 

were  not 
2Benn  eg  mare,  if  it  were  5BenneSnid)ttt>are,ifitwere  not 

28enn  ttrir  rodren,  if  we  were         SBenn  ttur  nid)t  rodrert/  if  we 

were  not 
SSenn  ttjr  wdret,  if  you  were        SBenn  tfyr  nid)t  rodret,  if  you 

were  not 
2Benn  fte  tcarem  if  they  were.      SBenn  fte  nid)t  wdren,  if  they 

were  not. 

The  Verb  Sfyim,  to  do. 
Present  Tense. 

34  tyue,  I  do 
£)u  t^uji/  thou  dost 
(5r  tyut,  he  does 
©te  tfyut/  she  does 
(S3  tfyut,  it  does 
SBtr  tf)un,  we  do 
3fyr  tfyut,  you  do 
©te  tl;un/  they  do. 

£f)Ueirf)?  Do  I? 
$&uft  bu  ?  Dost  thou  ? 

Si)ut  er  ?  Does  he  ? 
Styut  fte  ?  Does  she  ? 
£&ut  e$  ?  Does  it  ? 
Sfcun  ttrir  ?  Do  we  ? 
£§ut  tfyr  ?  Do  you  ? 
£§un  fte  ?  Do  they  ? 

3d)  t^at/  I  did 
2)u  tfyatejl,  thou  didst 

3$  tljue  mrf)t/  I  do  not 
£)u  t^uft  mdf)t/  thou  dost  not 
@r  t$ut  ntd)t,  he  does  not 
@ie  ttyut  nid)t/  she  does  not 
(56  tfyut  md)t,  it  does  not 
SBtr  tfyun  nfd)i>  we  do  not 
3fyr  tfyut  md)t/  you  do  not 
©ic  tt)un  nid)t,  they  do  not. 
Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
Sfyue  id)  nidjr  ?  Do  I  not  ? 
SEtyuft    bu   md)t?    Dost   thou 

Z\)\xt  er  ntd)t  ?  Does  he  not  ? 
Sfjut  fte  md)t  ?  Does  she  not? 
Zi)\xt  eS  nidr)t  ?  Does  it  not  ? 
Zfyun  ttrir  md)t  ?  Do  we  not  ? 
Sfyut  ifjr  ntd)t  ?  Do  you  not  ? 
Sfyun  fte  ntd)t  ?  Do  they  not  ? 

Imperfect  Tense, 

34  tyat  nid)t/ 1  did  not 
£>u  tfjatejt  ntd)t,  thou  didst  not 


(St  tyat,  he  did  @r  tf)at  ntdjt/  he  did  not 

@te  tt?at/  she  did  ©te  t|)at  ntdjt/  she  did  not 

dt  tfyat,  it  did  d$  t^at  nid)t,  it  did  not 

2Btt  tfyafen,  we  did  £8tr  t^aten  ntd)t,  we  did  not 

3fyr  t^atet/  you  did  Sfyr  ttyatet  ntdjt/  you  did  not 

@ie  t^aten/  they  did.  6te  ttjaten  ntd^t/  they  did  not. 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 

Zfyatify}   Did  I?  Zfyat  id)  ntd)t  ?    Did  I  not  ? 

££)ateft  bu  ?   Didst  thou  ?  S&atejl  &u  md)t  ?    Didst  thou 


£$at  er.  ?    Did  he  ?  Ztyat  er  ntdjt  ?    Did  he  not  ? 

Sfjat  fte  ?    Did  she  ?  SSfyrt  fie  md?t  ?    Did  she  not  ? 

Zfyat  e6  ?   Did  it  ?  &§at  e$  ntdjt  ?  Did  it  not  ? 

Zfyatm  nut  ?    Did  we  ?  Styatcn  nrir  ntdjt  ?  Did  we  not  ? 

Sfjatet  ifjr  ?    Did  you  ?  Sfjatet  tyt  ntd;t  ?  Did  you  not  ? 

Sljaten  fte  ?   Did  they  ?  Sfjaten  fte  ntdjt  ?  Did  they  not  ? 

The  Regular  Neuter  Verb  ©djer&etl,  to  jest. 

Indicative  Mood. 

Present   Tense. 

Affirmatively.  Negatively. 

3$  f emerge,  I  jest  3d)  fdjerge  ntcbt/  I  do  not  jest 

2)u  fdjcrjej!/  thou  jestest  £)u  fdjergejt  ntdjt/  thou  dost  not 

(Sr  fdjer$t,  he  jests  (gr  fdjer^t  ntdjt,  he  does  not  jest 

2£tr  fd)er§en/  we  jest  2Btr  fd;er§en  nidjt/  we  do  not 

3fjr  fdjerjet,  you  jest  3r;r  fdjerget  ntdjt/  you  do  not 

Sie  fdjerjen,  they  jest.  @te  fdjeqen  ntdjt/  they  do  not 

Interrogatively.  Interrogatively  and  Negatively, 

^djerje  tdj  ?    Do  I  jest  ?  ©djerae  id)  ntdjt  ?    Do  I  not 

jest  r 


sd&erjcft  bu?  Dost  thou  jest?      ®d>er$ej*  bu  nid)t  ?  Dost  thou 

not  jest  ? 

^d)er$t  er  ?  Does  he  jest  ? 
^cfyergen  nrir  ?  Do  we  jest  ? 
@d)er5et  ibr  ?  Do  you  jest  ? 
®d)ersen  fie  ?  Do  they  jest  r 

Sd)er$t  er  nid)t  ?  Does  he  not 

<5d)er$en  roir  ntdjt  ?  Do  we  not 

Sdjer^et  tyt  ntdjt  ?  Do  you  not 

<Sd)er§en  fte  nid^t  ?    Do  they 

not  jest  ? 

Imperfect  Tense. 

3d)  federate/  I  jested 
£)u  fefyeqteft/  thou  jestedst 

@r  fcrjerjte/  he  jested 

SBSir  fd)er§ten;  we  jested 

3f)r  fdjcrjtet/  you  jested 

Sic  fcfyeraten,  they  jested. 

@d)er$te  id)  ?  Did  I  jest  ? 

3d)  frter^te  ntdbt,  I  did  not  jest 
3)u  fd)er§te(l  ntdbt/  thou  didst 

not  jest 
<£r  fdjerjte   ntd&t/  he  did    not 

§B$fr  fdjergten  nid)t/  we  did  not 

Styr  fdjerjtet  nidfot/  you  did  not 

Sie  fdierjten  nid)t,  they  did  not 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
(gd)er$te  id)  ntdjt  ?    Did  I  not 
Sd)er$teftbu?  Didst  thou  jest?      (Sd)er§teft  bu  ntd)t  ?  Didstthou 

not  jest? 
Sdjerste  er  ?    Did  he  jest  ?  S*ergte  er  nid)t  ?   Did  he  not 

not  jest? 
©djerjten  n?tr  ?   Did  we  jest  ?      Sd)er§ten  rotr  rtidjt  ?    Did  you 

not  jest  ? 
Sd)er§tet  tyx  ?    Did  you  jest  ?      ©djjergtet  tt)r  ntdjt  ?    Did  you 

not  jest  ? 
Sd)er$ten  fte  ?  Did  they  jest  ?      ©cr.erjten  fte  ntd)t  ?    Did  they 

not  jest  ? 


3d)  roerbe  fd)ergen/  I  shall  or 

will  jest 
£)u  nrirfi  fd^crjen/  thou  shalt  or 

wilt  jest 
(Sr  nritb  fdjcrgen/  he  shall  or 

will  jest 
SQSir  roerben  fcfyersetv  we  shall 

or  will  jest 
3*)t  roerbet  fdjer^en/  you  shall 

or  will  jest 
(Sie  roerben  fcber jen/  they  shall 
or  will  jest. 


3d)  werbe  nidjt  fdjergen, 1  shall 

or  will  not  jest 
5)u   nrirji  nid)t  fd)er$en/  thou 

shalt  or  wilt  not  jest 
<Sr  ttrirb  nid)t  fct)er$en,  he  shall 

or  will  not  jest 
SBtr  merben  mcf)t  (emergen,  we 

shall  or  will  not  jest 
3^  n?erb€t  ntdfjt  fdjerjen/  you 

shall  or  will  not  jest 
@te  roerben  xiidjt  (emergen,  they 

shall  or  will  not  jest 

SBerbe  id) fcfcerjen ?  Shalll  jest? 

SBtrft  bu  fd&erjen  ?    Wilt  thou 

28itb  er  fd)ergcn  ?  Will  he  jest  ? 

Sfiktben  roir  fcfjerjen  ?  Shall  we 

SBerbct  ifyr  fdjcr $en  ?  Will  you 

SBerben  fte  fdjerjen  ?  Will  they 

jest  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SSerbe  id)  nidfjt  fdjer^en  ?   Shall 

I  not  jest  ? 
SBirjl  bu  md)t  fcfcerjen  ?     Wilt 

thou  not  jest  ? 
SStrb  er  nidftt  fdjeqen  ?     Will 

he  not  jest  ? 
SBerben  wit  nid&t  frf)er§en  ?  Shall 

we  not  jest  ? 
SBerbet  ttyr  mrf)t  fcfyergen  ?  Will 

you  not  jest? 
SSerben  ftc  nidfjt  fdjerjen  ?  Will 

they  not  jest? 

Compound  Forms  of  the  Future  Tense. 

3$  roetbe  gefd)er§t  fytbenj  shall 
or  will  have  jested 

3d)  roerbe  nicfyt  gef^ergt  fyabtn, 1 
shall  or  will  not  have  jested 


£)u  fctntft  gefd^r^t  ^abcri/  thou 
shalt  or  wilt  have  jested 

Qti  nnrb  gefd)eqt  tyaben/he  shall 

or  will  have  jested 
2£tr  werben  gefd^er^t  fyaben,  we 

shall  or  will  have  jested 

3t)r  rcerbet  gefierjt  taben,  you 
shall  or  will  have  jested 

<Ste  roerben  ge[d)er$t  *)aben/  they 
shall  or  will  have  jested. 

£)u  wtrffc  ntd)t  gefd)ergt  f)aben, 

thou  shalt  or  wilt  not  have 

(5r  roirb  nid)t  gefdjer^t  fjabeti/  he 

shall  or  will  not  have  jested 
2$tt  roerben  ntdjt  gefd)er$t  t)aben/ 

we  shall  or  will  not  have 

3§r  werbet  md)t  gcfdjerat  fyiben, 

you  shall  or  will  not  have 

(£ie  it>evben  nid)t  gefd&erjt  fyctben, 

they  shall  or  will  not  have 


SSSerbe     id)     gefcrjergt     fyaben  ? 
Shall,  or  will  I  have  jested? 

SBir(^  bu  9efd;et$f tyaben  ?  Shalt, 
or  wilt  thou  have  jested  ? 

&Mi*b  er  gefdieqt  ijaben  ?  Shall, 
or  will  he  have  jested  ? 

SSerben    xoxx  gefd)er§t   fyaben  ? 

Shall,  or  will    we    have 

jested  ? 

SSerbet     tt)r  gefd;erat   Ijaben? 

Shall,  or  will    you   have 

jested  ? 

SBerben    fte  gefd^ergt     fyt&en? 

Shall,   or  will  they  have 

jested  ? 

Interrogatively  and  Negatively. 
SBSerbe  tcb  ntdbt  gefdrjerst  tyabert  ? 

Shall,  or  will  I  not  have 

jested  ? 
SBStrft  bu  ntdjt  gefcbergt  fyaben  ? 

Shalt,  or  wilt  thou  not  have 

2Btrb  er  nidjt  geftfjerjt  fyaben  ? 

Shall,  or  will  he  not  have 

jested  ? 
£Berbenttrit  md)t  gcfdjergt  fyaben? 

Shall,  or  will  we  not  have 

jested  ? 
SBetbet  u)r.  ntcfet  gcfdjergt  fyaben? 

Shall,  or  will  you  not  have 

SSerben  fte  ntd)t  gefd>cr^t  fyaben  ? 

Shall,  or  will  they  nothave 



Compound  Forms  of  the  Present  Tense. 

3d)  t)abe  gefefyerjt,  I  have  jested 

£)u   fyafl   Qefdjergt,  thou  hast 

(gr  fyat  gefdjergt/  he  has  jested 

fBtt  tjabcn  gcfd)er§t/  we  have 

Sfyt  ^obet  gefdjecjt,  you  have 

©ie  fyctben  gefdjerjt/  they  have 


3d)  fyabe  ntdftt  gefdjergt,  I  have 

not  jested 
£)u  fyaft  ntd)t  gefdjer^t/thou  hast 

not  jested 
(Sr.  f)at  ntd)t  Qefdjergt/  he  has 

not  jested 
28tr  fyaben  md)t   gefd)er§t,  we 

have  not  jested 
3t)r  fyabet  md)t   gefdjergt,  you 

have  not  jested 
<5ie  tyaben  md)t  gefd^er^t,  they 

have  not  jested. 

The  student  who  has  gone  regularly  through  the  pre- 
ceding parts  of  this  work  will  now  be  able,  without  any 
further  instruction,  to  write  and  speak  the  compound  forms 
of  the  above  and  of  any  other  verb  in  the  German  language. 



1.  In  the  German  language,  the  three  essential  parts  of 
any  proposition,  that  is  to  say,  the  subject,  the  copula,  and 
the  attribute,  may  be  arranged  in  four  different  ways.  In 
what  is  generally  termed  the  natural  or  direct  order  of  con- 
struction, the  subject  precedes  the  copula  or  verb,  and  the 
attribute  immediately  follows  the  copula.  In  the  inverted 
order,  the  attribute  may  precede,  and  the  subject  follow 
the  copula ;  or,  the  copula  may  precede  the  subject,  followed 


by  the  attribute  ;    or,  lastly,  the   subject  may  precede,  and 
the  copula  follow  the  attribute. 


3Retn  SSruber  fdjretbt  etnen  SSrief  5  etnen  SSrief  fdjreibt  mete 
HBruber;  [cr-retbr  mein  SBruber  cincn  SBrief?  STceir.  SSruber  etnen 
SSrief  fdpetbt*  my  brother  is  writing  a  letter. 

2.  Adjectives,  and   participles,   considered   as   adjectives, 

are  in  German,  as  in  English,  placed  before  the  substan- 
tives which  they  qualify;  and  when  there  is  an  adjective, 
or  a  participle,  with  any  words  that  depend  on  either,  such 
words  are  placed  before  the  adjective  or  participle,  but  after 
the  article  or  pronoun.  In  this  case,  the  article  or  pronoun 
occupies  the  first  place  :  the  words  which  depend  on  the 
adjective  or  participle,  the  second  ;  the  adjective  or  parti- 
ciple itself,  the  third  ;  and  the  substantive,  modified  by  the 
adjective  or  participle,  the  fourth. 

Sin  cjeaen  jebermann  Ircfltcrcr  5ftenfd),  a  man  polite  to  every 

3.  A  genitive  case,  governed  by  a  substantive,  or  an  ad- 
jective, with  the  article  bcr,  tie/  tas/  may  be  placed  indiffer- 
ently before  or  after  the  substantive  by  which  it  is  governed: 


£er  ©arlen  be€  teniae,  or  beg  SC&nigl  ©arter,/  the  garden  of 
the  king,  or  the  king's  garden  ;    tie  S3csr;ett  ter  9Xen(d)enj  or 

ter    Sftenfcr-ert    SBceireit/   the    wickedness   of  men,    or   men's 

4.  A  proper  name,  in  the  genitive  case,  is  almost  invari- 
ably placed  before  the  governing'  noun  :  as,  @ellert€  gabeln, 
Gellert's  Fables  ;  £lo$fio£€  9Reffta§j  Klopstock's  Messiah. 

5.  The  verb  in  the  infinitive  mood,  and  the  past  partici- 
ple, are  placed  at  the  end  of  their  own  member  of  the  sen- 
tence, that  is  to  say,  after  all  the  words  which  depend  on 



Gstnem  fttefyenben  geinbe  etru  golbene  SSvucfe  bauen,  to  build  a 
golden  bridge  for  a  flying  enemy  ;  roir  mrtzn  morgen  nact) 
23erltn  geben;  we  shall  go  to  Berlin  to-morrow  ;  ©te  §ahz\\ 
etne  ©elegenfeeit  gute  SSud)er  gu  fauferi/  you  have  an  opportunity 
to  buy  good  books  ;  fetn  23ruber  feat  bem  £6ntg  jwangtQ  Safeve 
gebient,  his  brother  has  served  the  king  twenty  years. 

6.  When  a  word  that  depends  on  an  infinitive  is  explained 
or  determined  by  an  incidental  proposition,  such  proposition 
may  be  placed  either  before  or  after  the  infinitive. 


(5tnen  (Stnnmrf  ma&vn,  ber  ntdjt  gegtunbet  v~x,  or  einen  (Stnamrf/ 
bee  md)t  gegtunbet  tft,  macfyeti/  to  make  an  unfounded  objection. 
(Stnen  sBrtef  fd)retben^  ben  9?iemanb  lefen  !ann/  or  einen  23rief, 
ben  ?Riemanb  lefen  fanm  fcfytetben./  to  write  a  letter  which 
nobody  can  read.  (Stnen  gcinb  gu  uberfallem  ber  nidit  auf  feiner 
£ut  tjr,  or  etnen  getnb/  ber  md)t  auf  feiner  #ut  tjr/  gu  uberfallen; 
to  surprise  an  enemy  who  is  not  on  his  guard.  (Sine  (5rfld= 
rung  gu  geben,  Me  bunfler  tjl/  al§  tie  ju  erfldrenbe  (Sacfre,  or  eine 
(Srfldrung/  Me  bunfler  tft  alS  Me  gu  erfldrenbe  ©acfce/  gu  geben/ 
to  give  a  definition  which  is  more  obscure  than  the  thing  to 
be  defined. 

7.  When  two  or  more  infinitives,  or  participles,  depend 
on  each  other,  that  which  is  the  first  in  English  must  be  put 
last  in  German. 


©efeen  xvo\Ur\,  to  wish  to  go.  Scfcreifcen  tonnem  to  be  able 
to  write,  ©efdhrteben  gu  fyaben/  to  have  written,  ©pagteren 
gefyen  fonnen,  to  be  able  to  go  to  walk.  3d)  rcerbe  md)t  auS? 
gefyen  fonnen,  I  shall  not  be  able  to  go  out. 

8.  The  verbs  ftaben  and  fetn  are  often  understood  after  a 
participle,  and,  when  several  verbs  or  participles  occur  in 
the  same  sentence,  the  auxiliary  verb  is  not  repeated,  but  is 
placed  alone  at  the  end  of  the  sentence. 

SSSetdjeS  er  md)t  Mo§  gefagt,  fonbern  audf)  gefefcriebem  f)at,  which 


he  has  not  only  said,  but  also  written.  ©d)&nf)etten,  5te  ntd)t 
$u  befd)retben,  fonbcrn  nut  §u  fufyten,  finb,  beauties  which  are  not 
to  be  described,  but  only  to  be  felt. 

9.  £)utfen,  fonnen,  laffen/  m6gen,  muffen,  fotten,  roerben,  roollen, 
and  all  verbs  in  general,  the  principal  use  of  which  is  to 
limit  the  tenses  and  moods  of  other  verbs,  govern  the  infi- 


9tt<f)t  tfyun  butfen,  not  to  have  permission  to  do.  9ttd)t 
fd)lafen  lonnen,  not  to  be  able  to  sleep,  ©id)  madjen  taffen,  to 
have,  or  to  get  made,  (gr  mag  fagen,  maS  er  tt>ill,  er  muf? 
fommen,  he  may  say  what  he  likes,  but  he  must  come.  (5t 
toollte  9ftd)t$  tfyun,  fie  fytegen  tyn  btnben,  he  would  do  nothing, 
they  ordered  him  to  be  bound.  3d)  fjalf  tt)m  arbetten, 1  helped 
him  to  work,  (gr  f)6rre  mid)  reben,  he  heard  me  talking. 
<3ie  lefyrte  tyn  fdjretben/  she  taught  him  how  to  write.  3d)  \af) 
fie  fommen,  I  saw  them  come,  ©te  fufylte  t^re  ^rdfte  abnefymen, 
she  felt  her  strength  decrease,  ©ie  fanben  tt)n  fd)lafen,  they 
found  him  asleep.  2Btt  fanben  fte  auf  ber  (£rbe  liegen,  we  found 
them  lying  on  the  ground. 

10.  $eif$en,  f)elfen,  5)6ren,  fef)en,  and  the  other  verbs  illus- 
trated in  the  foregoing  examples,  butfen,  I onnen,  laffen,  mogen, 
muffen,  and  follen,  governing  another  verb,  cannot  be  used  in 
the  participle,  but  must  always  remain  in  the  infinitive 
mood ;  the  verbs  Ictjren  and  lernen,  however,  may  be  used 
with  equal  propriety  in  the  participle  and  infinitive. 

3d)  §aU  ii)n  fommen  fyetjjen  (not  gefyeijien),  I  have  ordered 
him  to  come.  3d)  ^abe  tfym  fdjretben  tjelfen  (not  geljolfen), 
I  have  helped  him  to  write.  3d)  fyabt  ttjn  fpred)en  ()6ren 
(not  gel)6rt),  I  have  heard  him  speak.  3d)  tyabz  tyn  mafylen 
fetjen,  I  have  seen  him  paint.  8te  fatten  auf  mein  fSSort  trauen 
butfen,  you  might  have  relied  upon  my  word.  3d)  fyabe  tfym 
mad)en  laffen,  I  have  had,  or  got  made  for  him.  3d)  tyabt  tfui 
nid)t  fe^en  roollen,  I  would  not  see  him.  (St  tyat  gefyen  muffen, 
he  has  been  obliged  to  go.  3d)  fyabe  ifyn  fpred)en  lefcren,  I 
have  taught  hirn  how  to  speak.  @t  f)at  fie  fennen  gelernt,  or 
er  fyat  fte  fennen  lernen,  he  has  become  acquainted  with  her, 


ii.  The  German  infinitive  is  usually  preceded  by  the 
preposition  §u,  when  it  simply  expresses  the  object  of  an  ac- 
tion ;  and,  when  it  more  particularly  denotes  the  aim  and 
intention  of  an  action,  in  addition  to  the  above  preposition, 
it  requires  the  particle  urn,  which  is  always  separated  from 
$u  by  the  case  of  the  verb  that  is  put  in  the  infinitive  mood. 
Urn/  in  this  situation,  is  equivalent  to  the  English  words,  in 
order  to,  for  the  purpose  of,  to  the  end  that,  &c.  &c. 

dv  be^auptete  tfyn  gefefyen  ju  fyaben/  he  asserted  that  he  had 
seen  him.  3d)  trad&rete  mit  ifym  §u  fpred)en/  I  endeavoured  to 
speak  to  him.  @r  tjt-  berett/  eg  &u  tfyun,  he  is  ready  to  do  it. 
<5t  tfyat  fetn  9ft6gUd)fteg/  urn  tfyn  $u  uberreben,  he  did  all  that  he 
could  in  order  to  persuade  him.  G*;r  serfdumte  9tid)tg,  urn  eg 
3tt  erlcmgeri/  he  neglected  nothing  in  order  to  accomplish  it. 

12.  2Cnf(agen/  befcfyuibtgen,  enttaben/  entlebigert/  uberfufyteti/ 
beraubeti/  uberfyeben/  uber5eugen/  oerftc^ern/  erwdfynen,  gebenfem 
fd)onen/  Eertpetfen/  and  many  reciprocal  verbs,  govern  the 
genitive  case. 

-  Examples, 

(£t  ift  eineg  SSerbtedieng  befcfyulbigt,  he  is  accused  of  a  crime, 
(St  i|r  feineg  5Serfpred)en6  entlebtgt/  he  is  absolved  from  his  pro- 
mise. Gsr  erinnert  fid)  ber  empfangenen  SSofyltfyaten,  he  remem- 
bers the  kindness  he  has  received.  Q,t  entfy&tt  ftch  biefer  &ad)ef 
he  abstains  from  this  thing.  (Sr.  bemdd)tigte  fid)  bee  (Stabt/  he 
made  himself  master  of  the  town. 

13.  Verbs  which  govern  the  relation  of  time,  place,  and 
manner,  require  the  genitive  case. 


©eg  Sftlorgeng/  be§  9tad)tg,  be§  SBormittagg/  beg  Sagg,  beg  (Sonn^ 
ragg/  beg  SDftontagg/  ycozimai  bt§  Safyreg  fommen,  to  come  in  the 
morning,  in  the  night,  in  the  forenoon,  during  the  day,  on 
Sunday,  on  Monday,  twice  a  year,  ©eg  9Jtorgeng  ober  beg 
2Cbenbg  abretfen/  to  set  out  in  the  morning  or  evening,  ©eg 
23ormtttagg  fd)retberi/  beg  ^ad)mtttagg  fpajteren  gefyeri/  to  write  in 
the  forenoon,  to  take  a  walk  after  dinner.  dv  mirb  beg 
9?ad)tg  anfommen,  he  will  arrive  in  the  night.      (Sonntagg  unb 

f  3 


9ttontag6  get)t  bte  ^offc  ab,  the  post  goes  on  Sundays  and  Mon- 
days. (Sr  fommt  jwetmal  beg  SQtonatg,  jweimal  beg  3at)reg/  he 
comes  twice  a  month,  twice  a  year. 

14.  In  general,  adverbs  are  placed  immediately  before 
the  word  the  signification  of  which  they  modify. 


(Sin  9  r  u  n  b  1 1  d)  gele^tter.  Warm,  &  profoundly  learned 
man.     Unenbltd)  gut,  infinitely  good. 

15.  With  finite  verbs,  the  adverb  nid)t  is  usually  placed 
at  the  end  of  the  sentence  ;  but  when  there  is  a  participle 
or  a  verb  in  the  infinitive  mood,  nid)t  is  put  before  such 
participle  or  infinitive. 


3d)  faf)  tf)n  biefen  garden  Sag  nid)t,  or  ify  ^aht  tt)n  ben  ganjen 
Sag  ntd)t  gefefyen/  I  have  not  seen  him  the  whole  day.  3d) 
fcnnte  tfyn  mcfyt  i)5rcn/  I  could  not  hear  him. 

16.  When  a  negative  and  an  adverb  of  time  occur  in  the 
same  sentence,  the  latter  is  generally  put  before  the  former. 
But  when  the  temporal  adverb  is  affected  by  the  negative, 
the  adverb  of  negation  is  placed  before  the  adverb  of  time. 

3$  fcbretbe  tjeute  nid)t,  I  do  not  write  to-day.     (Sr  ttrirb  nid)t 
morgen/  fonbern   ubermorgen/  tommen,    he  will  not  come  to- 
morrow, but  the  day  after  to  morrow. 

17.  All  the  cases  governed  by  the  verb  are  put  after  it 
in  the  simple  tenses,  and  between  the  auxiliary  and  the  par- 
ticiple in  the  compound  tenses. 


©ie  fet)en  mi§,  you  see  me.  (Sr  gab  eg  tym,  he  gave  it  to 
him.  <Ste  t)aben  mid)  gefefyen,  you  have  seen  me.  <£v  fyatte  eg 
tbm  gegeben/  he  had  given  it  to  him. 

18.  When  both  a  dative  and  accusative  case  follow  the 
verb,  the  dative  usually  precedes  the  accusative  except  for 
the  sake  of  emphasis,  &c. 



@r  gtbr  fctnem  gceunbc  9tafy  he  gives  his  friend  advice. 
(5r  fdhricb  einen  SSricf  (etnem  ^Bcuber/  he  wrote  a  letter  to  his 

19.  When  one  of  the  two  cases  is  a  personal  pronoun,  it 
is  usually  placed  immediately  after  the  verb,  and  when  both 
the  cases  are  personal  pronouns,  the  accusative  generally 
precedes  the  dative. 


£)er  (Sinfiebfer  fc|tc  tynen  glcif^  unb  S&ein  ^or,  the  hermit 
set  meat  and  wine  before  them,  ©ie  wanbten  jtdj  jebem  met'&= 
iDutbtgen  ©egenftanbe  git/  they  turned  aside  to  every  thing 
remarkable,  ©te  unter'nteiten  ftd)  mtt  ben  (Simrcfynern,  they 
conversed  with  the  inhabitants,  ©ic  gibt  eg  tfmi/  she  gives  it 
to  him.     (5 1*  nannte  fie  mtr/  he  named  her  to  me. 

20.  The  principal  case  of  the  verb  is  followed  by  the  pre- 
position and  the  substantive  which  it  governs. 


£)te§  macrte  einen  tiefen  (Stnbrucf  auf  unfere  Binnet  this  made  a 
deep  impression  on  our  senses.  SKetn  QSefjIjranb  fe|t  metn 
Seben  in  ©efafyt/  my  prosperity  puts  my  life  in  danger.  3<3) 
babe  funfge^n  3abre  in  ber  ginfamfeit  gelebt,  I  have  lived  fifteen 
years  in  solitude. 

21.  The  circumstances  of  //me  and  ^face  precede  the 
principal  case  of  the  verb,  except  when  the  case  of  the  verb 
is  a  pronoun,  and  then  the  pronoun  is  placed  immediately 
after  the  verb. 


dx  fdfcitfte  oorgejtern  ba$  ©elb  fetnem  gteunbe,  he  sent  the 
money  to  his  friend  the  day  before  yesterday.  3*  fanb  tfyn 
ccrgefrevn  in  3Bien<  I  found  him  in  Vienna  the  day  before 

22.  The  separable  particles  of  compound  verbs,  past 
participles,  and  verbs,  in  the  infinitive  mood,  are  placed  at 
the  end  of  the  sentence. 



(SS  fiel  tt)m  auf  etnmal  feine  SRebe  etn,  he  remembered  his 
discourse  at  once.  Set  Umgang  mit  aufgeflarten  Seuten  fyat 
fetnen  ©etji  sur  Sfteife  gebradbt,  intercourse  with  enlightened 
persons  has  matured  his  understanding.  3d)  fat)  tie  fd)tt>ar§e 
©cwittcrtoolfe  fcfynetl  uber  ben  SBSalb  fatjren,  I  saw  the  black 
storm-cloud  pass  swiftly  over  the  wood.  3*  bin  berett,  eud) 
§u  erlennen  §u  geben, 1  am  prepared  to  let  you  know. 

23.  Conjunctions  are  usually  placed  at  the  beginning  of 
that  member  of  a  sentence  which  they  connect ;  but  aber, 
alfo/  aud),  bafyer,  bemnad),  barum/  bennod),  folgltd)/  befm>egen, 
jebod),  mit^tti,  fonjf,  and  §war,  are  often  placed  at  the  distance 
of  several  words  from  the  beginning  of  the  sentence. 

24.  The  conjunctions  obgletd)  and  obroofyt  may  be  either 
separated  or  not ;  roenn  nur  and  roenn  aud)  are  often  separated 
by  a  pronoun  in  the  nominative  case. 


£>bgleid)  td)  e§  roeifj  $  ob  id&  eg  gtetd)  mdjt  wetj*  ;  obtpo^l  i<§  tf)n 
f enne  5  ob  er  mir  gleid)  befannt  ifl:  5  roenn  er  nur  roollte  5  u>enn  et 
aud)  retd)  t|r. 

25.  German  prepositions  are  usually  placed  before  the 
case  which  they  govern  ;  but fyalben,  fyalber,  ungead)tet,  junriber, 
entgegen,  fytnburd),  lang,  gufolge,  written  (preceded  by  urn)/  nad), 
and  a  few  others  are  placed  after  their  regimen.  Ueber,  in 
the  sense  of  lang,  is  placed  after  the  case  which  it  governs. 
Sufolge,  with  a  genitive  case,  precedes,  but  with  a  dative  it 
follows  the  word  which  it  governs. 

26.  2Cnftatt,  ftatt,  tjalben/  tyalber,  aufjerfyalb,  innerfyatb,  ober^ 
fyalb,  untcr^alb/  fvaft,  laut,  mtttelji,  cermitteljl,  ungead)tet,  unrceit, 
unfern,  oerm6gc,  rcafyrenb,  tregen,  and  tvo§,  govern  the  genitive 
case,  and  when  fyalben  or  wegen  is  joined  to  a  personal  pro- 
noun, a  t  is  added  to  it. 

27.  2Cu$/  auger,  bet,  entgegen,  mit,  nad),  n&d&ji,  nebji,  IdngS, 
fammt,  feit,  con,  jur,  and  gutxriber,  govern  the  dative. 

28.  £>urd),  fur,  gegen,  urn,  and  rotber,  govern  the  accusative 

29.  ndnf  auf,  fetnter/  in,  neben,  uber,  ocr/  unter/  and  5ttifd)en, 
govern  the  dative  and  accusative  cases. 

30.  These  prepositions  govern  the  dative  case,  when  the 
sense  points  out  a  state  of  rest  in  a  place,  and  also  when  the 
verb  indicates  motion  within  a  given  or  determined  space, 
without  going  from  one  place  to  another.  When  the  verb 
expresses  motion  from  one  place  to  another,  or  a  certain 
tendency  towards  any  object,  these  prepositions  govern  the 
accusative.  S3or  is  often  used  when  the  verb  expresses  or 
implies  the  idea  of  fear,  defence,  protection,  or  flight. 


(£t  furd)tet  ftd)  eoe  ©efpenftern/  he  is  afraid  of  ghosts.  (&k 
fdyjgt  ftd)  i>cr  ber  &&lte#  she  protects  herself  against  the  cold. 
(Sr  fltef)t  cot  bem  getnbe,  he  flies  before  the  enemy. 

31.  The  compound  prepositions,  umber/  untermeg/  uber= 
wcg#  conauS,  Donan*  oonauf/  anftatt,  oont)er,  auf$U/  nadfou,  auflcS/ 
sorter/  sorbin/  ocrrceg/  t)inrerr;er/  ^intenbretn,  umrotlten/  are  sepa- 
rated in  such  a  manner  that  their  regimen,  or  the  case  which 
they  govern,  is  placed  in  the  middle,  between  their  component 


(Sie  ftunben  u  m  ben  -ISagen  f)  e  x,  they  stood  round  the 
waggon.  £)aS  gaffer  lauft  unter  ber  IBrucEc  meg,  the  water 
runs  under  the  bridge.  g)te  £uget  gtng  uber  metnem  £cpf 
m  e  g/  the  ball  went  over  my  head.  Q;r  r^at  mir  Don  -Bien 
aug  gefdjrteben,  he  has  written  to  me  from  Vienna,  (Sr  tarn 
oon  ber  (Stabt  f)  e  r#  he  came  from  the  side  of  the  town. 
2Bir  fegeiten  a  u  f  Stalten  5  u,  we  were  sailing  towards  Italy. 
5aBr  uns  a  u  f  it)n  loi  ge^en,  let  us  go  up  to  him.  Qt  lief  0  0  r 
mir  r;  e  r  (f)in)/  he  was  running  before  me.  ©ott  ftraft  tie 
9Renfd)en  u  m  ttjrer  ^unben  mitten/  God  punishes  men  for 
their  sins. 

32.  Some  conjunctions  are  always  placed  at  the  beginning 
of  the  sentence  ;  of  this  kind  are  alletiv  fonbern/  benn,  mil, 
[internal/  nad)bem,  \e  mtyv,  je  mentger/  menn,  ate  ob,  obgletd^  cb? 
fcfcom  obmofyl/  ob^xvat,  tvk,  and  gtetcfcmie. 

33.  The  conjunction  ba$  is  often   suppressed  after  the 


verbs  rcunfd)en,  molten,  fyoffen,  fuud)ten,  beforgen^  t>erftd)em,  be* 
fyaupten,  and  jagen,  without  inverting  the  order  of  the  words 
in  consequence  of  the  suppression. 

3d)  tt?unfd)te/  or  roollte,  ec  lame  (for,  bajTer  lame),  I  wish  that 
he  would  come,  &c. 

34.  The  conjunction  rcemt  may  be  either  expressed  or 
not ;  but,  when  it  is  suppressed,  the  order  of  the  words  is 


2Berm  er  mill,  or  wilt  er,  if  be  will.  2Benn  id)  e§  gerougt  tyStte, 
or  fyatte  id)  eg  gewugf/  if  I  had  known  it.  £Benn  icf>  ntd)t  lomme, 
or  lomme  id)  nid)t,  if  I  do  not  come. 

35.  There  is  a  necessary  correlation  between  certain  con- 
junctions, so  that  when  the  first  part  of  a  sentence,  or  the 
antecedent,  begins  with  one,  the  second  part,  or  the  conse' 
quent,  begins  with  its  correlative. 


@nftt>eber  fyat  er  eg  getfyan,  obet  er  ttrirb  eg  nod)  tf)un, 
either  he  has  done  it,  or  he  will  do  it.  £>b  er  gle id)  metn 
better  tjt,  f  o  fommt  er  bod)  ntcfct  ju  mtr,  although  he  is  my 
cousin,  yet  he  does  not  come  near  me.  Scnn  @te  wieber 
fommen/  fo  milt  id)  eg  Sfynen  geben,  when  you  return,  I  will  give 
it  you.  28enn  i§  gletd)  @etb  fyattt,  fo  gabe  id)  tfym  bod) 
letneg,  even  if  I  had  money,  I  would  give  him  none.  3d) 
fenne  to  e  b  e  r  feinen  SSater,  n  o  d)  fetne  Gutter,  I  neither  know 
his  father  nor  his  mother.  <So  fd)6n  fte  aud)  fein  mag,  fo  tjt 
fie  bod)  md)t  liebengrcurbtg,  however  handsome  she  may  be, 
still  she  is  not  amiable,  (gr  tjt  itvat  metn  getnb  nid)t,  a  b  e  r 
aud)  ntd)t  metn  greunb,  ne  is  indeed  not  my  enemy,  but  still 
he  is  not  my  friend. 

36.  The  conjunction  fo,  which  is  often  used  to  connect 
the  antecedent  and  consequent,  may  be  suppressed,  and  the 
best  writers  make  but  a  sparing  use  of  it.  (So  bod)  is  always 
separated,  so  that  the  verb  and  the  nominative  case,  and  also 
sometimes  a  part  of  the  regimen  are  found  in  the  middle, 


between  the  component  parts,  which  is  evident  by  several 
of  the  above  examples. 

Having  said  so  much  in  explanation  and  exemplification 
of  the  rules  which  are  common  to  the  several  orders  of 
German  construction  in  general,  the  reader  is  now  prepared 
for  the  consideration  of  those  rules  which  belong  to  each 
order  in  particular. 

37.  That  order  of  construction  of  sentences,  requiring 
the  especial  attention  of  beginners,  is  the  natural  or  direct, 
in  which  the  subject  of  the  proposition  occupies  the  first 
place,  the  copula  the  second,  and  the  predicate,  or  attribute, 
the  third.  The  rules  for  the  collocation  of  words  in  sen- 
tences of  this  order,  are  these:  first,  the  conjunction,  if 
there  is  one  of  those  which  begin  sentences  ;  second,  the 
subject  or  nominative  case,  with  its  modification  or  acces- 
saries, that  is  to  say,  every  thing  that  serves  to  explain  or 
determine  it,  whether  this  be  an  adjective,  a  participle,  a 
pronoun  joined  to  a  sentence,  or  an  incidental  proposition, 
&c.  Then  comes  the  copula,  or  verb  of  the  nominative 
case ;  and,  in  the  fourth  or  last  place,  the  attribute  or  regi- 
men ;  that  is  to  say,  all  the  words  which  serve  to  determine 
the  signification  of  the  verb.  The  regimen,  therefore,  will 
be  found  to  comprehend  the  case  of  the  verb,  or  the  direct 
regimen  ;  the  preposition  with  its  case,  or  the  indirect  regi- 
men ;  the  adverb,  the  demonstrative  particle,  and  the 
separable  preposition  or  component  part  of  the  verb. 

38.  In  simple  tenses  there  is  no  difficulty  whatever.  This 
will  appear  evident  by  a  few  examples  : — £er  SEenfdj  if: 
fterbltd)/  man  is  mortal.  3&  fefje  etnert  SBlarni/  I  see  a  man. 
3d*  fef)e  metne  SBudjer/  I  see  my  books.  3d)  fagte  fetnem  SSruber, 
I  was  saying  to  his  brother.  (Sr  gefyt  nad)  Berlin/  he  is  going 
to  Berlin,  ©ein  SBruber  trotjnt  bei  metnem  grcunbc/  his  brother 
lives  at  my  friend's.  (Seine  SBudber  liegen  auf  tern  &ifd)e,  his 
books  are  lying  on  the  table.  (gr  fdfcreibt  leferlicfy  he  writes 
legibly,  ^ie  rebet  tmmer,  she  is  always  talking.  3d)  [er,e 
barauS/  I  see  therefrom    Bit  effen  baoori/they  are  eating  some 


of  it.     <5r  fcfyreibt  ah,  he  is  copying,     ©ie  fommen  jurucf/  they 
are  coming  back. 

In  the  first  of  these  simple  sentences,  we  have  subject, 
verb,  and  attribute  ;  in  the  second  and  third,  subject,  verb, 
and  direct  regimen  ;  in  the  fourth,  subject,  verb,  and  indi- 
rect regimen ;  in  the  fifth,  sixth,  and  seventh,  subject, 
verb,  and  preposition,  with  its  case  ;  in  the  eighth  and  ninth, 
subject,  verb,  and  adverb;  in  the  tenth  and  eleventh,  sub- 
ject, verb,  and  demonstrative  particle  ;  and  in  the  twelfth 
and  thirteenth,  subject,  verb,  and  separable  preposition. 

39.  When  there  is  a  concurrence  of  regimens  in  the  pro- 
position or  sentence,  the  personal  pronouns,  in  regimen,  are 
put  immediately  after  the  verb  of  the  subject  or  nominative 
case,  and.  consequently,  before  all  the  other  words  which 
depend  on  that  verb. 

3d)  fenne  ifyn  feit  langer  3eit/  I  have  known  him  a  longtime. 
SQlein  SBruber  fdjreibt  mir  atlemal  fefyr  lange  SBriefe/  my  brother 
always  writes  me  very  long  letters.  3d)  mfinfdjc  Sfynen  etnen 
guten  SCftorgen,  I  wish  you  a  good  morning.  (Sr  befcbrour  mid) 
bet  unferer  greunbfftaft,  he  conjured  me  by  our  friendship. 
9Jtetne  ©deeper  beftnbet  ftd)  md)t  fet?r  root)!/  my  sister  is  not 
very  well. 

40.  Adverbs  of  time,  and  all  expressions  which  denote 
time,  as  well  as  adverbs  of  negation,  are  usually  placed  after 
the  personal  pronouns,  if  there  are  any,  and  before  the  other 
words  which  depend  on  the  same  verb,  observing  to  make 
adverbs  of  time  precede  adverbs  of  negation  ;  adverbs  of 
quality,  quantity,  and  others,  are  sometimes  placed  before, 
and  sometimes  after,  the  direct  and  indirect  regimen. 

3d)  gefye  fyeute  md)t  nad)  £onbom  I  do  not  go  to  London  to- 
day. S)te  (Srnbte  iffc  fyeuer  ntd)t  fo  gut/  ol§  ba§  sorige  %cfyx,  the 
harvest  is  not  so  good  this  year  as  it  was  the  last,  ©te 
gtngen  eittgft  in  ba§  £au£/  they  went  hastily  into  the  house. 
(§r  fd)reibt  alle  feine  SSriefe  giertid),  he  writes  all  his  letters 


41.  When  the  personal  pronoun  depends  on  a  preposi- 
tion, it  is  usually  placed  after  the  adverbs  of  time  and  nega- 
tion :  as,  er  fommt  l;eute  ntd)t  5U  mtr#  he  does  not  come  to  me 

42.  After  personal  pronouns  and  adverbs  of  time  and 
negation,  follow  the  direct  and  indirect  regimens,  nearly  in 
the  same  order  as  in  English,  with  their  modifications. 

Qt  befednbtgte  mir  geftern  etn  23ud)  nebft  etnem  S3rtefe/  he  de- 
livered to  me  yesterday  a  book,  together  with  a  letter,  din 
CSroe  wurbtgte  einen  brolltcfyten  £afen  fetner  ndfeern  Sefcmmi'diafr, 
a  lion  honoured  a  droll  hare  with  his  familiarity.  Gnn  ge* 
fragtgeg  ©djroetn  maftete  feet)  unter  einer  ^>ol)en  (£t#e  mtt  ber  feerabs 
gefallenen  grud)t,  a  voracious  pig  was  fattening  itself  under  a 
tall  oak  with  the  acorns  which  fell  from  it.  SOMn  SBrubcr 
certaufd)t  bag  Heine  olte  ^Pferb,  rcetdeS  er  son  Sfenen  aefauft  fear, 
gegen  etn  gr&fereg,  ba$  nur  fed)6  Safer  alt  tjr,  my  brother  ex- 
changes the  little  old  horse  which  he  bought  of  you,  for  a 
bigger,  that  is  but  six  years  old. 

43.  In  placing  several  regimens  which  concur  to  modify 
the  signification  of  the  same  verb,  it  is  of  less  importance 
to  consult  the  brevity  or  length  of  each  regimen  in  par- 
ticular, than  the  nearer  or  more  remote  connection  which  it 
may  have  with  the  verb ;  and,  in  general,  that  which  bears 
more  immediately  upon  the  signification  of  the  verb,  is,  like 
the   separable  component   particles   or  prepositions,  placed 

the  last. 


£)te  £)iebe  beaten  gemetntgltd)  tie  ©liter/  roelcbe  fte  ttjrem 
SKddbjfen  entttenben/  mit  ttyrem  £eben,  thieves  commonly  forfeit 
their  lives  for  the  property  which  they  take  from  their 
fellow-creatures.  £>er  ilontg  fcHtfte  alien  fetnen  ©efanbten  an 
auSrcarttgen  £6fen  S3efer)l  %\x,  the  king  sent  orders  to  all  his 
ambassadors  at  foreign  courts.  9Tcan  muf  tie  attfen  ©elegen= 
ijetten  ntcf)t  au£  ben  £anben  laffen,  we  ought  not  to  let  good 
opportunities  go  by  unimproved. 

44.  Incidental  sentences  are,  for  the  most  part,  placed 
immediately  after  the  word  which  they  explain  or  modify  ; 



but  when  the  verb  of  the  principal  sentence  is  in  a  com- 
pound tense,  the  incidental  sentence  mav  be  placed  indiffer- 
ently before  or  after  the  participle  or  infinitive,  which  forms 
a  part  of  the  compound  tense. 


3d)  §abe  ba$  IBudv  reel  ere*  <&h  mit  gelierjen  r;aben,  gelefen,  or 
id)  fcabe  fca3  £Bud)  gelefen,  roeldjeS  ©te  mir  geliefeen  $aben/  I  have 
read  the  book  which  you  lent  me.  3d)  roerbe  meinen  ©arten# 
tt>etd)er  tn  ber  &5orfiabt  itegt,  rerfaufen/  or  id)  rccrbe  meinen  ©arten 
oecfaufcn/  welder  in  ber  S$orfiabt  liegt,  I  will  sell  my  garden  in 
the  suburb. 

45.  What  has  just  been  said  respecting  incidental  sen- 
tences is  equally  applicable  to  propositions,  in  which,  in- 
stead of  a  complete  incidental  sentence,  there  is  either  a 
present  participle,  or  what,  a  compound  relative  pronoun, 
for  that  which,  in  German,  ba&  rcaS. 


I  wished  to  take  advantage  of  the  opportunity  for  buying 
good  books,  id)  ruottte  mir  tie  ©elegenfjeit/  gute  SBudjer  gu  faufen/ 
&u  9£u£en  madjeni  or  tcb  wollte  mir  tie  ©elegenfyett  ^u  3^u£en 
macfen/  gute  33ud)er  gu  taufen.  The  marshal,  upon  hearing 
that  the  enemy  was  not  more  than  two  leagues  off,  gave 
orders  to  his  whole  army,  auf  tie  Sftad)rtd)t,  ba$  ber  geinb  nur 
nod)  gnxi  ©tunben  entfernt  rcare,*  gab  ber  ^err  ^arfdiall  b^m 
gangen  ^)cere  SSefe^l/  or  ber  jperr  35£arfd)aU/  auf  tie  SKacfcrtd)!, 
ba%  ter  gctnb  nur  nod)  greet  ©tunben  entfernt  wire/  gab  bem  gangen 
£eere  SSefet)l.  The  general  had  scarcely  given  orders  for 
the  attack,  ber  (general  batte  faum  ben  SBefefyl  angugreifen  gege^ 
bin,  or  ber  ©eneral  t)atte  faum  ben  &3efet)i  gegebem  angugreifen. 
I  saw,  with  my  own  eyes,  what  happened,  id)  fyabz  ba$t  tva$ 
gefd)el;en  ift,  mix  meinen  etgenen  2Cugen  gefefyen/  or  id)  fyabe  ba$ 
mit  meinen  etgenen  2Cugen  gefefyeri/  roaS  gefd)el)en  tfr.  He  will  not 
confess  to  what  you  accuse  him  of,  er  urirb  ba$f  roeffen  ©te 
tl)n  befebuibtgen/  ntcr^r  gefieten,  or  er  rotrb  bag  ntd)t  gejlefyen/  n?effen 
©te  tt)n  befcr.ulbtgen.  He  was  ashamed  to  tell  me  what  I 
already  knew,  er  fduimte  fid)/  mir  ba§,  traS  id)  febon  roufjte/  gu 
fogen/  or  er  fctcmre  fid>  mir  ba§  gu  fagen/  rcaS  i&:  fdbon  tt>u£te. 

46.  When  there  is,  in   English,  between  the  nominative 


case  and  its  verb,  either  a  principal  sentence,  or  a  verb  in 
the  infinitive  mood,  governed  by  a  preposition,  the  sentence 
is  usually  begun  with  a  conjunction  or  conjunctional  ex- 

The  general,  having  heard  that  the  enemy  was  retreating, 
ordered  the  general  march  to  be  beaten,  nadjbem  ber  gelbfyerr 
erfafyren  tjatu,  bap  ber  geinb  fid)  aurud^og,  Itejj  er  ben  @eneral= 
marfd)  fdrtagen.  The  commandant,  after  he  had,  during  the 
night,  made  all  the  necessary  preparations  to  attack  the 
besiegers,  ordered  the  whole  of  the  garrison  to  go  out  of  the 
town  at  daybreak,  naftbem  ber  @ommanbant  tie  Sftad)t  burd)  alle 
n5t£)tgen  2Cnjralten  Me  SBelagerer  anjugretfen  gemad)t  featte/  lief?  er 
betm  2£nbrud)e  beg  Sageg  tie  gan^e  SSefagung  au$  ber  <Stabt  rucfen. 

47.  The  demonstrative  participles  bason/  &c,  as  well  as 
the  adverbs  bat  bafctbft/  allba/  §ut/  bar;in/  fyier*  and  tyiefyer/  are 
usually  placed  after  the  regimens. 

For  the  last  fortnight  every  body  has  been  talking  of  it 
with  great  confidence,  Sebermann  rebet/  feit  mer§et)n  Sagen,  mit 
oteler  ftoerl&jngf  eit  baoon.  I  am  not  a  little  astonished  at  it, 
id)  oerrounbere  mid)  ntdjt  rcentg  baruber.  Fortunately  we  arrived 
there  at  last,  after  a  tedious  journey,  toiv  gelangten  enblid)  nad) 
etner  befdhroerlicfcen  Sftetfe  glucfltd)  bafyin.  Your  brother  was 
already  there  with  his  wife,  Sfyt  SBruber  xvaz  mit  feincr  grau 
fd)on  ba. 

48.  Separable  prepositions,  commonly  called  the  "  separ- 
able component  particles  of  compound  verbs,"  are  placed 
after  the  regimens  and  demonstrative  particles. 

He  brought  (took)  two  of  his  friends  thither  with  him, 
er  bradtfe  gi&een  son  fetnen  guren  greunben  bat)tn  mit.     He  got  a 
deal  of  his  money  by  cheating,  er  gercann  i§m  burd)  fetne  S3es 
trugereien  oiei  ©elb  ab. 

49.  The  infinitive  mood,  separable  prepositions,  and  past 
participles,  are  placed  at  the  end  of  their  own  member  of 
the  sentence. 



My  friend  will  return  from  Germany  to-morrow,  and 
bring  me  two  horses  with  him,  metn  greunb  roirb  morgen  au$ 
£eutfcfclanb  §urucffommen,  unb  roirb  mtr  gvoet  ^>ferbe  mitbrtngen. 
He  did  not  copy  more  than  a  sheet  and  a  half  of  it  yester- 
day, er  rjat  geftern  nidjt  mefyr  alg  anbmfyatb  S5ogcn  baoon  abge^ 

50.  In  interrogative  sentences  the  verb  precedes  its  sub- 
ject or  nominative  case ;  and  the  attribute  is  put  in  the  third 


3ft  er  gefommen  ?  Is  he  come  ?  £at  er  fetne  ttntmort  gegeben  ? 
Has  he  given  no  answer  ?  SBarum  fyat  er  e$  nid)t  ^efagt  ? 
Why  has  he  not  said  so  ? 

51.  The  same  collocation  is  observed  when  the  conjunc- 
tion menn  or  the  particle  cb  is  omitted,  and  also  when  the  sen- 
tence begins  with  an  adverb  of  time  or  place,  with  one  of  the 
conjunctions  entmeber,  ober,  &c,  or  with  the  pronoun  e§/  &c. 

3ft  fca€;  was  <Ste  fagen;  mafyr  (for  m  e  n  n  ba$f  n>a§  ©ie  fagen, 
matjr  ift)/  fo  ijoffe  id)/  bajj  atle§  gut  gefyen  merbe/  if  what  you  say 
is  true,  I  hope  every  thing  will  go  on  well.  SSSill  ir)r  23ruber 
md)t  fcmmen  (for  menn  3 for.  23ruber  mcbt  fommen  mill)/  fo  mag 
er  megbletben/  if  your  brother  will  not  come,  he  may  stay 
away.  3ft  er  gletd)  nidjt  metn  greunb  (for  wcnn  or  o  b  er  gletd) 
md)t  metn  greunb  ift)/  fo  gonne  td)  tt)m  bod)  nicfets  SSofeS/  although 
he  is  not  my  friend,  still  I  wish  him  no  harm.  @djl&gen  trie 
oud)  ben  getnb  (for  m  e  n  n  mtr  audb  ben  geinb  fdjifigen)/  fo  fonnten 
mtr  ikn  ntdjt  t?erfolgen/  if  we  were  to  beat  the  enemy,  still  we 
should  not  be  able  to  pursue  him.  (§6  gefdjar;  etn  grojjeS 
Unalud:,  a  great  misfortune  happened. 

The  interrogative  pronoun  mer  forms  an  exception  to  the 
foregoing  rule,  as  :  2£er  r)at  ba$  getfyan?   Who  has  done  that? 

52.  In  propositions  beginning  with  the  particles  \ti  befto/ 
\xm,  fo/  rote/  &c,  the  attribute  occupies  the  first  place^  the 
verb  the  second,  and  the  subject  the  third. 



3e  &iter  ber  SBeim  befto  beffer  tji  er/  the  older  the  wine  the 
better  it  is.  2Sie  tfyeuer  tfr  biefe  £)ofe  ?  How  dear  is  this  box 
(for,  what  is  the  price  of  it)  ?  SSte  grop  iffc  Sfyre  ©ute !  How 
great  is  your  kindness  ! 

53.  An  affirmative  sentence  may  begin  with  an  infinitive, 
an  adjective,  an  adverb,  a  participle,  a  relative  or  demon- 
strative pronoun,  one  of  the  relative  particles  roo/  n>o§tn/  n>o- 
fyx,  xvobei,  woburd)/  roofiir,  n>oran,  roorin/  or  any  of  the  transpo- 
sitive  conjunctions  alg,  anerrcogen/  angefe^en,  anflatt,  big  baf*/ 
ba/  bafern#  bafyer,  bamit,  ba$t  auf/  efye,  etje  al6^  efje  benn/  falls  or 
im  galle/  inbem/  inbefferi/  mafjem  nacfybem,  nun,  ob/  obgleid)/  obfd)om 
obtvofy,  obgnxtr/  fett,  fettbem/  [internal/  roenn,  fo  aud>  fo  balb,  fo 
lange,  fo  triel,  fo  wett  or  in  fo  weit,  fo  fern  or  in  fo  fern;  fonft/ 
«>&fyrenb,  roann,  tt>arum/  rcaSmafien,  n?eld)ermaf;en  or  tt)eld)ergej!alt, 
weil/  tDtnn  aud),  ttenn  gleidv  rcenn  [d)on,  n>enn  nur,  tsegrcegen, 
glettote,  rote  roentg,  tmeroofyl/  roofern,  roofern  nur.  When  a 
sentence  begins  with  any  of  the  above  words,  the  construc- 
tion of  such  sentence  is  inverted  or  not  direct,  inasmuch  as 
the  subject  and  attribute  or  regimen  precede  the  verb  of 
the  nominative  case. 

Practical  Application  of  the  Theory  of 
German   Construction. 

Rule. — When  there  is  an  adjective,  or  a  participle,  with 
any  words  that  depend  on  either,  such  words  are  placed 
before  the  adjective  or  participle,  but  after  the  article  or 
pronoun.  In  this  ease,  the  article  or  pronoun  occupies  the 
first  place,  the  words  depending  on  the  adjective  or  parti- 
ciple the  second,  the  adjective  or  participle  itself  the 
third,  and  the  substantive,  modified  by  the  adjective  or 
participle,  the  fourth. 

£)te  Sftgmpfyen,  mtt  geflodfc  The  nymphs,  with  braided 
tenen  £aaren  unb  roeif?  gefletbet,     hair,  and  dressed  in  white, 

g  3 


rrugen  fogtetd)  etne  einfadje,  aber 
in  ®efd)matf  unb  Steinlidjfett 
auSgefud)te  SDftotyljeit  auf. 

3ugleid^  fingen  mer  junge 
9tt)mpt)en  an  gu  ffngen.  ©rffes 
Urf)  befangen  fie  ben  $ampf  ber 
(hotter  gegen  tie  Sfttefen  5  bann 
bte  StebeSabemeuec  be§  3upt=> 
ter  unb  ber  @emete ;  bie  ©eburt 
be£  SBaccr-uS  unb  fetne  burd) 
ben  alten  ©tten  getettete  (Sqies 
bung  ;  ben  SBSettlauf  ber  Etalanta 
unb  beg  £tppomeneS,  weldfjer 
oermitteljt  ber  golbenen/  tm 
Garten  ber  #efpertben  gepftui3:= 
ten  2Cepfe(  Sieger  blteb. 

£)te  £Hetd)tr;umer,  reeldje  fte 
burd)  ben  $anbel  ertangt  fatten/ 
unb  bte  (Stdrfe  ber  unubenrnnb^ 
itdjen  im  ?>Jteere  gelegenen  (Stabt 
SgruS  §attc  baS  #er§  btefer 
SSblfer  tro£tg  gemacfet. 

^etjren  <Ste,  fufyr  er  fort,  nad) 
St^ala  $urucf$  melleid)t  unrb 
Sfyr  oon  ben  ©ottern  geltebter 
Sater  eben  fo  baib  ba  fein/  alS 

£ier  regterte  ber  au§  Sroja 
entroidjjene  alte  2Ccejre6. 

(5tn  fo  unernxtrtefer  Orfotg 
mad)te,  baf  man  ben  SQlentoralS 
einen  son  bm  ©ottern  geltebten 
unb  begetfierten  SCftann  anfat). 

£)tefe  meUetdjt  unter  bem 
ganjen  2CRenfd}enge[d)led)t  i)err~ 
fcfyenbe  SDfteinung  t)ermod)te  nur 
burd)  SBabrfyett  folcfce  2CUgemein* 
I}eit  §u  genrinnen;  bcnn  btejentgen, 
weldje  nie  con  einanber  gebjort 
§aben,  fonnten  ficfy  nidjt  in  etne 

immediately  brought  in  a 
plain  repast,  but  exquisite 
both  in  taste  and  neatness. 

Then  four  young  nymphs 
began  to  sing.  First  they 
sang  the  battle  of  the  gods 
against  the  giants  ;  then  the 
loves  of  Jupiter  and  Semele  ; 
the  birth  of  Bacchus,  and  his 
education,  conducted  by  old 
Silenus  ;  the  race  of  Atalanta 
with  Hippomenes,  who  came 
off  victorious  by  means  of 
golden  apples  gathered  in 
the  garden  of  Hesperia. 

The  riches  they  had  ac- 
quired by  trade,  and  the 
strength  of  the  impregnable 
city  of  Tyre,  situated  in  the 
sea,  had  puffed  up  the  hearts 
of  these  people, 

Return  to  Ithaca,  con- 
tinued he,  perhaps  your  fa- 
ther, who  is  beloved  of  the 
gods,  will  be  there  as  soon 
as  you, 

Old  Acestes,  who  had 
escaped  from  Troy,  reigned 

Such  unexpected  success 
caused  Mentor  to  be  looked 
upon  as  a  man  favoured  and 
inspired  by  the  gods. 

This  opinion,  which  per- 
haps prevails  as  far  as  human 
nature  is  diffused,  could  be- 
come universal  only  by  its 
truth;  for  those  that  never 
heard  of  another  would  not 
have  agreed  in  a  tale  which 


nothing'  but  experience   can 
make  credible. 

&a$t  c>eretmgen,  bte  altetn  burd) 
Grrfafyrung  ©laubtr-urbtgMt  ju 
er^alten  im  (Stanbe  mar. 

£)er  Sufranb  etner  burd)  un^ 
erirarteteg  UnglutiE  gebeugten 
<Seele,  tjt  gtetd)  bem  ber  fabet^af* 
ten  Sewofyner  ber  neuerfdjaffenen 
drbe,  n?dd)e,  aid  bte  SKad}t  gum 
erften  5>JlaI  iftren  ©deleter  entfal« 
tete/  gtaubten/  ba$  ber  Sag  nic 
nneber  erfdjetnen  rourbe. 

Rule.— All  the  cases  governed  by  the  verb  are  put  after 
it,  in  the  simple  tenses,  and  between  the  auxiliary  and  the 
participle,  in  the  compound  tenses. 

Sellemad)  fotgte  ber  ©Stttrni/  Telemachus  followed  the 
n?eld)e  mit  etnem  #aufen  junger     goddess,  who   was  encircled 

The  state  of  a  mind  op- 
pressed with  a  sudden  cala- 
mity, is  like  that  of  the 
fabulous  inhabitants  of  the 
newly-created  earth,  who, 
when  the  first  night  came 
upon  them,  supposedthat  day 
would  never  return. 

yiymytyn  umgeben  war,  uber 
weldje  fte  etne  ^opfldnge  empor 
ragte,  gleid)  rote  etne  groge  @td;c 
in  etnem  28atbe  ttjre  butten 
3tt>etge  uber  alle  anbre  23dume, 
tt>eld)e  fte  umgeben,  empor  tybt. 

@r  berounberte  ben  ©lanj 
tfyrer  ©d)6nt)eit/  ben  retd)en 
^purpur  tfyreS  langen  mallenben 
JUetbeS,  i^jre  nad)ldgtg/  aber  mit 
©ra^te  ^jinten  aufgefnupften 
tbaare/  ba$  geuer,  n>eld)eS  au3 
ifyren  2Cugen  jtrat)lte,  unb  bte 
©anftmutlj,  tucldjc  btefe  Cebfjaf* 
itgfett  nttlberte. 

3d)  betrad)te  btefen  mddjttgen 
SBau  al§  ein  £)en£ma(  ber  Un* 
juldngltdjfeit  menfd)lid)er  ©es 

©te  bereuten  ir)re  SBifjbegterbe, 
tabelten  bte  9lad)tdfngfett  ber 
SKegterung,  beflagten   ir;re   Un= 

by  a  crowd  of  young"  nymphs, 
among  whom  she  was  dis- 
tinguished by  the  superioritv 
of  her  stature,  like  the  tower- 
ing summit  of  a  lofty  oak, 
seen,  in  the  midst  of  a  forest, 
above  all  the  trees  which 
surround  it. 

He  admired  the  splendour 
of  her  beauty,  the  rich  pur- 
ple of  her  long  flowing  robe, 
her  hair  that  was  tied  with 
graceful  negligence  behind 
her,  and  the  vivacity  and 
softness  which  were  mingled 
in  her  eyes. 

I  consider  this  mighty 
structure  as  a  monument  of 
the  insufficiency  of  human 

They  repented  their  cu- 
riosity, censured  the  negli- 
gence   of    the    government, 


befonnenfyeit/  weldje  eS  tterabs 
faumt  fyatte  fur  etne  SB3adf)e  ju 
forgen/  barren  ftd)  mele  tfug* 
funftSmittel  burd)  roeld)e  ^e= 
^uat)6  Skrtuft  fydtte  t>orgebeugt 
roerben  fSnneri/  unb  befd)lojfen, 
bag  fDtogltcfye  fur  beren  SBieberers 
langung  gu  rtjun/  obwo^t  !etner 
erroag  SrcecfmdfngeS  ausfinbtg 
madjen  lonntc. 

£)er  getgenbaum/  ber  Delbaum/ 
ber  ©ranatenbaum  unb  alle 
anbere  SSdume  bebecften  bag 
£anb/  unb  btlbeten  einen  grofien 
©arten  baraug. 

@r  benmnberte  tie  gute  ^olijet 
btefer  ©t&bte  >  bie  ©ered)ttgtett/ 
roetdje  sum  SSeften  beg  ^rmen 
gegen  ben  SKetcfyen  gefyanbrjabt 
nurb,  bte  gute  (grstefyung  ber 
&tnber/  tretd)e  man  §um  ©efyors 
fam,§ur  2Crbett/  §ur  tftuerjiernfyeit, 
5ur  £tebe  ber  ^unfte  unb  SBiffen^ 
fd)afien  geroSfynt;  tie  genaue 
33eobad)tung  aller  SHeltgion£ge= 
brdudje  5  bte  Unetgennu^tgMt, 
bte  (Sfyrbegterbe/  bte  Sreue  gegen 
bte  SDlenfdjen  unb  bte  gurd)t  fur 
bte  ©otter/  tt>eld)e  jeber  Qaufc 
sater  fetnen  $inbern  etnflopt. 

^alppfo  t)6rte  mtt  SSerroun* 
berung  fo  weifc  SSorte.  £BaS 
it>r  am  meijten  gejtefyl/  xvatf  ba$ 
Seiemad)  offenfyerstg  bte  gefyier 
erjd^lte;  tr-eicfye  er  auS  Ueber= 
etlung  begangen  fyatte/  unb  roett 
er  nidjt  folgfam  gegen  ben  tueifen 
Mentor  geir-efen  n?ar.  ©te  fanb 
einen  (Sbelfinn  unb  etne  beroun* 

lamented  their  own  rashness, 
which  had  neglected  to  pro- 
cure a  guard,  imagining  many 
expedients  by  which  the  loss 
of  Pekuah  might  have  been 
prevented,  and  resolved  to  do 
something  for  her  recovery, 
though  none  could  find  any- 
thing proper  to  be  done. 

The  fig,  the  olive,  the 
pomegranate,  and  all  other 
trees,  overspread  the  plain, 
and  gave  it  the  appearance 
of  a  large  garden. 

He  admired  the  good  police 
of  those  towns ;  the  justice 
that  was  exercised  in  favour 
of  the  poor  against  the  rich; 
the  good  education  of  the 
children,  who  were  trained 
to  obedience,  labour,  sobriety, 
the  love  of  arts  and  literature ; 
the  exact  observance  of  all 
the  ceremonies  of  religion  ; 
the  contempt  of  private  inter- 
est; the  desire  of  reputation  ; 
the  fidelity  towards  their  fel- 
low-subjects, and  the  rever- 
ence for  the  gods,  which 
every  father  carefully  culti- 
vated in  his  children. 

Calypso  listened  with  as- 
tonishment to  words  so  full 
of  wisdom.  What  delighted 
her  the  most  was  to  see  that 
Telemachus  ingenuously  re- 
lated the  mistakes  he  had 
made  through  precipitation 
and  untractableness  towards 
the  wise    Mentor  ;   she   dis- 


covered  unusual  strength  and 
dignity  of  mind  in  this  young 
man,  who  accused  himself? 
and  appeared  to  have  pro- 
fited so  well  by  his  impru- 
dences, to  become  wise,  pro- 
vident, and  temperate. 

A  propitious  wind  already 
swelled  our  sails,  our  oars 
cut  through  the  foaming 
waves,  the  vast  sea  was  cover- 
ed with  ships,  the  mariners 
sent  forth  shouts  of  joy,  the 
shores  of  Egypt  fled  far  from 
us,  the  hills  and  mountains 
gradually  became  level. 

We  now  began  to  see  only 
sky  and  water,  whilst  the 
rising  sun  appeared  to  strike 
his  sparkling  flames  out  of 
the  bosom  of  the  sea;  his 
beams  gilded  the  summit  of 
the  mountains,  which  we 
still  discovered  in  some  mea- 
sure upon  the  horizon  ;  and 
the  whole  face  of  heaven, 
painted  with  a  deep  azure, 
promised  us  a  prosperous 

Rule. — £)urfem  fonnetv  Iaffen,  mogen,  muffen/  follem  roerben, 
tpolteti/  and  all  verbs,  in  general,  the  principal  use  of  which 
is  to  limit  the  tenses  and  moods  of  other  verbs,  govern  the 

bernSwurbtge  (Seetengto^e  bet 
btefem  3ungltnge/  rcetdfcer  ftd) 
felbjr  antlagte,  unb  ber  feine 
Unoorftd)ttg£etten  fo  roofyl  benu^t 
§atte,  urn  metfe,  porftcfytig  unb 
gemdjngt  511  roerben. 

(Sin  gunfttger  2£tnb  firoellte 
fd)on  unfere  Kegels  tie  £Kuber 
burd)fd)mtten  bte  fd)dumenben 
fSSellen ;  t>a$  vrefte  5CReer  rcar 
mtt  @d)tffen  bebec£t>  bte  (See? 
ieute  jaud)$ten$  bte  egpptifdjen 
Ufer  flotjen  mit  son  uns  1  #itgel 
unb  S3erge  nmrben  nad)  unb  nad) 

9tun  fingen  n>iv  an  nur  #tms 
mel  unb  SBaffer  gu  fcijeri/  xvafc 
renb  bte  aufgefyenbe  (Sonne  tfyr 
funfelnbeSgeuer  au§  bemSd)oofje 
be§  SfteereS  fyeraufftetgen  lief. 
3f)ve  ^trafylen  sergolbeten  bte 
@pt£en  ber  SSerge/  tt?eld)e  ttrir 
nod)  etn  trentg  am  £ortgonte 
fa^en;  unb  ber  £immet,  mtt 
einem  bunfeln  SBlau  bemafytt/ 
cerfytejj  un6  etne  gltotcfye  ©djtff* 

£)te  serfd)tebenen  handle/ 
tt?eld)e  btefe  Snfein  Mlbeten, 
fdbienen  auf  bem  £anbe  gu  fcfyers 
gen*  etntge  ttdlgten  tfjr  flared 
Staffer,  mtt  grower  8d)nellig!eit 
fort  a    anbere  tnelten  etn  jttttes 

The  various  streams  which 
formed  these  islands  seemed 
to  revel  in  the  plain ;  some 
rolled  along  in  translucent 
waves,  with  a  tumultuous 
rapidity ;    some  just   moved 


unb  faft  fxefyenbeS  Gaffer,  nod) 
anbere  famen/  burd)  tt?eite  Urn* 
tuege,  jurM/  a(^  urn  §u  itjrer 
£Ute(Ie  gurucr.  ?;u  jretgen/  unb 
fd)tenen  biefe  gaubenfd)en  ©e? 
ftabe  ntdjt  oetlaffcn  §u  fon* 

Selemad)  antroortete  feuf^enb: 
CSfyer  m5gen  mid)  bte  ©otter  um= 
Somtnen  i a f f c n>  ate  juge* 
ben;  ba§  SGBeibKcfefett  unb  SBSol* 
luft  fid)  metne£  ^er^enS  bemet* 
ftern.  9letn,  netn/  Ulpffeg  (Sofyn 
arirb  nk  burd)  bte  SKei^e  etneS 
niebrtgen  unb  wetbtfdjcn  £eben§ 
ubentnmben  roerben !  2Cber 
tpetd)e  ©unjt  beg  £tmmel§  fyat 
un§  nafy  unferm  ©djtffbrudjc 
btefe  ©Sttinn  ober  btefe  (Sterb^ 
ltd)e  fin  ben  la  f  fen/  bte 
unS  mit  2Bor;ltr;un  ubet^auft  ? 

3Me  Sugenb  tft  bunf el^aft  5 
fie  traut  ftdt)  2£Ue$  ju ;  obgletd) 
fdwad),  glaubt  fte  2ttteS  §u 
£  6  n  n  e  n  unb  md)t§  b  e  f  u  r  d)^ 
ten  5  u  b  u  r  f  e  n  ;  fte  traut 
(eidjtftnntng  unb  oipne  SSorftdjt. 

(£r  wracbtcte  mid)  al$  etnen 
(d)u?ad)en  getnb/  abcr  ot)ne  mtc^ 
burd)  fetne  erjraunltcbe  (Starte 
nod)  burd)  fein  tmibeS  unbraufyeg 
2tnfe£)en  irre  m  a  d)  e  n  §  u  I  a  f= 
fen/  ftteg  id)  metne  £an$e  gegen 
fetne  SSruft/  unb  mad)te/  bag  er 
(Strome  fdjroargen  SBluteS  au&= 
fpte/  alS  er  ben  ($5etjr  aufgab. 

Ulpffeg/  metn  Sater,  war  einer 
ber  Bornefymften  Jtbntge/  weld)e 
biefe  ©tabt  gerftout  fyaben; 
er   fcfywetft  auf   alien    SCfteeren 

along  a  dormant  stream ; 
and  others,  after  a  long  cir- 
cuit, turned  back,  as  if  they 
wished  to  issue  again  from 
their  source,  and  were  unable 
to  quit  this  enchanted  place. 

Telemachus,  sighing,  an- 
swered :  May  the  gods  de- 
stroy me,  rather  than  suffer 
effeminacy  and  voluptuous- 
ness to  enslave  my  heart ! 
No  !  the  son  of  Ulysses  shall 
never  be  overcome  by  the 
charms  of  an  indolent  effi uri- 
nate life.  But  what  favour  of 
heaven  has  directed  us,  after 
our  shipwreck,  to  this  goddess, 
or  this  mortal,  who  loads  us 
with  benefits  ? 

Youth  is  presumptuous  ; 
it  promises  (expects)  all 
things  from  itself;  and, 
though  frail,  it  believes  it 
can  compass  every  thing,  and 
has  nothing  to  fear  ;  it  light- 
ly and  incautiously  confides. 

He  despised  me  as  a  feeble 
enemy  ;  but,  regarding  nei- 
ther his  prodigious  strength, 
nor  the  fierceness  of  his  de- 
meanour, I  thrust  my  lance 
against  his  breast,  and  made 
him  vomit  torrents  of  black 
blood,  as  he  gave  up  the 

Ulysses,  my  father,  was 
one  of  the  chief  kings  who 
destroyed  that  city ;  he  is 
now  a  fugitive  on  the  deep, 


berum,  cbne  He  3nfel  3tyafa# 
fcin  jlonigteicb/  nneber  ft  n  b  e  n 
ju  f  6  nn  e  n. 

Sftktne  ©anftmufy  meine 
(§5ebulb/  metne  ©enauigfeit,  be- 
fdnfttgten  audi  enbltd)  ben  grau= 
famen  93utt§,  bee  uber  tie  ant  em 
Sflcr:en  ©etsalt  batte/  unb  mid) 
anfangS  b>atte  qudlen  rootle  n. 

©Ittcflid)  jtnb  bie,  raeidbe  itjr 
SBergnugen  bet  bem  Unterricbte 
finben/  unb  tie  tfcren  ©eift  gerne 
burcb  SBtjfenfdjaften  auSbifben. 
2Cn  H>eld)en  Drt  ka$  feinbltcr-e 
©efdutf  fie  audi  ^inwirfa  fo 
baben  fte  allcjjett  etrcaS  bei  ftcb/ 
roomtt  Jlc  |td)  u  n  t  e  r  I)  a  1 1  e  n 
15  n  n  c  n#  unb  tie  Sangetretie/ 
n;eld)e  anbere  9Jlenfd>en  mitten 
unter  £uftbarfetten  petmgt,  ijt 
benen  unbefannt,  ttelcre  (id)  mil 
Sefen  gu  befebafttgen  trnjen. 
©lucfticb  ftnb  bie/  tteld)?  gerne 
Xefen/  unb  ntcbt  it>tc  icb,  bQ$  Sefen 
entbetyren   muff  en. 

3d)     bitte     ben     SftorpfeeuS/ 

feinen  angene^mfrcn  Saubec  auf 
3t)re  muben  2Cugenlteber  au3;u= 
fenutten  ;  einen  gottltd}en  £unft 
in  Sbre  muben  ©iteber  fliefjen 
iu  laffen,  unb  Sjjnen  leic^te 
Srdume  gu  fducfen,.  weld&e  urn 
©te  tjerum  gaufeln,  3fyre  £inne 
burd)  bie  lacbenbfren  SStlber  er* 
go^en/  unb  alle§  con  Sfynen  cer= 
febeutfen,  rcaS  8ie  ju  fdnelt 
a  u  f  to  e  c!  e  n  !  6  n  n  t  e. 

3nbem  Qftentor  biefe  SBcrte 
fpracK  nabm  er  tyn  bet  ber 
£anb,  unb  fu^rte  itjn  nad)  bem 

unable  to  reach  Ithaca,  which 
is  his  kingdom. 

My  meekness,  patience, 
and  diligence,  at  length  ap- 
peased the  cruel  Butis,  who 
was  in  authority  over  the 
other  slaves,  and  had  at  first 
wished  to  torment  me. 

Happy  are  those  who  take 
pleasure  in  instruction,  and 
delight  in  cultivating  their 
minds  with  knowledge  ! 
Whithersoever  adverse  for- 
tune may  throw  them,  still 
thev  carrv  about  them  suffi- 
cient  to  entertain  themselves; 
and  the  uneasiness  which 
preys  upon  other  men,  even 
in  the  midst  of  pleasure,  is 
unknown  to  those  who  can 
employ  themselves  with  a 
book.  Happy  are  they  who 
are  fond  of  reading,  and  who 
are  not,  like  myself,  obliged 
to  forego  it  ! 

May  Morpheus  shed  his 
most  benign  influence  on 
your  closing  eye-lids,  and 
diffuse  an  ambrosial  vapour 
through  your  fatigued  limbs  ! 
May  he  send  the  most  de- 
lightful dreams  to  play  around 
you ;  fill  your  imagination 
with  the  most  pleasing  ideas, 
and  chase  far  from  you  what- 
ever might  awake  you  too 

Saying  these  words.  Men- 
tor took  him  by  the  hand, 
and  pulled  him  towards  the 


shore.  Telemachus  followed 
reluctantly,  looking  inces- 
santly behind  him.  He  kept 
his  eyes  upon  Eucharis,  as 
she  was  going  still  further 
from  him ;  and,  when  he 
could  no  longer  see  her  face, 
he  surveyed  her  beautiful 
hair  tied  negligently  behind, 
her  garments  wantoning  in 
the  wind,  and  her  noble  gait. 

Rule. — When  twro  or  more  infinitives,  or  participles, 
depend  on  each  other,  that  which  is  the  first  in  English  must 
be  put  last  in  German.  The  verbs  (efyen,  fyoren,  &c, 
governing  another  verb,  cannot  be  used  in  the  participle, 
but  must  always  remain  in  the  infinitive  mood. 

Ufer.  Selemarf)  fotgte  nut  ?D?irt)e, 
intern  ec  tmmer  ^urucf  fat).  (Sr 
betrad)tete  (Suc^ariS,  roeld)e  ftd) 
entfernte.  £>a  er  tfyr  @eftd)t 
ntdbt  fefyen  I onnte,  fo  befafy  er 
ifyrefcfyonen  aufgebunbenen#aare/ 
tyz  roaltenbeg  &tetb  unb  tfyren 
ebeln  @ang.  (£r  batte  tr;re 
gugfrapfen  Ififfcn  mo  gen. 

Setemacb  ernrieberte  tfyr :  £> 
©ie/  rcer  ©ie  aud)  fetn  mogen, 
etne  ©terblid}e  ober  eine  ©otttnn, 
obfdion  man  ©te  nur  fur  cine 
©otrfyett  fatten  !ann/  roenn  man 
@te  anbltcft,  follten  ©ie  unemps 
finblid)  bei  bem  Unglucfe  etneS 
©ofyneS  fcirt/  rcelcber/  ber  95MUs 
!ut)r  ber  SSinbe  unb  SSogen  au^= 
gefefct/  fetnen  £$ater  auffudjt/  unb 
fetn  ©d)tf  an  ben  gelfem  weldie 
3t)re  Snfel  umgeben/  §at  f  d)  e  U 
tern  f  e  i)  e  n  ? 

£>iefe  S3etrad)tungen  ftellte  i^ 
in  meinem  Unglutfe  an,  unb  id) 
rief  writ  alle§  ins  ($5ebad)tmg 
jurutf/  wag  id)  ben  Mentor  tjatte 
f  a  g  e  n  %  6  r  e  n. 

Whoever  you  are,  replied 
Telemachus,  whether  a  mor- 
tal or  a  goddess,  although 
from  your  appearance,  one 
can  only  take  you  for  a  di- 
vinity, should  you  be  un- 
moved by  the  misfortune  of 
a  son,  who,  in  quest  of  his 
father,  exposed  to  winds  and 
seas,  has  seen  his  ship  split 
against  the  rocks  which  sur- 
round your  island  ? 

These  are  the  reflections 
which  I  made  in  my  misfor- 
tune, and  I  recalled  to  mind 
every  thing  that  I  had  heard 
Mentor  say. 

Rule. — The  German  infinitive  is  usually  preceded  by  the 
preposition  gu/  when  it  simply  expresses  the  object  of  an 
action  ;  and,  when  it  more  particularly  denotes  the  aim  and 
intention  of  an  action,  in  addition  to  the  above  preposition, 


the  verb  requires  the  particle  um,  which  is  always  separated 
from  §u  by  the  case  of  the  verb  in  the  infinitive  mood, 

2Btr  fatten  fctemltd)  tange 
etnen  gunjtigen  SQStnb/  u  m  nadi 
©tctlten  5  u  fcfyiffen  ;  aber  nad)= 
^er  oerbarg  etn  bujterer  ©turm 
tin  £immel  oor  unfern  2Cugen 
unb  rote  wurben  in  etne  ttefe 
9la$i  etngefyuilt. 

£>te  Jtontge,#eld)e  nur  barauf 
bebad)t  ftnb/  fid)  gefurd)tet  §u 
feroen  unb  bte  tyre  Unteri^anen 
brMen/  um  fie  unterttmqtger 
§  u  mad)en/  ftnb  bte  (Set£etn  beg 
Sftenfd)engefcl)ted)t§.  ©te  tt)er- 
ben  gefurdjtet/  rote  fte  e§  few 
it?otlen,  aber  fte  rcerben  gefjajjt 
unb  t>erab(d)eut/  unb  fie  fyaben 
Don  tfyren  Untertfyanen  nod)  mel)r 
alg  biefe  Don  tynen  p  bei'urd)ten. 

V\Te  had  for  some  time  a 
favourable  wind  for  going 
to  Sicily;  but  afterwards  a 
black  tempest  deprived  our 
eyes  of  the  sight  of  heaven, 
and  we  were  enveloped  in 

Kings  who  are  only  studi* 
ous  to  make  themselves 
dreaded,  and  to  oppress  their 
subjects,  in  order  to  render 
them  more  servile,  are  the 
scourges  of  the  human  race; 
they  are  feared  as  they  desire 
to  be,  but  they  are  hated  and 
detested  ;  and  they  have  more 
reason  to  fear  their  subjects 
than  their  subjects  have  to 
fear  them. 

Sesostris  neither  despised 
nor  rejected  any  person,  and 
thought  that  he  was  a  king 
only  to  do  good  to  all  his 
subjects,  whom  he  loved  as 
his  children. 

The  gods  have  sent  you 
for  the  purpose  of  delivering 
us ;  1  expect  no  less  from 
your  valour  than  from  the 
wisdom  of  your  counsel  ; 
hasten,  therefore,  to  assist 

Rule. — Adjectives,  and  participles  considered  as  adjec- 
tives, are  in  German,  as  in  English,  placed  before  the  sub- 
stantives which  they  modify  or  qualify. 

£)te  brutlenben  £d)jen  The  lowing  oxen  and  the 
unb  bte    b  {  6  !  e  n  b  e  n    ©djafc     bleating   sheep  came  crowd- 

©efojms.  cerad)tete  ntemanb 
unb  ttrieS  ntemanben  juriitf  5  er 
glaubte  nur  bagu  £6mg  §  u  fetn/ 
u  m  alien  fetnen  Unterttjancn* 
vozl&t  er  trie  fetne  Winter  ttcbte, 
@uteg  5  u  erroetfen. 

£ie  ©otter  b,aben  eud)  fyte^er 
gefd)icrt,  u  m  ung  5  u  retten  ;  id) 
erroarte  son  eurer  Sapferfett 
md)t  rcentger  ati  Don  bcr  £SetS= 
l>ett  eures  SRatfyeS,  eilet  un3 


famen  fyattfenumfe/  uetltegen 
bte  f  e  tt  en  2Setben  unb  fonnten 
ntcfit  ©tctUe  genug  ftnben/  urn 
unter  £)bka$)  §u  fommen.  SJJlan 
i)5rte  oon  alien  (Setten  ein 
oerworreneS  ©erdufd)  son 
£euten/  rcelcfye  fid)  fortfttefkn/ 
n>eld)e  fid)  nidjt  oerfte^en  fonnten; 
tueldje  in  btefem  SBSirrmarr  etnen 
gremben  fur  etnen  greunb  an= 
fafyen  unb  roelcfye  liefen/  ofyne  §u 
wiffen  rcofyin.  2Cber  bte  23  o  r^ 
n  e  t)  m  ft  e  n  ber  &abt>  roeldje 
fid)  fur  flfiger  t)telten/  aU  bte 
anbern,  biibeten  fid)  ein/  SCRentor 
fei  ein  23etruget'/  ber  eine  fat? 
f  d>  e  SSeUfagung  Qtmafyt  §abzf 

ing  in  from  their  luxuriant 
pastures,  and  could  not  find 
stabling  enough  to  get  under 
cover.  Noise  and  tumuh 
were  heard  on  all  sides  of 
people  pressing  to  get  in, 
who  could  not  understand 
one  another.  In  this  confu- 
sion some  took  an  unknown 
individual  for  their  friend, 
and  ran  about,  not  knowing 
whither.  But  the  principal 
men  of  the  city,  fancying 
themselves  wiser  than  the 
rest,  looked  upon  Mentor  as 
an  impostor,  who  had  framed 
a  false  prediction  to  save  his 

urn  fetn  £eben  §u  retten. 

Rule. — A  genitive  case,  governed  by  a  substantive,  or 
an  adjective,  with  the  article  ber/  bte/  ba$f  may  be  placed 
indifferently  before  or  after  the  substantive  by  which  it  is 

Urn  bte  Sflfttttel,  ba$  v£per§  beS 
SunglingS  (or  beS  3ungttngS 
£erg)  ju  rutjren/  bejto  beffer  §u 
fennen/  fragte  fie  tynt  auf  u>eld)e 
2Crt  er  ©djiffbrud)  gelttten  fyabe, 
unb  burd)  n>eid)e  SSorfdtle  er  an 
ike  $ufte  gefommen  fei. 

©ein  @ie  benn  ber  xo  u  r== 
hx§i  ©  o  fy  n  b  e  6  Utr;ffe6  unb 
§etgen  ©te  ein  £er§/  baS  grower 
ift/  al§  alleS  Unglucf  /  roeld)e§  ©te 

£)te  Unter  tfyanen  be  6  2Cce=: 
fieS^burd)  ?ft£ntorS  S3et' 
fptel  unb  SSefefyle  angefeuert/ 
betrtefen- etne  Sapferfetr,  beren 
fie  ftd)  nidjt  fafc)tg  glaubren. 

In  order  the  better  to  dis- 
cover the  means  by  which 
she  might  affect  the  young 
man's  heart,  she  asked  him 
how  he  had  been  wrecked, 
and  what  accident  had  thrown 
him  upon  her  island. 

Act,  therefore,  in  a  man- 
ner worthy  of  the  son  of 
Ulysses,  and  show  that  you 
have  a  heart  superior  to  all 
the  ills  which  threaten  you. 

The  subjects  of  Acestes. 
encouraged  by  Mentor's  ex- 
ample and  words,  felt  within 
a  vigour  of  which  they 
thought  themselves  incapa- 


Rule. — When  a  word  that  depends  on  an  infinitive  is 
explained  or  determined  by  an  incidental  proposition,  such 
proposition  may  be  placed  either  before  or  after  the  infini- 

Raum  fyattz  id)  btefe .  SBerte 
au3ge[prod)en/  aU  ba$  gange 
fSol!  aufgebra&t  auSrtef,  man 
muffe  ben  ©ofyn  btefeS  graufamen 
UtyffeS,  bejfen  SRdnfe  tie  ©tabt 
Sroja  jerftcd;  fatten;  umbrtn^ 

£>  @o§n  be6  UlgffeS !  fagte 
mir  2Ccej?e§,  id)  fann  3t)t  Slut 
ben  Sl^anen  fo  meler  Zto\amvf 
meldhe  3^  SSater  an  tie  lifer  beg 
fdjmaqen  £ocr;tuS  gefturjt  fyat/ 
nid)t  r>  e  r  f  a  g  e  n. 

©o  balb  it>tr  §u  SORempfyiS/ 
€tner  mdd)tigen  unb  practooUen 
<Stabt  ange!ommen  waren/  befall 
ber  ©tabt^attet/  baf;  rotr  bte  nad) 
Sfyeben  reifen  follten,  urn  bem 
Jtbmge  ©efoftrte  oorgcftetlt 
5  u  n>  e  r  b  e  m  bee  bte  (^adbe 
felbft  unterfud;en  moltte  unb  ber 
gegen  bte  &t)rer  fe^r  aufgebrad)t 

Scarcely  had  I  spoken 
these  words  when  all  the 
people  cried  out  in  a  rage, 
The  son  of  this  cruel  Ulys- 
ses, whose  artifices  have 
overthrown  the  city  of  Troy, 
must  be  put  to  death. 

O  son  of  Ulysses  !  said 
Acestes  to  me,  I  cannot  re- 
fuse your  blood  to  the  manes 
of  so  many  Trojans,  whom 
your  father  has  prematurely 
hurled  to  the  banks  of  the 
black  Cocytus. 

As  soon  as  we  had  arrived 
at  Memphis,  a  rich  and 
magnificent  city,  the  gover- 
nor gave  orders  that  we 
should  go  to  Thebes,  to  be 
presented  to  king  Sesostris, 
who  would  examine  things 
himself,  and  who  was  greatly- 
incensed  against  the  Tyrians. 

Rule. — When  two  or  more  infinitives,  or  participles, 
depend  on  each  other,  that  which  is  the  first  in  English 
must  be  put  last  in  German. 

S&eber  defter,  vreUten  td)  §u 
g)r>log  befiutte,  nod)  sERenelauS/ 
wetefcev  mid)  freunbfd)aftUd)  in 
Sacebdmon  aufnatjm,  fonnte 
mir  fagen/  ob  mem  SBater  nod) 
am  Seben  ware  $  mube  immer 
in  imi\ei   unb  Ungewiptyeit  ju 

Neither  Nestor,  whom  I 
saw  at  Pylosj  nor  Menelaus, 
who  received  me  kindly  at 
Lacedsemon,  could  tell  me 
whether  my  father  was  still 
alive ;  weary  of  living  in 
continual   suspense  and  un- 


leben>  befcfytofj  td)  nad)  Sicilten 
&u  fa^reit/  roo^iti/  rote  id)  getjotrt 

batte,  mein  SSater  turd)  tie 
SOStnbe  roar  u  e  r  f  d)  I  a  9  e  n 
ro  or  b  e  n. 

3d)  benu^te  btefen  2Cufentfjalt, 
um  bte  bitten  ber  bet  alien  be^ 
fannten  STattonen  [0  berufymten 
^bontjier  fennen  §  u  ( e  r^ 
n  e  n. 

certainty,  I  resolved  to  go  to 
Sicily,  whither  I  had  heard 
my  father  had  been  driven 
by  the  winds. 

I  made  use  of  this  sojourn 
to  get  to  understand  the 
manners  and  customs  of  the 
Phoenicians,  so  renowned  in 
all  the  nations  of  the  earth. 

Rule. — -The  prepositions  au§,  aufkr/  bet/  &c,  govern 
the  dative  case ;  burd),  fur/  um,  &c,  govern  the  accu- 
sative, and  auf,  Winter,  an,  &c,  the  dative  and  accusative 

3d)  berounberte  bie  gluctltdje 
Sage  btefcr  grofjen  <&tabif  roelcbe 
mitten  tm  SJleere  auf  etner 
Snfet  Uegr.  £)te  benad)bam 
Mjte  tft  retjenb  b  u  r  d)  tore 
grud)tbarfett,  burd)  bte  oortreffs 
ud)en  grud)te,  roelcbe  fie  fyersor 
brtngt,  burd)  bie  stafyl  ber  Stable 
unb  £>6rfer,  wetdjc  fid)  faffc  be= 
rufyrem  unb  enbltd)  burd)  tf)r 
nrilbeS  Silima  ;  benn  bte  Serge 
fd)u|en  ttefe  3tufte  9  c  9  e  n  bte 
brennenben  ©ubrotnbe/  unb  ffe 
rotrb  burd)  ben  9?orbrotnb/  roek 
d)er  uber§  SKeec  blajr,  erfrtfebt. 
3Mefe$  £anb  Itegt  am  gufk  beg 
SibanonS*  beffen .  ©tpfel  bte  2BoU 
fen  sertfyetlt  unb  faffc  bte  Sterne 
berufyrt ;  gluffe  son  gefdjmolges 
nem  Sd)nee  futrgen  rote  retgenbc 
Strbme  0  0  n  ben  gelfen  fyerab, 
roeldtje  fetne  (Spige  umgeben. 
U  n  t  e  n  fte^t  man  etnen  roett* 
Idufttgen  2Baib  ucn  uratten 
3ebern,  bte  eben  fo  alt  §u  fetn 

I  admired  the  happy  situ- 
ation of  this  great  city,  which 
is  built  upon  an  island  in  the 
sea.  The  neighbouring  coast 
is  attractive  for  its  fertility, 
the  exquisite  fruits  it  pro- 
duces, its  towns  and  villages, 
which  are  almost  contiguous 
to  each  other ;  and,  lastly,  for 
the  mildness  of  its  climate, 
for  the  mountains  screen 
this  coast  from  the  scorching 
southern  winds,  whilst  it  is 
refreshed  by  the  north  wind 
that  blows  from  the  sea. 
The  country  is  at  the  foot  of 
Lebanon,  the  summit  of 
which  penetrates  the  clouds 
and  touches  the  sky  ;  rivers 
of  melted  snow  descend 
like  torrents  from  the  rocks 
which  surround  its  head. 
Beneath  is  seen  a  vast  forest 
of  aged  cedars,  that  seem 
coeval    with    the    earth    on 


fcfjeinen  alg  tie  (Srbe/  vo  o  r  a  u  f 
fte  geppanjt  (tnb#  unb  tie  tyre 
bicr-ten  gtuet^e  big  §  u  ben 
Sffiolfen  ftrecfen.  SDiefer  SBalb 
bat  untet  fetnen  gufsen  am  2fe 
^jange  bee  SBergeS  fctte  23tet)metben/ 
morauf  brfiUenbe  Sttere  unb 
blofente  Senate  £}erum  gefyen/ 
mtt  t^ren  barren  a  u  f  bem 
©cafe  t>upfenben  ftdmmern  5 
bort  fltegen  taufenb  §3ad)e  son 
flarem  Gaffer. 

©hblidj,  unter  btefen  gBeiben/ 
fte£)t  man  ben  gug  be>S  Merges 
qletd)  etnem  ©anen  5  grueling 
unb  £erbjr  ^errfdjen  £)ier  3  us 
g(etd)/  unb  brtngen  Sttumen  unb 
grucbte  t}en>or.  9?ie  r)at  ber 
oerpeftete  £aud)  beg  (SubnrinbeS/ 
ber  alleg  ausrreefnet  unD  Der* 
brennt,  nod)  ber  ftrenge  9?orb= 
winb/  tie  tebfyaften  garbert/  meld;e 
btefen  ©arten  giereiv  d  e  1 1 6* 
f  d)  e  n   !  6  n  n  e  n. 

S5  e  t  btefer  fct]6nen  Hujre 
fteigt  bte  Snfel,  roorauf  tie  3rabt 
Zx)im  gebaut  £ft#  a  u  g  bem 
Sfteere.  £)tefe  gro§e  &tabt 
febetnt  auf  bem  SBafier  gu  fdjaum? 
men/  unb  bte  $onigtmi  beg 
gangen  50teere§  gu  fetn.  £auf= 
leute  aug  alien  SSeltt^eilen 
tanben  bafelbft;  unb  itjre  SBes 
moaner  f e I b ft  fi'nb  tie  fcerufyms 
tefren  ^aufieure  in  ber  SBelt, 
££enn  man  in  biefe  (Stabi  tritt, 
fo  glaubt  man  anfangg/  eg 
fel  I  e  i  n  e  etnem  befenbern 
SSolfe  5tiget)6rtge  ©tabt,  fc 

which  they  grow,  and  bear 
their  spreading  branches  to 
the  clouds.  At  the  foot  of 
this  forest  are  rich  pastures, 
on  the  declivity  of  the  moun- 
tain. Here  are  seen  the 
bellowing  bulls  wandering 
up  and  down,  and  the  bleat- 
ing ewes,  with  their  tender 
lambkins,  skipping  about 
in  the  grass  ;  there  flow  a 
thousand  streams  of  purest 

Finally,  below  these  pas- 
tures appears  the  foot  of  the 
mountain,  like  a  garden ; 
here  spring  and  autumn  reign 
both  together,  producing 
fruits  and  flowers.  Never 
has  either  the  pestilential 
blast  of  the  south  wind,  which 
dries  and  burns  up  every 
thing,  or  the  chilling  north 
wind,  been  able  to  blot  out 
the  lively  colours  which 
adorn  this  garden. 

Not  far  from  this  beautiful 
coast,  rises  in  the  sea  the 
island  on  which  the  city  of 
Tyre  is  built.  This  power- 
ful city  seems  to  swim  above 
the  waves,  and  to  be  the 
queen  of  all  the  sea.  Mer- 
chants from  every  part  of 
the  globe  land  there,  and  its 
own  inhabitants  are  the  most 
renowned  merchants  in  the 
world.  When  you  first  enter 
this  city,  you  would  not  take 
it  for  a  place  belonging  to 
any    particular    people,    but 

h  3 


etr.e  alien  936lfern  gemeinfdjaft* 
itd)c  ©tabt  unb  bee  Sftittelpunft 
ifyresS  £anDel§.  (gte  t}ac  gwei 
grope  £)amme,  roelcfye  ftd),  gteid) 
langen  'tfrmen/  t  n  ba§  SQZeec 
erftrecfen/  unb  einen  nmtiduftigen 
£afen  einfaffen/  tueld)er  9  e  g  e  n 
bie  2$inbe  gefd)u£t  tjr.  3>n  btes 
fern  £afen  fiefyi  man  gleid)[am 
etnen  SBalb  ooti  ©djipmajien/ 
unb  biefc  ©djiffe  ftnb  fo  gal)l« 
retd)/  bap  man  faum  ba£  SReer/ 
welches  fie  trdgt,  entbedien  !ann. 
2CUe  burger  legen  fidtj  a  u  f  ben 
Jpanbel,  unb  ifyre  grojsen  Sfceicfys 
tfyumer  oerurfadjen  bod)  b  e  i 
ifynen  feinen  Uebevbrup  g  e  g  e  n 
tie  nottjige  Tlxhtit,  )&  §u  oer- 
mefyren.  Uebcrali  ftefyt  man  tie 
feine  eggptifdje  Setnmanb/  unb 
ben  sroetmal  gefdrbten  t*)rtfdcn 
^ucpu-c  oon  etnem  berounbern^ 
uniroigen  ©lange  5  biefc  boppelte 
garbe  i)z  fo  iebfyaft/  bap  bie  peit 
fte  ntd)t  oerbleid)en  farm,  man 
bebtent  ftd)  hewn  511  ber  feinen 
SBoUe/  treiu  e  man  m  i  t  einec 
@titferei  Don  ®olb  ivab  (Sitber 
ert)6t)t.  £)ie  ^onijict  fyanbeln 
m  i  t  alien  836lfern  big  §u  ber 
^eerenge  ©ateS  (olabt$)  unb 
fie  ftnb  fogar  in  hen  gropen 
Djean  gebrungen/  u?eld)ec  bie 
gan&e  @rbe  umgibt.  Bk  fyabtn 
lange  (Seereifen  a  u  f  tern  rotten 
2J£eete  gemacfyt/  unb  a  u  f  biefem 
2£ege  fyoien  fie  ©olb/  2Bei^ 
raud)  unb  oevfd)teeene  anber= 
wans  unbelannte  Sfyiere. 

3d)    fonnte    mid)    an    bem 

rather  to  be  a  city  common 
to  all  nations,  and  the  centre 
of  their  commerce.  It  has 
two  large  mounds,  which, 
like  long  arms,  advancing 
into  the  sea,  form  a  vast  har- 
bour, impervious  to  the 
winds.  In  this  harbour  you 
see  as  it  wrere,  a  vast  forest 
of  masts,  and  the  ships  are 
so  numerous  that  you  can 
hardly  see  the  sea  which 
bears  them  on  its  bosom. 
All  the  citizens  betake  them- 
selves to  trade,  and  yet  their 
vast  possessions  never  cause 
them  to  grow  tired  of  the 
labour  necessary  to  increase 
.  their  store.  There,  in  all 
quarters,  you  see  the  fine 
Egyptian  linen,  and  the  Ty- 
rian  purple  twice  dyed,  and 
of  a  wonderful  brightness. 
This  double  tincture  is  so 
strong,  that  time  itself  cannot 
destroy  it.  They  make  use 
of  it  upon  the  finest  cloth, 
set  off  with  gold  and  silver 
embroidery.  The  Phoeni- 
cians trade  with  all  nations, 
as  far  as  the  straits  of  Gades 
(Cadiz) ;  and  they  have 
even  proceeded  into  the  vast 
ocean  that  surrounds  the 
earth.  They  have  also  made 
long  voyages  on  the  Red  Sea, 
and  thither  they  go  in  quest 
of  gold,  perfumes,  and  va- 
rious animals,  not  known 

I    could   not    sufficiently 


admire  the  magnificent  sight 
of  this  great  city,  where 
every  thing  was  in  motion . 
I  did  not  see  there,  as  in  the 
towns  of  Greece,  idle  inqui- 
sitive men.  going  to  the  pub- 
lic places  in  quest  of  news, 
or  to  gaze  at  strangers  who 
arrive  in  the  port. 

majcjiaitf&n  Sdbaufpiete  btefer 
©rabt/  roo  allcg  in  SBeroeaung 
roar/  ntcht  fatt  fefyen.  3d)  fab 
r)ier  ntcht/  rote  in  ben  gried)ifd)en 
©tdbtetn  mCtjnge  unb  neugiertge 
Seure/  toeldje  a  u  f  ben  offents 
Xtdben  3>la$en  n  a  c§)  9£eutg£eiten 
tyafctyen  unb  tie  tm  |>afeti  an= 
fommenben  gremben  begaffen. 

Rule. — The  verbs  $aben  and  fetn  are  often  understood 
after  a  participle,  and,  when  several  verbs  or  participles 
occur  in  the  same  sentence,  the  auxiliary  verb  is  not  re- 
peated, but  is  placed  alone  at  the  end  of  the  sentence. 

$Ran  fat)   babet  fein  anbereS  There     no     other  viands 

gleifdv   al§  vow  £36geln/  roeld.e     were  seen  but  the  flesh   of 

birds  which  they  had  taken 
in  nets,  or  of  animals  which 
they  had  killed  with  their 
arrows  in  the  chase, 

I  seek  my  father  upon  all 
the  seas ;  if  I  can  neither 
find  him,  nor  return  to  my 
native  country,  nor  avoid 
thraldom,  take  from  me  that 
life  which  is  intolerable  to 

I  see  indeed,  answered  he? 
O  stranger,  that  the  gods, 
who  have  granted  you  so 
small  a  share  of  the  favours 
of  fortune,  have  bestowed  on 
you  a  portion  of  wisdom  that 
is  more  valuable  than  all 
prosperity  in  the  world. 

The  officer  to  whom  the 
king  had  committed  the  exa- 
mination of  our  case,  had  a 
soul  as  corrupt  and  crafty  as 
Sesostris  was  sincere  and 

jie  in  9te§en  gefangen;  ober  ton 
Sfyteren/  roetcbe  fie  auf  ber  3sQb 
nut  tr-ren  pfetlen  erlegt  fatten. 

3d)  fudje  metnen  SSater  auf 
alien  SDReereni  unb  roenn  id)  tfyn 
nidjt  ftnben,  nodi  in  metn  SSater^ 
lanb  §uructiet)ven/  nod)  tie  S!ia- 
Derawrmeften  t  a  n  n,  fo  netymen 
(£te  mtr  ba$  Seberi/  trelcl;e^  mir 
unertrdgltd)  ifi. 

3d)  fel;e  xvol)h  aniroertete  zx, 
£)  grembling/  ta%  tie  ©otter/ 
roeldje  ©ie  fo  fd;led)t  mtt  ©Lucres 
gutern  oerferjen  I)  a  b  e  n,  Stynen 
etne  SOBeutyett  gegebeit/  treUte 
fdja^barer  tfr,  alUUer  SBofyljtanb. 

£er  SBeamfe/  roeld^m  ber 
£5ntg  bte  Unterutd;ung  unferer 
&cd)t  aufgetrogeti/  f)  a  1 1  e  cine 
zbm  fo  oerbcrbene  unb  t)inter= 
lifttge  @eele/  a  is  @fefoftri§  auf* 
ridjttg  unb  grofmutfjtg  roar. 


Mentor  ergd^tte  mir  in  ber  Mentor  has  since  told  me, 

golge,  ba$  man  tyxi  an  2i"etr;ioper  that  they  sold  him  to  some 

oerfauft    unb    er    btefe    in   ifyr  Ethiopians,  whom  he  accom- 

SSaterlanb  begleitet  fy  a  b  e.  panied  into  their  own  country. 

Rule. — There  is  a  necessary  correlation  between  certain 
conjunctions^  so  that  when  the  first  part  of  a  sentence,  or 
the  antecedent,  begins  with  one,  the  second  part,  or  the 
consequent,  begins  with  its  correlative. 

SBenn  ba$  UnglucB  beg  jtmgen  If  the  misfortunes  of  young 
Selcmad)/  roeldjer  me  bte  SSaffen     Telemachus,  who  has  never 

gegen  bte  Srojaner  gefufyrt  tyatt 
<Sie  nicbt  bewegen  tar\n,  f  o  mug 
@ic  roemgften6  3$r  eigner  &or= 
tfyeil  rufyren. 

2B  e  b  e  r  9tefior,  weld-en  i&) 
§u  Stylos  befudjte/  nod)  Splen^ 
laus,  rc-eld-er  mid)  freunbfdbafts 
ltd)  in  Sacebdmon  aufnafym, 
f  onnten  mtr  fagen  ob  mein  SSater 
nod)  am  Seben  ware. 

^  a  u  m  rcaren  mtr  an  ba$ 
Ufer  gefommen,  aU  bie  @tn* 
wofyner  glaubten  wtr  wdren 
e  n  t  m  e  b  e  r  anbere  236l£er 
ber  Snfel/  weldje  fid)  bewaffnet 
fatten/  urn  fie  ju  uberfatlen, 
o  b  e  r  grembc/  weldje  fid)  ibrer 
Sdnbereien  bemdduigen  woilten. 

2B  e  n  n  ber  Summer  uber 
unfere  ©efangenfdbaft  un$  nid)t 
gegen  alleS  Sergnugen  unemp= 
finbtid)  gemacfct  'cdtte,  f  o  tuurben 
wir  bte je§  frudjtbare  @gx)ptenlanb/ 
raeidicS  gleid)  etnem  anmutfyigen 
©arten  son  einer  unjdt)tbaren 
Sttenge  handle  bewdffert  xoixbt 
mix  £uft  betracbtet  fyaben. 

Seben  Sag  §u  gewiffen  <2tun^ 
h^n  t)6rte  er  Meienigen  oon  fei* 
nen  Untenfyanen  an,  roeldje  tym 

borne  arms  against  the  Tro- 
jans, cannot  move  you,  at 
least  let  your  own  interest 
do  so. 

Neither  Nestor,  whom  I 
saw  at  Pylos,  nor  Menelaus, 
who  received  me  kindly  in 
Lacedsemon,  could  tell  me 
whether  my  father  was  still 

Hardly  were  we  on  the 
shore,  when  the  inhabitants 
thought  we  were  either  some 
other  people  of  the  island 
armed  to  surprise  them,  or 
strangers  who  intended  to 
seize  on  their  country. 

If  the  grief  arising  from 
our  captivity  had  not  render- 
ed us  insensible  to  all  plea- 
sures, our  eyes  would  have 
been  delighted  with  the  sight 
of  the  fruitful  land  of  Egypt, 
which  resembled  a  beautiful 
garden,  watered  by  an  infi- 
nite number  of  canals. 

Every  day  he  listened  at 
certain  hours,  to  all  his  sub- 
jects  who    had  either    com- 


entroebeu  jvlagen  oorgutra^ 
gen  o  b  e  r  2krid)te  abguftatten 

SBenn  er  ben  gan^en  Sag 
gearbeitet  t)atte/  tie  ©efdjdfte  &u 
orbnen  unb  genaue  ©erecfettgfeit 
^u  oernjolten/  fo  ert)oite  er 
ftd)  beg  2Cbenbg/  t  n  b  e  m  er 
gelet)rten  SQRcinnern  jutyorte,  obec 
ftd)  mit  ben  redjtfdjaffenften 
Seuten  unterrebete/  roeldje  er 
fet)r  gut  auggtm>at)len  oerftanb, 
urn  fte  §u  feiner  &5ertrautid)£ett 

Rule. — The  infinitive  mood,  separable  prepositions,  and 
past  participles,  are  placed  at  the  end  of  their  own  mem- 
ber of  the  sentence.  The  verb  is  usually  placed  at  the 
end  of  the  sentence,  as  the  word  which  more  particularly 
determines  the  sense  of  the  phrase. 

plaints  to  make  or  advice  to 
give  to  him. 

After  he  had  employed 
the  whole  day  in  administer- 
ing impartial  justice,  he  con- 
versed in  the  evening,  by  way 
of  relaxation,  with  the  wisest 
and  best  of  his  subjects, 
whom  he  knew  well  how  to 
select,  in  order  to  admit  them 
to  his  familiarity. 

©g  tji  3ett,  jagte  fte  $u  tfym/ 
ba$  ©te  nari)  fo  otelen  93iut)e= 
feltgfettcn  tie  2£nnefymltd)fetten 
beg  ©d)fofe§  g  e  n  t  e  §  e  n.  $kz 
fyaben  <&k  mdjtS  gu  f  u  r  d)  t  e  n ; 
alieg  ijl  Sfynen  gimjitg. 

£>a  id)  bti  ten  (5i)pnern  xvaxf 
beren  ©ttten  id)  md)t  !  a  n  n  t  e, 
fo  befd)loJ3  i6)  §  u  f  d)  w  e  t  g  c  n, 
anb  alle  Sfcegeln  beg  2Cnftanbeg 
§  u  b  e  o  b  a  d)  t  e  n,  urn  tfyre 
2Cd)tung  3  u  g  e  tt)i n  n  e  n. 

2Cnfang§  empfanb  id)  2Cbfd)eu 
gegen  alleg  wag  id)  f  a  I) ;  unoer^- 
mcrCt  aber  png  id)  a  n  mid) 
baran  5  u  geroStyncn. 

3d)  glid)  ettiem  Sftenfcfyen/ 
ipelcber  in  etnem  ttefen  unb  rei= 
Lenten   (Strome    fdjwimmtj 

It  is  time  for  you,  said 
she  to  him,  to  go  and  enjoy 
the  sweets  of  sleep  after  so 
many  labours.  You  have 
nothing  to  fear  here  ;  every 
thing  is  in  your  favour. 

As  I  wras  in  company  with 
the  Cyprians,  whose  manners 
I  did  not  understand,  I  re- 
solved to  be  silent,  to  notice 
everything  that  passed,  and  to 
observe  all  the  rules  of  pru- 
dence, in  order  to  gain  their 

At  first  I  was  horror- 
struck  with  every  thing  I  saw, 
but  I  insensibly  began  to  get 
accustomed  to  it. 

I  was  like  a  man  swim- 
ming in  a  deep  and  rapid 
river  ;    at  first  he  dashes  the 


anfang§  burd)fd)neibet  er  ba$ 
£Bajfer  unb  fdjwimmt  gegen  ben 
@trom  a  n  5  aber  menu  tie  Ufer 
fieit  f  t  n  b/  menn  er  am  ®eftabe 
ntd)t  auSrufyen  I  a  n  n#  er^ 
mubet  er  enbiid)  nad)  unb  nad)/ 
fetne  £raft  t>erldft  ifyn,  fetne 
muben  ©Iteber  erjiarren/  unb  ber 
(Strom  re  if  t  ifyn  fort. 

Jtaum  $at  id)  fo  g  e  r  e  b  e  t, 
alS  mein  <Sd)mer§  gelinber  murbe 
unb  metn  £>er§/  son  etner  ti)6^ 
ridjtcn  Setbenfdjaft  b  e  r  a  u  f  d)  t, 
faft  atle  ©dbam  a  b  I  e  9 1  e  5  barm 
murbe  id)  nneber  in  einen  2Cb^ 
qrunb  son  ©emiffen^biffen  ges 

£)tefe  greube  war  son  iener 
anbern  roetdjltdjen  unb  tetdbtfer= 
ttgen  greube,.  toomit  meine  (gtnne 
anfangS  maren  oergtffet  to  0  r^ 
ben/  fefyr  serfdneben  ;  Me  eine 
tfi  eine  greube/  treldje  ber  Sruns 
fentjeit  unb  (Stnne^errutung 
g  t  e  i  d)  t/  unterbrocfyen  oon  ra[en= 
ben  Setbenfcfcaften  unb  nagenben 
©enriffenSbtffen ;  bte  anbte  ijt 
cine  greube  ber  SSernunft/  meldhe 
etma§  ^etiges  unb  £immltf&e§ 
an  fid)  !)at5  fte  ift  pets  rein 
unb  ftd)  qkid)  5  9ttd}t§  lann  fte 
erfd)5pfen;  )  e  m  e  t)  r  man 
fid)  tbr  t)  t  n  9 1  b  t/  be  fro  ffc 
f er  tfl;  fte  5  fte  entgucft  bte  ©eele/ 
ofyne  fte  § u  beunrufytgen. 
£)ann  t)ergofj  id)  greubentfyranen/ 
unb  id)  fanb/  baj?  nidjts  fuper  tffc 
al6  fo  su  me  in  en. 

(So  j e t) r  un£  bas  £anb  ber 
Snfel  (Sxvpern  t>ernad)tafiigt  unb 

waves  aside,  and  rises  vigor- 
ously against  the  stream  ;  but 
if  the  banks  are  steep,  and 
he  cannot  find  a  place  to 
rest  himself  upon,  he  gradu- 
ally gets  tired,  and  at  length 
his  strength  forsakes  him, 
his  exhausted  limbs  grow 
stiff,  and  the  stream  carries 
him  away. 

Scarcely  had  I  spoken 
thus,  when  my  pain  became 
less  poignant,  and  my  heart, 
intoxicated  with  a  foolish 
joy,  almost  shook  off  all 
shame  ;  then  I  found  myself 
again  plunged  into  an  abyss 
of  remorse. 

This  joy  was  very  different 
from  that  loose  and  dissolute 
joy  which  had  poisoned  my 
senses  ;  one  is  the  joy  of 
drunkenness  and  disorder, 
interrupted  by  furious  and 
tormenting  remorse  ;  the 
other  is  a  joy  of  reason,  in 
which  there  is  something 
heavenly  and  divine.  It  is 
always  pure  and  equal ;  no- 
thing can  exhaust  it ;  the 
deeper  we  drink  of  it,  the 
more  agreeable  is  the  taste. 
It  ravishes  the  soul,  without 
discomposing  it.  Then  I 
poured  forth  tears  of  joy, 
and  found  that  nothing  was 
sweeter  than  to  weep  in  this 


In   the  same  degree  that 
the  land  of  Cyprus  had  ap- 


unangebaut  gefcfytenen  fyattt,  peared  neglected  and  uneul- 

um  fo  mefyr  geigte   ftdj   Siztta  tivated,  did  Crete  seem  fer- 

frud)tbar  unb   burcb  tie  Arbeit  tile   and    adorned   with    all 

femer   S3en>ot)net  mtt  allerijanb  kinds  of  fruits,  through  the 

grud)ten  g  e  f  d)  m  u  ct  t.  labour  of  the  inhabitants. 

Rule. — The  Germans  agree,  generally,  with  the  English 
in  the  use  of  the  indicative  and  subjunctive  moods,  the  sense 
requiring,  in  both  languages,  the  indicative  where  the  verb 
denotes  any  thing  that  is  determined  and  certain,  and  the 
subjunctive,  where  any  thing  contingent  or  doubtful  is  ex- 

This  rule  is  general,  and,  consequently,  not  without  ex- 
ception ;  the  sentences  which  follow  contain  exemplifications 
both  of  the  rule  and  of  some  of  its  exceptions. 

£)er  Dowefymjte  btefer  ©retfe  The  most  distinguished 
6  f  f  n  e  t  e  ba$  @efe§bud)  beg  among  these  old  men,  opened 
SDRtnog.  £)teg  war  em  grofkS 
S3ud)/  tt>eld)e§  man  geroofynltd) 
in  etnem  golbenen  mtt  rootylne* 
d)enbem  9fcaud)tt>erf  angefutiten 
Mftdien  t)  e  r  u>  a  i)  r  t  e.  2CUe 
btefe  ©retfe  I  &  $  t  e  n  eg  efyfs 
furcfytgooll  5  berm  fie  f  a  g  t  e  n, 
bafj  ndd)ft  ben  ©Sttew/  con 
tt>elrf)en  bte  guten  @efe£e  $  e  r^ 
f  o  m  m  e  n,  9ttd)tS  ben  SCRenfcfyen 
fo  t)etltg  fetn  m  u  fv  aU  bicfe 
©efege,  beren  S3eftimmung  tjr 
fie  gut/  rceife  unb  glucf(td)  §u 
macfyen.  SDtejenigen^  weldje  bte 
®efe|e  in  £cmben  i)  a  b  e  n,  urn 
bte  Golfer  §u  regieven/  m  u  f  f  e  n 
fid)  feibjl  oon  ben  ©efe^en  re* 
gteren  laffen  5  term  md)t  ber 
Sftenfd),  fonbern  bag  ®efe§  f  0 1 1 
regteren.  £)teS  war  ber  2Cu§* 
brutf  btefer  Sffietfen.  £)ann 
fd)lug  berjentge,  weldjer  ben  3Sor=: 
ft©    tyatte,  brei  gragen   uor, 

the  book  of  the  laws  of  Minos. 
It  was  a  large  book,  which 
they  usually  kept  locked  up 
in  a  perfumed  casket  made 
of  gold.  All  these  ancients 
kissed  it  with  great  respect ; 
for  they  said,  that  next  to 
the  gods,  from  whom  good 
laws  proceed,  nothing  ought 
to  be  so  sacred  among  men, 
as  those  laws  the  intention  of 
which  is  to  make  them  good, 
wise,  and  happy.  Those  who 
have  the  laws  in  their  hands 
for  the  purpose  of  governing 
the  people,  ought  always  to 
suffer  themselves  to  be  guided 
by  the  law  ;  it  is  the  law, 
and  not  the  man,  that  ought 
to  reign.  This  was  the  ex- 
pression of  these  sages.  Then 
he  who  had  the  precedency 
proposed     three     questions, 


welcfie  wad)  btn  ©runbfafcen  beg 
9Dfttno§  aufgcl61t  werben  foltten. 

£>te  crfre  grage  war  tie/ 
wer  ber  freiejte  non  alien  9Jcens 
fcfyen  f  e  t.  (ginige  anttuo  v= 
t  e  t  e  it/  eg  radrc  em  .ftonig/ 
welder  uber  fetn  SSotf  etne  un^ 
umfdjrSnlte  ?0^adbt  I)  a  x  t  e*  unb 
ftegretd)  gegen  alle  feine  getnbe 
ware.  2£nbere  b  e fy  a  u  p  t  e^ 
t e n,  eg  ware  em  @old)er/  ber 
fo  rctd)  ware/  ba%  er  alle  feine 
fSSunfdbe  befriebtgen  fonnte. 
2lnbere  fagten/  eg  ware  ein 
SORen(ci)/  wetdier  ftd)  md)t  d  e  iv 
!)  e  t  r  a  1 1)  e  t  e  unb  ber  fetn 
gangeg  £eben  in  uerfdnebenen 
Sanbern  umtjcr  r  e  t  f  e  t  z,  ofyne 
ieboct)  ben  ©efefcen  irgenb  enter 
Elation  uitterworfen  5U  (ein. 
2£nbere  ft  e  11 1  e  n  ftd)  0  0  r,  eg 
ware  ein  SBarbar,  welder  t>on 
ber  3agb  mitten  in  SBalbern 
libit,  unb  bat)er  oon  f  enter 
^oli^ei  unb  rcn  £einen  £3eburf= 
ni  fieri  abfyange.  2Cnbere 
g  I  a  u  b  t  e  m  eg  w  &  r  e  ein  fo 
cben  aug  ber  &iiawm  befreieter 
SDRenfdv  weit  er  aug  ber  @trenge 
ber  £tenjtbarteit  erloft/  mefjr 
alg  jeber  anbere  bte  2Cnne't)mlid)' 
lett  ber  grctyett  f  d)  m  e  d?  t  c. 
sftod)  anbere  fatten  ben  (Sin- 
fall  gu  befyaupten/  eg  ware  ein 
©terbenber,  weit  ber  Sob  it;rt 
yon  atlem  b  e  f  r  e  t  e/  unb  alle 
«0lenfd)en  jufammen  feine  ©ewalt 
mefyr  uber  tfyn  fatten. 

2116  bie  €Heir;e  an  mid)  lam, 
£  0  jf  c  t  e  eg  mid)  feine  SDftutje 
gu  antworten/  weil  id)  bag/  wag 

which  were  to  be  decided  by 
the  maxims  of  Minos. 

The  first  question  was, 
Who  is  the  freest  of  all  men  ? 
Some  answered  :  that  it  was 
a  king  who  had  an  absolute 
power  over  his  people,  and 
had  subdued  all  his  enemies. 
Others  asserted  that  it  was  a 
man  so  rich  that  he  could 
gratify  all  his  wishes.  Others 
said,  it  was  a  man  who  did 
not  marry,  and  who  travelled 
all  his  life  in  different  coun- 
tries, without  ever  being 
subject  to  the  laws  of  any 
nation.  Others  conceived 
that  it  was  a  barbarian,  who, 
living  by  hunting  in  the 
midst  of  the  woods,  was  inde- 
pendent of  any  government, 
and  subject  to  no  sort  of 
want.  Others  believed  it 
was  a  man  just  set  at  liberty, 
because  coming  out  of  the 
hardships  of  servitude,  he 
enjoyed  the  sweets  of  free- 
dom more  than  any  other. 
Others,  again,  maintained 
that  it  was  a  dying  man,  be- 
cause death  freed  him  from 
all  trouble,  and  because  all 
mankind,  together,  had  no 
longer  any  power  over  him. 

When  it  came  to  my  turn, 
I  had  no  difficulty  to  answer, 
because  I  had  not  forgotten 


mtr  Mentor  fo  oft  gefagt  ntd)t 
uergeffen  tyatte.  £)er  freteftc 
von  alien  COlenfdjen/  antioortete 
id),  i  ft  berjemge/  metd)er  tn  bee 
©flaoeret  felbjt  fret  fetn  I  an  n. 
3n  welcijem  Sanbe  unb  tn  roeldjem 
©tanbe  man  aud)  fetn  m  6  g  z, 
fo  ift  man  gan§  fret/  roenn  man 
tic  ©otter  f  u  r  d)  t  e  t/  unb  jroar 
nur  fte  alletn  f  u  r  d)  t  e  t.  SERit 
etnem  2Borte;  ber  roafyrfyaft  frete 
SOlenfd)  ift  berjemge/  ber  oon 
alter  gurd)t  unb  alter  SSegterbe 
entfernt/  nur  ben  ©ottern  unb 
fetner  23ernunft  unterroorfen 
i  ft.  £>te  ©retfe  f  a  I)  e  n  ftd) 
lacfeelnb  an,  unb  raaren  er= 
ftaunt/  ka$  metne  2Cntwort  ge= 
rabe  btejentge  be§  fOltno§  war. 

Rule. — Incidental  sentences  are  placed  immediately 
after  the  word  which  they  explain  or  modify.  When  there 
is  a  concurrence  of  regimens,  the  personal  pronouns  in 
regimen  are  put  immediately  after  the  verb  of  the  subject. 
Instead  of  the  present  participle,  it  is  better,  as  well  as 
more  elegant,  to  use  the  verb,  with  one  of  the  particles 
tnbem/  txx,  roafyrenb/  nad)bem/  &c.  Adverbs  of  time,  and  all 
expressions  which  denote  time,  as  well  as  adverbs  of  nega- 
tion, are  usually  placed  after  the  personal  pronouns.  In 
placing  several  regimens,  it  is  of  less  importance  to  consult 
the  brevity  or  length  of  each  regimen  in  particular,  than 
the  nearer  or  more  remote  connection  which  it  may  have 
with  the  verb. 

what  Mentor  had  often 
told  me.  The  freest  of  all 
men,  I  replied,  is  he  who  can 
be  free  in  slavery  itself.  In 
what  condition  or  country 
soever  a  man  is,  he  is  per- 
fectly free  if  he  fears  the 
gods,  and  only  them.  In  a 
word,  the  man  who  is  truly 
free,  is  he  who,  being  disen- 
gaged from  all  dread  and  all 
anxious  desire,  is  subject  only 
to  the  gods  and  his  own  rea- 
son. The  old  men  looked 
at  each  other  smiling,  and 
were  surprised  to  find  that 
my  answer  was  exactly  that 
of  Minos. 

2tbrajt/  beffen  Sruppen  be= 
tradjtltd)  jufammengefdjmoljen 
xvaven,  fyatte  ftd)  I) inter  ben 
£3erg  2Culon  ^urutfge^ogen/  urn 
metjrere  £filf&>6lfcr  gu  erroarten/ 
unb  bann  feine  getnbe  nod)  ein 

Adrastus,  whose  troops 
had  been  considerably  di- 
minished in  the  battle,  had 
posted  himself  behind  Mount 
Aulon,  to  wait  for  some  re- 
inforcements, and  to  try  once 


mat  gu  uberfallen;  gtetd)  einem 
fyungrigen  S6n?eri/  tselcfyer  au3 
einer  (gdjdferet  cerjagt  roorben 
if!/  mieber  in  tie  bujtern  SBdtber 
unb  in  feine  #5r;le  gurucffefyrt/ 
wo  er  feine  gatme  unb  feine 
&tauen  &e§r  unb  ben  gunftigen 
2£ugenbM  ablauert;  tie  #eerben 
gu  entuivgen. 

9t  a  d)  b  e  m  Selemad)  bafur 
geforgt  fratte;  im  Sager  eine 
genaue  $rieg§§ud)t  eingurtd)ten, 
n>ar  er  nur  tarauf  bebad)t^  ein 
SSorfyaben  au^ufufyren,  rcelcbeS 
er  gefajjt  tyatte/  unb  ba$  er  alien 
#nfut)tern  ber  2Crmee  cer^eim^ 
lifytt.  (S  d)  o  n  feit  I  a  n  g  e 
rourbe  er  all?  yiad)ti  burd) 
Srdume  beunrufytgt/  n?eld)e  ifym 
fetnen  $ater  Ult)ffe§  corftellten. 
£>tefe$  liebe  SSilb  !am  allegeit 
gegen  ba$  (Snbe  ber  Sftacfyt,  efye 
bie  S£ftorgentott)e  burd)  tfyten 
aufftetgenben  @lan§  bie  unbe= 
jldnbtgen  (Sterne  com  vgnmmel/ 
unb  ben  ftifjen  (Sd)laf  mit  fetnen 
flatternben  Sraumen  con  ber 
(Srbe  certrieb.  25  a  I  b  glaubte 
er  ben  Ul^ffe§  nalt  a  u  f  einer 
glucfltdjen  Snfel  a  m  Ufer  etnes 
gluffcg  auf  einer  mit  SSlumen 
gefcfymucften  UBiefe  gu  fet)en>  um= 
geben  con  Sj^mpfyen,  n?eld)e 
il)m  $tetber  g  u  feiner  S3ebecf  ung 
guroarfen.  S3  a  I  b  glaubte  er 
ir;n  in  einem  con  (Mb  unb  dU 
fenbetn  gtdnjenben  spatajfe  reben 
gu  l)6ren/  a  0  9Jcenfd)en,  roeldfce 
mitSSlumen  befrangt  roaren,  tfym 
mtt^ergnugen  unb  SSemunberung 
gufyorten.       £ft    erfcfyten    tt)m 

more  to  surprise  the  enemy  ; 
like  a  famished  lion,  which, 
having  been  driven  from  a 
sheepfold,  returns  again  into 
the  gloomy  forest,  and  re- 
enters his  den,  where  he 
whets  his  teeth  and  his  claws, 
waiting  for  a  favourable  op- 
portunity to  destroy  the  flock. 
Telemaehus,  having  intro- 
duced a  strict  discipline 
throughout  the  army,  now 
applied  himself  solely  to  exe- 
cute a  design  which  he  had 
conceived,  and  which  he 
concealed  from  all  the  com- 
manders of  the  army.  He 
had  already,  for  a  considera- 
ble time,  been  disturbed 
every  night  by  dreams  which 
placed  his  father  Ulysses 
before  him.  This  dear  image 
always  came  towards  the  end 
of  the  night,  before  Aurora, 
with  her  dawming  light,  be- 
gan to  chase  from  the  hea- 
vens the  wandering  stars, 
and  from  the  earth  gentle 
sleep  wTith  his  fluttering 
dreams.  Sometimes  he  fan- 
cied he  saw  Ulysses  naked 
in  one  of  the  fortunate 
islands,  on  the  bank  of  a 
river,  in  a  meadow  embel- 
lished with  flowers,  amidst  a 
circle  of  nymphs,  who  were 
throwing  garments  to  him  to 
cover  himself  with.  Some- 
times he  thought  he  heard 
him  talk  in  a  palace  glitter- 
ing   with    gold    and    ivory, 


UtyfieS  p(o£ttd)  auf  ©ajfc 
mctfern,  m  o  greube  u  n  t  e  r 
(5rg5§ltd)t:etten  fd)tmmerte#  unb 
mo  man  tie  aiujenefymen  Scne 
etner  (Stimme  in  SBegtettung  einer 
Setec  t)6rtc/  me{d)e  fanftcr  mar 
alS  tie  Seter  be£  2CpoIl§  unb  bte 
(Stimmen  alter  SDlufen. 

Snbeffen  brang  ber  ©o$n  be€ 
Uti^jfegf  mtt  bem  £)egen  in  ber 
gaujr,  in  btefe  fcr,rec?ttd)e  gtnfter= 
mg.  SSalD  bemerft  er  einen 
fdbroadjen  unb  bunfeln  (Shimmer/ 
fo  true  man  beg  9t  a  d)  1 6  auf 
ber  (Srbe  ftet>t.  dt  bemerft 
Cetd)te  ©djatten,  meld)e  tf)n  urn? 
pattern  $  er  entfernt  fte  mit 
feinem  £>egen.  £)ann  fter)t  er 
bte  traurigen  Ufer  beg  morajrtgen 
glupeS/  befjen  fdjlammtgeS  unb 
ftetyenbeS  Sffiaffer  fid)  nur  im 
SBtrbel  umbrefyt. 

(£r  entbecft  an  biefem  ($ejrabe 
etne  gafyUofe  9Jlenge  oon  Sobten, 
meldfce  be$  SBegrabniffeS  beraubt 
ftnb/  unb  (id)  bem  unerbttts 
Ctdjen  (Sharon  uergeblid)  barjteU 
len.  liefer  ©ott,  beffen  emtgeS 
2£lter  ftets  traurtg  unb  murrtfd), 
aber  soil  Sebr;afttg!eit  ift,  jl6pt 
fie  gurucf,  unb  nimmt  fogtetd) 
ben  jungen  ©rtedjen  in  fetne 
S3arle.  2Clg  Setemad)  fyinetn* 
fiieg,  t)6rte  er  bag  ©eufjen  etneS 
(Sci}atteng/  roeldjer  ftdr)  ntd)t 
troften  fonnte. 

where  he  was  listened  to 
with  pleasure  and  admiration 
by  men  crowned  with  flowers. 
Often  Ulysses  appeared  to 
him  suddenly  at  festivals 
where  joy  shone  forth  amidst 
delights,  and  where  you 
might  hear  the  soft  harmony 
of  a  voice  accompanying  a 
harp,  more  melodious  than 
the  harp  of  Apollo  and  the 
voices  of  all  the  muses. 

Meanwhile  the  son  of 
Ulysses,  with  his  sword  in 
his  hand,  rushes  into  this 
horrible  darkness.  Presently 
he  perceives  a  faint  and 
gloomy  light,  such  as  we  see 
in  the  night-time  on  earth. 
He  observes  nimble  ghosts 
fluttering  round  him,  and  he 
puts  them  away  with  his 
sword.  Shortly  after  he 
espies  the  melancholy  banks 
of  the  marshy  river,  the  foul 
and  sluggish  waters  of  which 
turn  in  a  continual  eddy. 

On  the  bank  of  this  river 
he  discovers  an  innumerable 
crowd  of  departed  souls,  who 
being  destitute  of  burial,  in 
vain  present  themselves  to 
the  inexorable  Charon.  This 
diety,.  whose  eternal  age  is 
morose  and  fretful,  yet  vigor- 
ous, threatens  and  repulses 
them  all ;  but  immediately  ad- 
mits into  his  boat  the  young 
Greek.  As  Telemachus  en- 
tered, he  heard  the  groans  of 
a  certain  disconsolate  shade. 


Scfy  war,  fa^tc  ifym  biefet 
fatten,  9tabopt)argan,  ,5t&nig 
be§  ftolgen  23ab9lon§  $  atle  2S6l!er 
beS  CrientS  gitterten  bet  bcm 
blogen  ©d)alle  meineS  SKamenS  ; 
id)  lief?  mid)  uon  ben  S3abt)lc? 
mem  in  etnem  marmornen  gems 
pel,  wo  id)  burd)  etne  golbene 
£3ilbfaule  sorgeftetlt  war,  sor 
weldier  Sag  unb  9?adht  bte  fofU 
itd)j!en  Sftaudjwerfe  #eti)iopten6 
brannten,  an  bete  n.  SRie 
burfte  mtr  jemanb  wiber(pred)en, 
otme  auf  ber  ©telle  bejfraft  gu 
werben.  Seben  Sag  erfann  man 
neue  Suftbatfetten,  urn  mir  ba$ 
Seben  angenefym  gu  mad}en. 
2Cber  ein  SJBeib/  weld)e£  id)  liebte, 
unb  weld)e  mid)  md)t  liebte,  §at 
mid)  empftnben  laffen,  baf?  id) 
fetn  @5ott  bin  5  fte  i)at  mid)  sers 
gtftet  5  id)  bin  nid)t  mel)r. 

33ct  btefer  SRebe  weinte  ber 
33abt)lonter  wie  ein  feigfyergiger 
9Xenfd),  weld)en  tie  SKollufte 
tterraeid)lid)t  fyaben,  unb  weldbet 
nid)t  gewofynt  ift,  ftanbtjaft  em 
Unglutf  gu  erttagen.  §Bti  if)m 
waren  eintge  ©flaoen,  weld)e 
©fan,  urn  fein  2etd)enbegtabnif$ 
gu  efyren,  umgebrad)t  fyatte. 
SOZerfur  ijatte  fte  bem  Charon 
nebfi  ifyrem  $6nige,  bem  fte  auf 
(grben  gebtent  fatten,  ubergeben, 
unb  i^nen  eine  unum(d)ran!te 
©ewalt  uber  benfelben  cerltetjen. 
£)iefe  (Sllaoenfd)atten  furd)teten 
ben  ©cbatten  Sftabopljargang  nidit 
mel)r$   fte  t>tclten  it)n  gefeffelt, 

I  was,  said  this  shade  to 
him,  Nabopharzan  (Nebu- 
chadnezzar), king  of  proud 
Babylon.  All  the  nations 
of  the  East  trembled  at  the 
very  sound  of  my  name.  I 
made  the  Babylonians  wor- 
ship me  in  a  marble  temple, 
in  which  I  was  represented 
by  a  golden  statue,  before 
which  they  night  and  day 
burned  the  most  precious 
perfumes  of  Ethiopia.  Never 
did  any  one  presume  to  con- 
tradict me,  without  being  in- 
stantly punished.  Every 
day  they  invented  new  di- 
versions in  order  to  make 
life  more  pleasant  to  me. 
But  a  woman  whom  I  loved, 
and  who  did  not  love  me, 
made  me  very  sensible  that 
I  was  no  god  ;  she  poisoned 
me,  and  I  am  no  more. 

While  speaking  thus,  the 
Babylonian  wept  like  a  pusil- 
lanimous wretch,  enervated 
by  prosperity,  and  unaccus- 
tomed to  bear  misfortune 
with  an  undaunted  resolu- 
tion. There  were  close  by 
him  some  slaves,  who  had 
been  put  to  death  to  grace 
his  funeral.  Mercury  had 
delivered  them  up  to  Charon, 
together  with  their  king,  and 
had  given  them  absolute 
power  over  this  king  whom 
they  had  served  on  earth. 
The  shades  of  these  slaves 
no  longer  feared  the  shade 


unb  ernriefen  ujm  bte  gvaufamften 
23efd)tmpfungen.  SRaboyfyavian 
jlurjte  fid)  mit  bem  ©eficfyt  auf 
tie  (5rbe>  unb  ri{$  fid)  in  etnem 
2Cnfall  oon  2But&  unb  SSergrcetfc 
lung  bie  #aare  auS.  2lbet 
(Sharon  fagte  §u  ben  ©flaoen: 
ferret  ttjn  bet  ber  £ette,  reiget 
tyn  roiber  feinen  S&illen  in  bte 
£of)e ;  fogar  ben  Sroft  fetne 
©cfyanbe  gu  serbergen  foil  er 
nidbt  fyaben;  alle  ©djattcn  bee 
(Stgp  mujfen  baoon  skuge  fetn, 
urn  bte  ©otter  §u  redbtferttgen/ 
roelcfye  fo  lange  jugefefyen  fyabin* 
bag  biefer  ©ottlofe  auf  ber  (Srbe 

28  a  I)  r  e  n  b  biefer  SKebe  beS 
furd)tbaren  @l)aron£  fiief*  bte 
S5ar!e  fdjon  an  bag  Ufer  oom 
Sf^etdie  ^luto'fi.  2Cllc  ©(fatten 
eitten  fyerbet,  urn  btefen  lebenbigen 
Sttenfdjen  §u  betrad)ten,  weldjec 
mitten  unter  Un  Sobten  in  ber 
SSarEe  ftanb.  2(ber  in  bem 
2CugenblicB/  ate  Selemad)  ben 
gufj  aufs  Sanb  fe^tc/  entflo^en 
fie/-  gletd)  ben  ©d)atten  ber  Sftacfyt, 
srelcfye  ber  geringfte  ©tral)l  beS 
&age£itd)teS  $erftreut.  (Sfyavon, 
meld)er  bem  jungen  ®rted)en  etne 
nid)t  fo  run^eiige  ©time  unb 
rceniger  nrilbe  #ugen,  rote  fonjt  bei 
it)mgett)5^niid)n?ar  jetgte/  fagte  §u 
ii)m :  SSon  ben  ©ottern  geltebter 
©terblidjer/  b  a  e5  btr  sergbnnt 
ijr  in  ba$  SKetd)  ber  Sftadjt  §u 
fommem  roelcfyeS   alien    anbern 

of  Nabopharzan ;  they  held 
him  in  chains,  and  insulted 
him  in  the  most  opprobrious 
manner.  Nabopharzan  threw 
himself  fiat  on  his  face  upon 
the  ground,  tearing  off  his 
hair  through  excess  of  rage 
and  desperation.  But  Charon 
said  to  the  slaves  :  Pull  him 
by  his  chain  ;  raise  him  up 
in  spite  of  himself;  he  shall 
not  have  even  the  consola- 
tion of  concealing  his  shame ; 
it  must  be  seen  by  all  the 
shades  about  the  Styx,  in 
order  that  they  may  bear 
witness  of  it,  and  justify  the 
gods  who  have  so  long  suf- 
fered this  impious  wretch  to 
reign  upon  the  earth. 

While  the  terrible  Charon 
was  holding  this  discourse, 
his  boat  reached  the  shore  of 
Pluto's  kingdom.  All  the 
ghosts  came  thronging  to  • 
view  this  living  man  who 
appeared  in  the  boat  among 
the  dead ;  but  scarcely  had 
Telemachus  landed  before 
they  all  flew  away  like  the 
shades  of  night,  which  are 
dissipated  by  the  first  glimpse 
of  day.  Charon,  with  a 
brow  less  wrinkled,  and  eyes 
less  fierce  than  usual,  said  to 
the  young  Greek  :  O  mortal, 
favourite  of  the  gods,  since 
it  is  given  to  thee  to  enter 
the  kingdom  of  night,  inac- 
cessible to  all  living  crea- 
tures,   make   haste    and  go 



©tcrbltdjen  unjugdnglid)  ifi,  f  o 
ette/  b  a  t)  t  n  gu  get)en#  w  o  t)  i  n 
bag  ©djttffal  bid)  ruft.  ©e^e 
burd)  biefen  bunfeln  28eg  gum 
spaiafte  beg  glutei  rceld)en  bu 
auf  feinem  Sfyrone  ftnben  roirft  5 
er  rcirb  tir  erlaubem  an  biejenu 
gen  Drte  gu  getjeri/  beren  @e= 
fyeimnig  id)  bir  nid)t  offenbaren 

©ogleid)  eitte  Selemad)  mit 
frarfen  ©Written  fort.  2Cllenu 
t?alben  ftebjt  er  ©fatten  a  m  ftd) 
t)  e  r  flattern/  gabjlreicrjer  alS  bie 
©anbtorner  am  SJleerufer  ;  unb 
in  bem  ©ercufyte  biefer  unenb= 
licben  SDRenge  ergreift  itm  ein 
gottlicber  ©d)aubeo  bei  25etrad)= 
tung  ter  tiefen  ©title  biefer 
roeiten  ©egenben.  Seine  £aare 
ftcauben  ftd)  empor,  al$  er  ftd) 
bem  fdjroarjen  2Cufentt)aIt  beS 
unbarmbjergtgen  spiuto  ndtjm  5 
er  ffitjlt  feine  £me  roanlen  5  bie 
©timme  fetjlt  tym,  unb  faum 
sermag  er  bem  ©otte  biefe  S&orte 
gu  fagen :  ©ie  fefyen,  0  furdjts 
bare  ©ottt)ett,  ben©ot)n  tes  un= 
glucflicben  UlpffeS  5  id)  lomme 
©ie  gu  fragen,  ob  mein  23ater  in 
3t}r  IHctd)  t)erabgefttegen/  ober  ob 
ix  nod)  auf  ber  (Erbe  ijl. 

|Huto  fag  auf  fetnem  Sfyrone 
t>on  (£benr,olg.  ©ein  ©eftd)t 
war  blag  unb  emit/  feine  #ugen 
rcaren  r;ot)l  unb  funfelnb,  feine 
©time  rungelig  unb  brofyenb. 
£er  linbM  eineS  Sebenben  rear 

whither  the  destinies  call 
thee ;  go  through  this  gloomy 
path  to  the  palace  of  Pluto, 
whom  thou  wilt  find  on  his 
throne.  He  will  permit 
thee  to  enter  those  places, 
the  secrets  of  which  I  am 
not  allowed  to  disclose. 

Telemachus  immediately 
advances  with  hasty  steps ; 
on  all  sides  he  sees  multi- 
tudes of  fluttering  ghosts, 
countless  as  the  grains  of 
sand  on  the  sea-shore  ;  and, 
in  the  hurry  of  this  innu- 
merable crowd,  he  is  seized 
with  a  divine  horror,  on  ob- 
serving the  profound  silence 
of  these  vast  regions.  His 
hair  stands  on  end  when  he 
reaches  the  dismal  abode  of 
the  pitiless  Pluto.  His  knees 
tremble,  his  voice  fails  him? 
and  it  is  not  without  great 
difficulty  that  he  is  able  to 
pronounce  these  words  :  You 
see,  O  terrible  deity,  the  son 
of  the  unhappy  Ulysses  ;  I 
come  to  enquire  of  you  whe- 
ther my  father  is  descended 
into  your  dominions,  or  whe- 
ther he  is  still  wandering 
upon  the  earth. 

Pluto  was  seated  on  a 
throne  of  ebony  ;  his  com- 
plexion was  pale  and  severe  ; 
his  eyes  were  hollow  and 
sparkling  ;  his  face  wrinkled 
and  threatening.     The  sight 


tym  \mfya$tr  nrie  bag  Sicfyt  Me 
2£ugen  beqenigen  &t)iere  htUU 
bigt/  n>eld)e  gewofynt  ftnb/  nur 
beg  ?Rad)tg  ifyre  ©d)tupfn?infel 
gu  uerlaffen.  2Cn  feiner  @eitc 
fafj  ^roferptna,  tt?etdbe  aUetn  feine 
SSitc£e  auf  fid)  309/  unb  iretcbe 
etn  wentg  fein  #er§  511  miibern 
fcbien  5  fte  genofi  einer  tmmer 
erneuerten  @d)6n^ett ;  aber  fte 
fdjten  mit  tfyrer  gdttltdben  2Cn* 
mutt)  Don  ttjrem  ©atten  etroaS 
partes  unb  ©raufameS  oeretntgt 
SU  fyaben. 

2(m  guffc  beS  £f)rone§  roar 
ber  blaffc  unb  Der$et)renbe  Sob 
mit  feiner  fd)arfen  @enfe>  rceld)e 
er  unabldjTtg  treble.  Urn  it>n 
Return  flcgen  bic  fdpaqen 
<Sorgen$  bag  graufame  9tttfs~ 
trauen;  tie  ftetg  Don  SSlut  tries 
fenbe  unb  mit  SBunben  bebectte 
!Kad)fud)t  3  ber  ungerecfyre  £afj  $ 
ber  ftd)  felbfr  aernagenbe  ©ei§  $ 
tie  SSergweiftung,  rcelcrje  ftd)  mtc 
ifyren  etgnen  £dnben  gerfXeifcftt  5 
ber  trat).imi£ige,  alteg  umfturs 
5enbe  ©fyrgetg  5  bte  23errdtl)eret/ 
roelcfye  ftd)  mit  SSlut  trdnlen  mill/ 
aber  ftd)  bee  burd)  fte  angejrifte= 
ten  UebelS  nid)t  erfreuen  lann  5 
ber  9Zeib/  tt)eld)er  fein  tobtlicfyeS 
©tft  urn  ftd)  fyerum  fprugt  unb 
roeldjer,  in  feiner  Dt)nmad)t  gu 
fci)abcn,  rafenb  roirb  5  tie  ©otts 
loftgleit/  trelc^e  ftd)  felbft  einen 
bobenlofen  2Cbgrunb  grdbt,  rcortn 
fte  ftd)  otjne  £offnung  jturgt  5  bte 
fd)euplid)en@efpenfter5  tie  &rug= 
gejtatten/  roeld)e  bte  Sobten  Dor* 
ftellen/   urn  bte   £ebenbigen   gu 

of  a  living  man  was  as  odious 
to  him 'as  the  light  is  offen- 
sive to  the  eyes  of  those 
creatures  which  never  leave 
their  hiding  places  but  dur- 
ing the  night.  By  his  side 
appeared  Proserpine,  who 
alone  attracted  his  attention, 
and  seemed  to  soften  his 
heart.  She  enjoyed  a  beauty 
that  was  always  fresh  ;  but  to 
her  divine  graces  was  added 
a  certain  severity  which  she 
borrowed  from  her  husband. 
At  the  foot  of  the  throne 
wras  pale  and  devouring 
death,  with  his  sharp-edged 
scythe,  which  he  was  con- 
tinually whetting.  Around 
him  flew  black  cares,  cruel 
jealousies,  revenge  reeking 
with  blood,  and  covered  with 
wounds  ;  unjust  hatreds  ; 
avarice  gnawing  itself ;  des- 
pair  tearing  itself  with  its 
own  hands ;  wild  ambition, 
that  overturns  every  thing 
and  puts  it  into  combustion  ; 
treason  that  feeds  upon  blood, 
and  cannot  enjoy  the  fruits 
of  its  own  wickedness  ;  envy 
that  pours  forth  her  deadly 
venom  around  her,  and  grows 
furious  when  she  is  unable 
to  do  any  harm  ;  impiety 
digging  a  bottomless  pit,  and 
desperately  throwing  herself 
into  it ;  hideous  spectres, 
phantoms  that  invest  them- 
selves in  the  shapes  of  the 
dead  to  frighten  the  living  ; 


erfcfyrecfen  $  tie  fcfyrecfenben 
Zxaume,  unb  bte  <Sd)lafloftgfett/ 
weld)e  zhzn  fo  fdjrecBltd^  ift,  a(S 
bte  traurtgen  Srdume.  2Clle 
btefe  Srauergejialten  umfd)web~ 
ten  ben  ftol§en  spiuto  unb  wfa 
fuilten  ben  ^alafr,  weldjen  et 

(§r  antwortete  btm  Selemad) 
mtt  t)ol)ler  ©timme/  wooon  bet: 
©runb  beS  (SrebuS  gittcrtc  : 
hunger  ©terblid)er#  bte  ©ditcf* 
[ale  fyaben  btr  erlaubt/  btefe  ben 
@d)atten  gefyetltgte  ©tdtte  §u 
oerle|en  5  folge  betnera  t>ot)en 
6>4id!falej  id)  will  btr  ntd)tfagen/ 
mo  betn  SSater  tft ;  genug,  bu 
t)aft  bte  grettyett/  itjn  auf^ufudjcn. 
£a  er  auf  ber  drbe  &ontg  war, 
fo  fannjr  bu  etner  (Setts  btejentge 
©egenb  beS  fdjwarjen  SartaruS 
burrtwanbern,  wo  tie  gottlofen 
£6mge  gefrraft,  auf  ber  anbern 
©cite  bie  eit)fdtfd)en  geibet/  wo 
bte  guten  £6ntge  belofyntwerben. 
2Clletn  son  t)ter  au$  iannft  bu 
nur  $u  ben  eit)fdifd)en  gelbetn 
geiangen,  wenn  bu  guoor  burd) 
ben  SartaruS  gegangen  biji$  cite 
unb  DCrtof  metn  Stetd). 

frightful  dreams  ;  and  sleep- 
lessness quite  as  dreadful  as 
frightful  dreams.  All  these 
direful  forms  surrounded  the 
stern  Pluto,  and  filled  the 
palace  in  which  he  dwelt. 

He  answered  Telemachus 
with  a  hollow  voice,  that 
made  the  bottom  of  Erebus 
tremble  :  Young  mortal,  the 
fates  have  allowed  thee  to 
violate  this  sacred  sanctuary 
of  the  shades :  follow  thy 
high  destiny  ;  I  will  not  tell 
thee  where  thy  father  is  :  it 
is  enough  thou  art  free  to 
go  and  look  for  him.  Since 
he  was  a  king  upon  earth, 
thou  hast  but  to  traverse  on 
the  one  hand  that  part  of  the 
gloomy  Tartarus  where  the 
wicked  kings  are  punished, 
and  on  the  other,  the  Ely- 
sian  fields,  where  the  good 
kings  are  rewarded.  But 
thou  canst  not  go  hence  into 
the  Elysian  fields  before  thou 
hast  passed  through  Tartarus ; 
make  haste  thither,  and  get 
out  of  my  empire. 

Rule. — German  propositions  are  usually  placed  before 
the  case  which  they  govern,  and  a  few  compound  verbs, 
formed  with  the  particle  mif/  sometimes  receive  the  augment 
ge  at  the  beginning  of  the  past  participle,  sometimes  in  the 
middle,  and  sometimes  not  at  all. 

(gogletd)  fdjten  Setemad)  Telemachus  seems  instant- 
burd)  biefe  leeren  unb  ly  to  fly  through  the  void 
unermepltdjen  Sftdume  gletcfyfam     and  immense  spaces,  so  much 


$u  (Regent  fo  fefyr  serlangte  ttjn 
$u  mijfen,  ob  er  feinen  S3ater 
fefyen  roetbe,  unb  aud)  fid)  a  u  0 
ber  f  d)  e  u  g  (id)  e  n  ©egens 
roart  be$  £t)rannen  §u  entfernen/ 
rcelcber  Sebenbige  unb  Sobte  in 
(gcfyrecfen  fyalt.  Grnbltd)  be? 
merit  er  ben  fdjroarjen  SartaruS 
fciemlid)  nafye  b  e  i  fid) ;  ein 
bicfer  fdjwacjer  Sftaud)  jrieg  bars 
au$  empor,  beffen  Derpefteter 
©erud)  tobten  nwrbe,  roenn  er 
jtd)  i  n  bem  fSSorjnorte  bee  Seben? 
ben  oerbrettete*  biefer  Sftaud) 
bebecfte  etnen  (Strom  con 
geuer  unb  glammennrirbel/ 
bejfen  ©etofe,  gXeicr)  bemjemgen, 
meldjeS  bte  umgeftumfren  glufte 
mad)en/  rcenn  fie  »on  ben 
f)  6  d)  fr  e  n  ©ipfeln  ber  geifen 
in  ben  tiefjien  tfbgvunb  (iurgeii/ 
oerurfac^en/  ba£  man  an  btefen 
traurtgen  Oertern  nidjts  beurltd) 
$6ren  !ann. 

(Snblid)  erbitcfte  Selemad)  ^k 
R&mQt/  it>etcf)e  bejhregen  oer* 
bammt  rourben/  weil  fie  it)re 
SOladjt  mifibraucbt  fatten. 
li  u  f  ber  etnen  ©eite  tyfelt  ifynen 
etne  rdd)enbe  ©trafgottfyeit  etnen 
(Spiegel  uoo  ber  itjnen  bie  gan$e 
©cfyeujHtcfyfeit  itjrer  Safter  &eigte. 
#ter  fafyen  fie  unb  fonnten  nidjt 
unterlajfen  ju  fefjen  tyre  grobe 
©itelfeit/  roetd)e  n  a  d)  ben  Ids 
d)erlid)(Ien  £obfprud)en  gtertg 
i)a[d)te  $  tyre  £drte  g  e  g  c  n 
bte  2Dftenfd)en/  roeld)e  fie  fatten 
giucflid)  mad)en  follen*  tyre 
©efityllofigfeit  fur  bte  Sugenb, 
tyre  2£ngjr/    bie    SBa^r^eit   $u 

does  he  long  to  know  if  he 
shall  see  his  father,  and  to 
get  out  of  the  horrible  pre- 
sence of  the  tyrant  who  holds 
both  the  living  and  the  dead 
in  awe.  He  presently  finds 
himself  near  dark  Tartarus  ; 
a  thick  black  smoke  ascended 
thence,  the  pestilential  stench 
of  which  would  have  brought 
on  instant  death  with  it,  had 
it  reached  the  abodes  of  the 
living.  This  smoke  sat  upon 
a  river  of  flaming  fire,  the 
noise  of  which,  like  that  of 
the  most  impetuous  cataracts, 
falling  from  the  summit  of 
the  highest  rocks  into  the 
bottomless  pit,  made  it  im- 
possible for  those  who  en- 
tered these  dismal  places  to 
hear  anything  distinctly. 

At  length  Telemachus 
perceived  the  kings  who  were 
punished  for  having  abused 
their  power.  On  one  hand 
a  vindictive  Fury  held  up  to 
them  a  mirror  which  showed 
tham  their  vices  in  all  their 
deformity.  There  they  saw 
and  were  obliged  to  see  their 
fulsome  vanity,  which  gree- 
dily swallowed  down  the 
grossest  flattery  ;  their  obdu- 
racy towards  men,  whom  they 
ought  to  have  made  happy  ; 
their  insensibility  to  virtue ; 
their  dread  to  hear  the  truth  $ 
their  negligence,  their  sloth^ 


!>5ren;  t^re  9tetgung  $u  meter* 
trddjttgen  unb  fd)metd)terifd)en 
3Xenfd)en  ;  tljre  9tad)ldfugfett  $ 
tfyre  SSScid)tid)fett ;  tfyre  @orgs 
loftgfett*  tfyren  un§eitigen  2£rg= 
tt»ot?n  5  ifyren  Uebermutl)  unb 
tfjre  ubermdfnge  tyxa&tlkbtt 
tt)eld}e  ba§  SSerberben  bee  SSolfer 
serurfad)te ;  it)re  (Sfyrfudjt,  ein 
roentg  3Sut)m  burd)  bag  £3lut 
tl)re  23urger  §u  erfaufen  $  enb* 
ltd)  tl)re  ©raufamfett,  rceldje 
tdglid)  neue  Sffioilufte  u  n  t  e  r 
ben  &£>rdnen  unb  ber  Ser^eif- 
lung  fo  meter  Unglucf lichen  aufc 
fud)te.  £)fyne  #uft)6ren  fatjen 
fie  |td)  in  btefem  Spiegel 5  fte 
fanben  ftdb  grauem>oller  unb 
fd)eu6lid)er,  a\$  bte  burd)  ben 
SSetlerop^on  beftegte  (Sfytmdre, 
ober  alS  bte  burd)  ben  £erf  uteS 
erlegte  £erndifd)e  #r)ber/  felbft 
al§  ben  (SerberuS/  roeldjer  a  u  $ 
fetnen  brei  gdfynenben  SKadben  em 
fd)tr>arseg  unb  gtfttgeg  SSlut  au&= 
fpetet,  n?etd)e6  baS  gan^e  ©efd)led)t 
ber  auf  ber  @rbe  iebenben 
9ttenfd)en  wpejlen  lonnte. 

3u  gtetd)er  3ett  nneberfyotte 
ifynen  eine  gurie  auf  ber  anbern 
®eite  mit  Skrfyofynung  alle  Sob* 
fprudje/  treldie  tyrten  il)re 
@d)meid)ler  in  intern  Seben  ge* 
geben  fatten/  unb  l)telt  it)nen 
etnen  anbern  (Spiegel  0  or,  worin 
jte  ftd)  fo  fafyen/  al$  tie  <&d)meu 
d)elei  fte  gefd)iltert  £atte.  £)te 
(gntgegenfteltung  btefer  groet  ftd) 
fo  tt>tberfpred)enben  ©emdlbe 
trar  tie  Strafe  fur  ifyre  (Sttelfeit. 
SDton  bemerfte,  bap  unter  btefen 

their  misplaced  jealousy,  their 
pride,  their  excessive  pomp 
built  upon  the  ruin  of  their 
people ;  their  ambition  to 
purchase  a  little  vain  glory 
with  the  blood  of  their  sub- 
jects ;  in  fine,  their  cruelty, 
which  every  day  hunts  about 
for  new  pleasures  amidst  the 
tears  and  distresses  of  so 
many  unhappy  wretches.  In 
this  mirror  they  incessantly 
beheld  themselves ;  they  found 
themselves  more  horrible  and 
more  monstrous  than  the 
Chimera  which  was  van- 
quished by  Bellerophon,  or 
the  Lernean  hydra,  destroy- 
ed by  Hercules,  or  than  by 
Cerberus  himself,  though  he 
disgorges  from  his  three 
hideous  throats  a  black  and 
venomous  gore,  capable  of 
infecting  the  whole  race  of 
mortals  living  on  the  earth. 

At  the  same  time,  on  the 
other  hand,  another  Fury  in- 
sultingly repeated  to  them 
the  encomiums  which  their 
flatterers  had  bestowed  upon 
them  while  alive,  and  pre- 
sented to  them  another  mir- 
ror, in  which  they  saw 
themselves  as  flattery  had 
depicted  them.  The  oppo- 
sition of  these  two  portraits, 
which  were  so  contrary,  was 
the  punishment  of  their  va- 


Jtontgen  biejentgen  am  gottlo* 
feflen  rcaren/  benen  man  bet 
Ceb^eiten  bte  erfyabenften  £cb= 
fprucfye  gegeben  tyatte,  \v  e  t  i  bte 
SBofen  mefyr  gefurdjtct  rcerben 
qIS  bte  5Ked)tfd)affenen/  unb  roett 
fie  mit  ber  grofjeften  Unoerfd)d  mr* 
t)ett  bte  mebertrad)tigen  ©d)met= 
djeleten  ber  £)td)ter  unb  SKebner 
tyrer  3eit  forbern. 

nity.  It  was  observed  that 
the  most  wicked  of  these 
kings  were  those  who  during 
their  lives  had  received  the 
most  exalted  praises,  because 
the  bad  are  dreaded  more 
than  the  good,  and  shame- 
lessly exact  the  sordid  and 
nauseous  flatteries  of  the 
poets  and  orators  of  their 



(£§  urirb  ernftfyaft. 

@$  friert  mid)  an  ben  £cmben. 
(56  fragt  fid)/   ob  fie   fommen 

SDton  fagt/  fie  fct  e$  getr>efen. 
&  f  ojiet  3fynen  nur  em  SBort. 

©6  wirb  geflopft. 

S&ir  rcerben  fetjen/  ba£  man  ii)m 

bte  @d)ulb  gibt. 
©ie  mad)en  eg  recfyt. 
©ie  meint  e§  gut. 
<Ste   roollen  e£  babet  beroenten 

©ie  fangen  e§  &u  fyod)  an. 
@f)r  gibt  Stynen  nid)t  nad)$  er 

gtbt  niemanben  nad). 

The  affair  is  becoming  se- 

My  hands  are  cold. 

It  is  doubtful  whether  she 
will  come. 

They  say  it  was  she. 

You  have  only  to  say  one 

Some  one  knocks. 

We  shall  see  that  he  will  be 
blamed  for  it. 

You  do  well. 

Her  intention  is  good. 

They  will  leave  it  as  it  is. 

Their  bearing  is  too  haughty. 

He  does  not  give  in  to  you  ; 

he  gives  in  to  nobody. 


3d)  gtaube  nid)t,  baf$  ©te   ben 
23or§ug  oor  itym  fyaben  rcerben. 
@§  tft  md)t  alleg  ©otb  roaS  glanjt, 
(Sg  mag  fetn,  rcie  eg  will. 
@S  gilt  3^r  2eben. 
(5§  betrtfft  ifyr  SSermogen. 
SBcnn  e§  bed)  metn  greunb  ware ! 
Sic  tooften  eS  eud)  gebenfen. 

3d)  rcerbe  e§  nic^t  lange  mad)en. 

I  do  not  think  that  you  will 
get  the  better  of  him. 

All  that  glitters  is  not  gold. 

Be  that  as  it  may. 

Your  life  is  at  stake. 

Her  fortune  is  at  stake. 

If  it  were  but  my  friend  ! 

They  will  remember  you  for 

I  will  not  detain  you  long. 


©ie  fyaben  e§  getroffen. 
©te  ftnb  md)t  red)t  baran. 
©te  f)at  eg  nid)t  getroffen. 
£Bte  fie  ^ufafyren ! 

You  have  guessed  it. 
They  have  not  got  hold  of  it. 
She  has  not  guessed  it. 
What  a  rate  they  drive  at  i 

£)aS  ift  ntd)t  mefyr  auSju^alten.       They  can  hold  out  no  longer. 


©ie  fyaben  3fynen  oorgefd)roa§t. 
©ie   roiffen  ntd)t,   wie  ©ie   e§ 

anfangen  follen. 
©ie  l)aben  ettr>a§  barunter. 

©te  meinen  e$  aufrtd)tig. 
©te  nefymen  e3  gu  genau. 
SCRan   muj*  eg   nid)t   fo   genau 

2)a  tjaben  ©te  e§. 
3d)  fonnte    mid)    nidjt    brein 

@S  foil  eud)  md)t  gettngen. 
(5c  oerfat)rt  ubel  mit  ifym. 
©te  finb  fyanbgemetn  geworben. 

(5r  tjat  einen  ©roll  auf  mid). 

They  have  told  you  a  story. 

You  know  not  how  to  set 
about  it. 

They  mean  more  than  they 

They  have  no  evil  intention. 

You  are  too  particular. 

We  must  not  be  so  particu- 

You  have  hit  it. 

I  could  not  make  it  out. 

You  shall  be  set  at  defiance. 

He  uses  him  ill. 

They    have    had    a    serious 

He  owes  me  a  grudge. 


2)ag  ©lucf  nrill  3t)nen  tooty. 
£Btr  ftnb  ecfd)5pft  5   toil  lonnen 

nid)t  mefyt  fort. 
@g  iji  aug  mtt  i^ncn. 
(gg  foftc/  rcag  eg  rootle. 
£Bo  ftnb  ©te  geblieben  ? 
SBte  rourfce  eg  urn  eud)  jieljen, 

roenn  fie  eudb  ntd)t  get)otfen 

fatten  ? 
£te  Sett  rcurb  leijren/  mag  baran 

SSoUen  ©te  eg  babet  beroenben 

Xaffen  ? 

Fortune  smiles  upon  you. 
We  are   exhausted,   we   can 

hold  out  no  longer. 
They  are  done  for. 
Let  it  cost  what  it  may. 
Where  did  you  Leave  off? 
What  would  you  have  done. 

if  they  had    not   assisted 

you  ? 
Time  will  bring1  it  to  light. 

Are  you  willing  to  leave   it 
as  it  is  ? 


©te   fyaben  tmmer  @elb  babet 

©te  roottcn  mit  rcag  rcetfj  ma- 

©te  ftnb  fd)6n/  abzx  fte  btlben 

fid)  $u  mel  etn. 

23et  btefen  SBocten. 

©te  tjaben  eg  mtt  gleif  gettjan. 

3d)  i)abe  eg  aug  guter  2£bftd)t 

©te  fyaben  eg  nid)t  aug  bofer  2(b* 

ftd)t  get^an. 
©te  rourben  eg  ntd)t  aug  bofer 

2Cbftd)t  getfyan  tyaben. 
3d)  gefye  in  tie  ©tabt. 
©te  get)t  nad)  ber  ©tabt. 
£)urd)  tneleg  SSttten  ijl  eg  ung 


You  have  always  lost  money 
by  it. 

They  wish  to  impose  upon 

They  are  handsome,  but  they 
think  too  much  of  them- 

At  these  words. 

They  have  done  it  on  pur- 

I  have  done  it  with  a  good 

They  have  not  done  it  with 
a  bad  intention. 

They  would  not  have  done 
it  with  a  bad  intention. 

I  am  going  to  town. 

She  is  going  to  town. 

By  dint  of  much  earnest  n- 
treaty  we  have  succeeded. 


©te  rccrben  tfyn  an  fetnem  &tetbe 

fennen,  rcenn  fte  U)n  fefyen. 
#n  ber  2Crt,  rote  er  fprtdjt. 

5^ai$  fetnem  ©efcfymacf,  nacfy 
fetner  Sftetnung/  follte  man, 

2Cuf  bte  SSitte  ber  (Sinmofyner. 

©te  tytelten  tfyn  betm  2Bort. 
©tc  ^)aben  ftd)  baruber  bet  mtr 

You  will  know  him  by  his 
coat  when  you  see  him. 

By  the  manner  in  which  he 

According  to  his  taste,  ac- 
cording to  his  opinion,  one 
ought,  &c. 

At  the  request  of  the  inha- 

They  took  him  at  his  word. 

They  have  complained  to  me 
about  it. 


(§6  fdttt  in  Me  2Cugen. 

©te  fyat  ifyn  in  sparis  lennen  ge* 

3d)   l)abe  fte  auf  Mefer  Sftetfe 

lennen  geternt. 
(Sr  iricb  balb  unter  <Segel  getyen. 
@ic  fyaben  unter  fretem  #tmmel 

Unter  bem®  fatten  bteferSBdume. 
@;r   §at  e§  unter  bem  Conner 

ber  ^anonen  gefcfyrteben. 

©ie  be!  ommt  eS  nidjt  unter  btreu 

pig  @5utneen. 
2Bir  ftnb  unter  ben  ^rtegSun* 


©d&rttt  sor  ©djrttt. 

SBerfbfylener  SQSetfe. 


@te  roofynen  am  (Snbe  ber  ©trape. 

It  strikes  the  eye. 

She  made  his   acquaintance 

in  Paris. 
I   became   acquainted    with 

her  during  that  journey. 
He  will  sail  soon. 
They  have  slept  in  the  open 

In  the  shade  of  these  trees. 
He   has    written    it   in  the 

midst  of  the  noise  of  the 

She  will  not  get  it  for  less 

than  thirty  guineas. 
We  are  in  the  midst  of  the 

tumult  of  war. 
Step  by  step. 
They  live  at  the  end  of  the 



3$  fyabe  eg  son  2lnfang  big  §um 

Qjrnbe  gelefen. 
£)er  Sob  mad)t  2CtIem  etn  (Snbe. 

I  have  read  it  from  begin- 
ning to  end. 

Death  puts  an  end  to  every- 


©te  ntmmt  eg  §u  #er§en. 
©te  arbetten  urn  tie  SBette. 
©te  ftel  tym  um  ben  £alg. 
@g  taugt  §u  md)t§. 
©te  l)aben  tyn  jur  £t)ure  tytnauS 

@r  $at  ©dfte  *5um  sflfctttageflen. 
©te  lommen  §ur  recfyten  Sett. 
<5r  l)at  eg  §ur  Ungeit  getfyan. 

©enfrecfyt,  con  oben  ^jerab. 


Grr  §at  eg  bud)f!dbltd)  uberfefct. 

SStelletdjt  roerben  ©te  eg  fur  gut 

34  bjalte  eg  fur  gut. 
3<3)  muf  tie  geber  ergretfen. 
2)er  2Cr$t  fyat  tym  bie  «BRUd)fur 

Gsr  r;at   etne  bofe  £anb>    fetne 

©d)tt?efrer    $at    etnen    bofen 

ginger/  unb  fein  Setter  t)Ot 

bofe  2lugen. 
(Sr  lift  ftd)  alleg  gefallen. 
3^)  laffenur  alleg  gefallen. 
2Ber  !ann  bafur  ?  er  $at  eg  ofyne 

metn  Stiffen  gettyan. 
©te     oerjle^t    ben     gertngften 


She  lays  it  to  heart. 

They  work  emulously. 

She  fell  upon  his  neck. 

It  is  good  for  nothing. 

They  have  turned  him  out 
of  doors. 

He  has  company  to  dinner. 

You  come  at  the  right  time. 

He  has  done  it  at  the  wrong 

Perpendicularly  down. 

Beyond  the  reach  of  sight. 

He  has  made  a  literal  trans- 
lation of  it. 

Perhaps  you  will  think  well 
of  it. 

I  think  it  good. 

I  must  write. 

The  physician  has  ordered 
him  to  live  upon  milk. 

He  has  a  bad  hand,  his  sis- 
ter has  a  bad  finger,  and 
his  cousin  has  sore  eyes. 

He  agrees  to  anything. 

I  am  agreeable  to  anything. 

Who  can  help  it  ?    he  did  it 

unknown  to  me. 
A  hint  is  sufficient  for  her. 


$la&)  bem  £eben,  nad)  ber  5flatur 

To  paint  from  nature. 


2Bit  fyaben  ttjn  im  ^tnaufgefyen 

2Cuf   £)eutfdy   auf    granaoftfd)/ 

fagt  man. 
Set  tjcltem  Sage. 
©6  ftefyt  nid)t  me$t  bet  tfym,  e§ 

gu  tfyun. 
@§   fie^t   ntd)t   mefyr.  in   t^rer 

50lad)t  eg  gu  tfyun. 
Sag  u)n  in  Sftufye. 
©te  retfen  mtt  ber  9po$. 
2Btr  retfen  nad)  granlretd). 
©te  malen  mtt  garben. 
©ic  tanjen  ntd)t  nad)  tern  Salt. 
Sum  ©lucr. 
3um  Unglucf. 

©te  fyat  e§  au§  ©pott  gefagt. 
SJtein  greunb  §at  e§   au£  ®pa$ 

©te  t)aben   e§  au§   ©d)er§  ge- 

(Sr    befd)tror   mtd)   barum    bet 

unferer  atten  greunbfdjaft. 

We  saw  him  as  he  went  up. 

In  German,  in  French,  they 

In  broad  daylight. 
It  no  longer  depends  on  him 

to  do  it. 
It  is  no  longer  in  her  power 

to  do  it. 
Leave  him  alone. 
They  travel  post. 
We  are  going  to  France. 
They  paint  in  colours. 
They  do  not  dance  in  time. 
Happily,  fortunately. 
Unhappily,  unfortunately. 
She  said  it  ironically. 
My  friend  said  it  for  fun. 

They  said  it  in  jest. 

He     conjured    me,    by    our 
long-standing  friendship. 


(§6  gerfallt  in  ©tucfe. 
(£r  leibet  eg  urn  be$  grtebeng 

3d)  $abz  e£  auS  ©runben  get£)an. 

It  is  falling  to  pieces. 

He   endures  for  the  sake  of 

2£egen  etne§  gertngen  gefyletS  bin 
id)  terurtfyeiit  recrben. 

I  had  good  reasons  for  doing 

I  am  condemned  for  a  trilling 



@tn  f8aUt  fyut  $tete$  fewer 

Winter:  rcegen. 
liefer   SJlann   tyat    S3tele§   urn 

fetner  Winter  nrillen  getfyan. 

(Sr  $at  etnen  9£ot$pfenmg  auf* 

6r  mfprtcfit  golbene  23erge. 

©te   ganfen  urn   etnen  ©trofc 

@S  ijl  ntd^t  gut  o$ne  gltnte  auf 

tie  Sagb  ju  gefyen. 
<5r  §tef)t  mtt  etner  langen  Sftafe 

©te  wollen  ftd)  tyetmlid)  baocn 

(Sr  bewunbert  fid)  felbftgefdlltg. 

£)a  fann  man  auf  ben  erften 
SBtnf  i)in  bebtent  fetn. 

(Sr  will  ben  Sftagel  auf  bem  $opf 

A  father  does  many  things 

for  the  sake  of  his  children. 
This    man   has    done  many 

things  for  the  sake  of  his 

He   has  laid    something  up 

against  a  rainy  day. 
He  promises  mountains  and 

They  are   quarrelling  about 

a  straw. 
It  is  not  good  to  go  to  sea 

without  provisions. 
He  returns  ashamed. 

They   want   to    leave   their 

creditors  in  the  lurch. 
He  admires   himself  in  his 

There  you  may  be  served  with 

the  greatest  promptitude. 
He  would  fain  take  the  hare 

by  the  scut. 


(St  wagt  fid)  an  ba$  Unmogltdje. 

@r  ttrirb  @te  auf  ben  jungften 

Sag  uertroften. 
@te  tt>ollen  mid)  auf  ben  9ttm= 

mertag  t>erwetfen. 
<£z  §at  mtt  etner  $tappe  $wet 

gttegen  erfdjlagen. 
<£v  wtyfyxt  feine  @inf unfte  §um 


He  wants  to  take  the  moon 

by  the  horns. 
He   will  pay  you  when  two 

Sundays  come  together. 
They  want  to  pay  me  at  the 

latter  Lammas. 
He  has  killed  two  birds  with 

one  stone. 
He  spends  his  money  before 

he  gets  it. 

k  3 


2Cu6   tem  Sfagen  in  tie  Sraufe 

ffiStr  gtngen  in  ber  £)ammerung 

(5r  ^at  e§  t^m  cor   bem  9Jlaut 

megneljmen  wotten. 
(§r  trdgt  auf  betben  (Sdjultern. 

(ginen   anbcrn  tic  ginger  set* 

brennen  lajfen. 
@r  gtbt  ben  2(rm  fur  tzn  ginger 


(gr  will  tmmer  Mmmei  fpalten- 

(£r  tjt  ein  SBortftauber. 
@r  fprid)t  au§  einem  fyofyen  Sone. 
(Sr  erjurnte  fid). 
$£tr    tuollen     bag    @lucf   betm 
<Sd)opfe  ergretfen. 

To  fall   out  of  the  frying- 
pan  into  the  fire. 
We  went  out  about  dusk. 

He  wished  to  supplant  him. 

He  keeps  fair  with  two  par- 

To  get  chestnuts  out  of  the 
fire  with  the  cat's  paw. 

He  is  penny  wise  and  pound 

He  is  always  wanting  to 

He  is  very  particular. 

He  talks  largely. 

He  got  into  a  passion. 

Let  us  seize  the  opportunity, 


@c.ft>eijj  ftd)  weber  §u  ratten 

nod)  gu  Ijelfen. 
3d)  xoz\%  mit  roefcer  §u  ratljen 

nod)  5U  fyelfen. 
^ie  roerben  ftd)  rccber  §u  ratten 

nod)  $u  tjelfen  nriffen. 
©te  roufjten  ftd)  rceber  $u  ratten 

nod)  gu  tjelfen. 
Q?r    beu>irttjet/  nne  e§  nur  ben 

?$unb  gelujfet. 
SQHt  £vo§en  unb  ^ocfyen  uerlan- 

@ie  fangen  roegen  eineS  $litytt 

£anbel  an. 

He    does    not    know    which 

way  to  turn  himself. 
I   know  not  which  way   to 

turn  myself. 
You  will    not    know    which 

way  to  turn  yourself. 
They   did  not  know   which 

way  to  turn  themselves. 
He  treats  his  friends  nobly. 

To  seek  with  hue  and  cry. 

They  are  beginning  to  quar- 
rel about  nothing. 


©ie  §aben  tfjm  bte  9Wtf)e  etnge=  You  have  been  hard  upon 

tf)an.  him. 

©ie  fyaben  u)m  fein  ©efyetmmfj  You  have  pumped  him. 


©ie  rcetten  t$m  fein  ©efjetmnif*  They  will  sift  him. 


2Bie   meinen  @ie  tfym  fein  ©e=  How  do  you  intend  to  sift 

tyeimmf  ab^ulccfen?  him  ? 

STcan  $at  t^m  unter  tie  2Crme  They  have  put  him  into  the 

gegrtffen.  right  way  for  preferment, 

©etnc  greunbe  ftnb  tfym  an  ba$  His    friends     have    backed 

Sfab  gefianben.  him. 

©ie  bat  ifyn  in   ben  2Cpri(  ae=  She  has  made  an  April  fool 

fducft.  of  him. 

(St  Will  fte  in  ben  2Cprtl  fdncfen.  He  intends  to  make  an  April 

fool  of  her. 

©ie  tjat  tym  %&uvft  ttttber  2£urft  She  has  given  him  a  Row- 

gegeben.  land  for  an  Oliver. 

2Bir   tvolkn   tym  SBurjr  nnber  Let  us  give  him  a  Rowland 

2&ur|t  geben.  for  an  Oliver, 

©te  f)at  u)m  &u  fdjaffen  gemad)t.  She   has  led  him  a   pretty 


(£§    ift     ifytn    ubel    mtfgefptelt  He  has  paid  for  his  whistle. 


©etne  (Mefjrfctmf tit  ift  il;m  au&=  He  is  at  his  wit's  end. 


©eleven  prebigen  tt>c£en.  To  carry  coals  to  Newcastle. 

(Sr  mufs  ftdj  unter  bte  SJome^  He  is   obliged  to  mix  with 

men  mtfdjen.  the  herd. 

SSBir  n?oIIen  un£  unter  bte  SSorne^  Let  us  mix  with  the  herd. 

men  mtfdjen. 

©te  fyat  ein  getduftgeS  $>3tanbs  She  has  a  good  clapper. 


Sic  fprttfjt  roie  etn  SSuftletn.  She  has  an  oily  tongue. 

dt  bleibt  fiumm  trie  etn  gifty.  He  cannot  say  a  word. 


@ic  btteben  jtummrcte  eingtfd). 
9Xan  mu£  tynen  2CUe§  oorlauen. 

£a§  ©la§  §at  tfynen  Me  gunge 

£)a§  ®ta$  tyat  mtr  tie  gunge 

ntd^t  gelofet. 
£)a$  ©las  fjatte  tym  tie  gunge 

(Sr  laft  ftd)  tie  £aut  uber  bte 

£)f)ten  §ief)en. 
3^)   lafT^  wtc  nid)t   tie    #aut 

uber  bte  £)l)ren  §tefyen. 
2Ber  tr-urbe  ftd)  bte  £aut  uber 

bte  £)f)ren  §iet)en  loffen  ? 
(£r  fyat  roeber  ©efcfytcf  nod)  @e= 

(Sr  ift  im  <Sd)tafe  retd)  gercorben. 

(S3  war  etn  UnglucBtag  fur  tfyn. 
©te    trenbet    alle    erftnnltdjen 

sflRittel  ba^u  an. 
SCRan  tyat  tf)n  bet  ber  SKafe  f)er* 

(Ste  it)trb  it;n  bet  ber  Sftafe  f)er= 

(Sr  f)at  £aar  taffen  ntujfen. 

©ie  rcerben  £aar  laffen  muffen. 

<§ie  n>etj3,  rao  e§  Ijangt  unb  langt. 

They  were  not  able  to  say  a 

You  are  obliged  to  mince 
everything  with  them. 

Drinking  has  made  them 

Drinking  has  not  made  me 

Drinking  has  made  him  elo- 

He  suffers  himself  to  be  in- 
sulted with  impunity. 

I  do  not  suffer  myself  to  be 
insulted  with  impunity. 

Who  would  suffer  himself  to 
be  insulted  with  impunity? 

He  has  neither  talent  nor 

His  fortune  came  while  he 
was  asleep. 

He  has  trod  upon  a  nettle. 

She  tries  every  thing  that 
she  can  think  of. 

They  have  made  a  fool  of 

She  will  make  a  fool  of  him. 

He  has  been  obliged  to  leave 
some  of  his  feathers  be- 
hind him. 

You  will  be  obliged  to  leave 
some  of  your  feathers  be- 

She  knows  the  ground  per- 


@te    leben    son    bet   £anb  tn§      They    live    from   hand    to 

§Kout.  mouth. 

2)aS  fcf)tcft  fid)  »ic  cine  gauft      That  rhymes  like  mountain 

auf  etn  2Cug. 

and  mole-hill. 


You   spend   your    labour  in 

Nothing  escapes  his    obser- 
He  is  like  a  rat  in  straw. 
He  gazes  with  open  mouth 

at  crows. 
He  laughs  without  knowing 
what  at. 
STcan  ft'efyt  ntd)t  wo   er  ijtnaug      He  is  above  any  man's  reach. 

St  lafjt  fid)  md)t  betfommen. 

gie  brefdjen  leete§  <5tto§. 

<Sr  fiefyt  wk  etn  (Sperber. 

(gr  tft  trie  ber  SSo^et  tm  £anf. 
<5t  fyat  sflftoulaffen  fctt. 

Gst  Iad)t  in  ben  Sag  f)tnetn. 

@3  itegt  etne  gatte  bafytntet. 

<£§  gtbt  tseber  lalt  nocb  roarm. 
(gr  t)at  £>immel  unb  #6lle   in 

SBercegung  gefegt. 
©te  fe$en  £immel  unb  £6lle  in 

@ie  x>erge^)t  oor  Ungebutb. 
©te  urtfyetten  baoon  in  ben  Sag 

£)aoon  tmtb  man  if)tn  ba§  9ftaui 

fauber  fatten. 
(Sr  nrirb   einen  bofen  Seumunb 

©te  i)at  etnen  bSfen  Seumunb. 
(gt  iji  belannt   une   ber  bunte 


He  does  not  expose  his  cha- 

There  is  some  mystery  in 
the  case. 

It  is  perfectly  harmless. 

He  has  left  no  stone  un- 

They  leave  no  stone  un- 

She  is  pining  away. 

You  judge  of  it  by  guess. 

They  will  not  allow  him  to 

put  his  nose  into  it. 
He  will  be  in  bad  repute. 

She  is  in  bad  repute. 
He  is  as  well  known  as   the 
public  crier. 


(£6   t#  nod)    nid)t  alter   Sage  There  will  be  more  evenings 

2C6enb.  than  this. 

£er  lefcte  l)at  nod)  ntd)t  gefd)of=  There  is   something  else  to 

fen.  come  yet. 

©ie  meif?  ten  SCRdufen  §u  rtdjten.  She  is  no  fool, 

©ie   l)aben  etnen   (Stretch   nad)  You  have  given  us  a  speci- 

3l)cer  2Ccr  gefptelt.  men  of  your  skill, 

©ie  l)aben  tfyn  in  ten  £acntfd)  You  have  unhinged  him. 


©ie  l)aben  ifym  ba$  ?0laul  ges  You  have  silenced  him. 


£)a$  geuec  ift  bet  tf)ra  balb  im  He  soon  takes  fire. 


Sttan  §at  i&m  nidfts  gelaffen.  They  have  left  him  nothing. 

Sic  tt>icb  tf)m  md)ts  ubctg  (ajfen.  She  will  oblige  him  to  dine 

with  Duke  Humphrey. 


3d)  fyabt  U)m   fetn   $aac   ge=  I  have  not  hurt  him. 


(S3  foil  tyt  fetn  £aac  gefcummt  She  shall  not  be  hurt. 


G£§  ift  fetn  gute§  £aac  an  U)m.  He  is  a   good   for  nothing 


©m  fyaben  £aare  auf  ben  3al)nen.  They  have  some  spirit. 

G£r  if!  mtt  £aut  unb  £aac  sees  He  is  irretrievably  lost. 


©te  fragt  nid)t  etn  ^)aar  bac^  She  does  not  care  for  it. 


©ie  §at  fetn   £aar  con  i|rer  She  is  not    a  bit  like  her 

flutter.  mother. 

(Sc  fdte£t  auf  etn  v£aac.  He  is  an  excellent  shot. 

©te  tceffen   ba$   gtel   auf   ein  You  are  a  capital  marksman. 


(E§  ty&ngt  an  etnem  #aac.  It  only  hangs  by  a  slender 



£>a£    mad)t  fctn   @d)tdBfal   urn 

fetn  #aar  anberS. 
(Sie    toerben    etn   £aar    bartn 

(Sr  fyat  etn  #aar  bartn  geftmben. 

(Sie  toerben  md)t  etn  #aar  con 

tfyrem  S^edjte  roetd)en. 
SSet  etnem  £aat  toare  fte  urn  tyt 

£eben  gefommen. 

@r  gtetyt  etnen  SBetoetS  bet  ten 

That  does  not  alter  his  con- 
dition in  the  least. 

You  will  be  disappointed  in 
your  expectation. 

He  has  not  succeeded  so  well 
as  he  expected. 

They  will  not  give  up  a  jot 
of  their  right. 

She  has  had  a  very  narrow 
escape  for  her  life. — She 
was  within  a  hair's  breadth 
of  being  killed. 

He  uses  far-fetched  argu- 

(Sr  tttetd)t  Me  (Segel  etn. 

Gsc  jiefyt  mtt  etner  ellenlangeii 

9lafc  ab. 
@ie  ftnb  mtt  enter  etlenlangen 

Sfafe  abge5ogen. 
©te  fud)r,  wag  tfyr  sor  ber  S^afc 


(Sr  mif?t#nbere  nadb  fetner  (Slle. 

<Ste  toeig  md)t,  too  fte  ber  ©d^ur; 

©ie  *)at  frumme  ginger, 
©ie  fyaben  letn  Sota  baran  ges 

(Sr  gef)t  totlltg  tn§  geuer. 
(£t  tft  etne  etjrltd)e  £aut. 
©etn  Setter  t>at  etnen  ©parren 
%\\  Mel. 


He  is  lowering  his  conse- 

He  makes  a  long  face. — He 
is  shamefully  baffled. 

They  have  been  shamefully 

She  is  looking  for  her  spec- 
tacles, and  has  them  on 
her  nose. 

He  measures  other  people's 
corn  by  his  own  bushel. 

She  does  not  know  where 
her  shoe  pinches  her. 

Her  hands  are  deformed. 

They  have  not  done  a  tittle 
of  it. 

He  is  a  hearty  friend. 

He  is  a  goodnatured  man. 

His  cousin  is  rather  foolish. 


6c   15ft  fid)  urn  einen  ginger 

<5te  fyaben  an  2Cttem.etroa§  aug= 

£)ag  fommt  wie  ©enf  gum  SRadf)* 

£)er  ^amm  fd)tt>tllt  ifym  auf. 
6S  ifi  immer  tie  alte  Seier. 

He  is  as  pliant  as  a  willow. 

6r  mctd)t  eg  n>ic  bee  gud)§  mtt 

ben  &rauben. 
6c  §tet>t  tie  fallen  ein. 
0ie   fyaben  ben  SSdren  in   bee 


6S  muf?  wentg  t>ort)anben  fein; 

rcenn  ec  nidjtg  fyerauSflauben 

gie  gefyen  xvk  eine  $a§e  urn  ben 

SOlan  muf$  tfin  bacauf  ^tnjiojien. 
6r  tft  ubel  mtt  fetnem  9fcat|  an= 

6r  fdbmollt  mit  fid)  felbji. 

You  find  fault  with  every- 

That  is  like  mustard  after 

The  mustard  flies  to  his  nose. 

It  is  the  old  song  over  again. 


He  is  like  the  fox  wTith  the 

He  draws  in  his  horns. 

You  have  the  game  (busi- 
ness, party,  &c.)  under 
your  thumb. 

The  ground  must  be  bare 
indeed,  if  he  can  find  no- 
thing to  eat. 

You  are  only  going  (beat- 
ing) about  the  bush  for  it. 

He  is  shy  about  it. 

He  has  had  his  wig  combed. 

9Qtan  ttmrbe  tt)m  leinen  grunf 
Staffer  reidjen. 

6c  t)at  ben  Mantel  nad)  bem 

SBtnbe  Qefyangt. 
6c  mufi  fid)  fummeriid)  be^elfen. 
<Sie  fyaben  fd)6ne  2Cu$ftd)ten. 

6c  mufite  um>errtd)teter  &a$z 

He  is  quarrelling  with  his 
bread  and  cheese. 

He  has  lost  his  credit. — His 
credit  is  not  worth  a  far- 

He  has  changed  his  opinion. 

He  is  greatly  reduced. 
You  are  in  the  way  to  pre- 
He  found  the  door  shut. 


(St  roeifj  ntcfa,  wric  er  fid)  cms 

ter  jllemme  fyelfen  fann. 
(gr  roenbet  plumpe  Sifren  an. 

@te  roerben  unoerricfyteter 
ab^tefyen  mufjen. 


He  does  not  know  how  to 
get  out  of  his  difficulty. 

Any  one  can  see  through 
his  artifices. 

You  will  find  the  door  shut. 


28a3    mid)  betrifft,  bat  furd)t' 

id)  ntd)t. 
£)aS  (aft  fid)  nidbt  blafen. 

£>as  ftnb  mtr  b&fymifcfye  £>6rfer. 
@r  fu^rt  nid)t6  2CrgeS  tm  ©djttb. 
©te   merlen/  roo  ber  #afe  im 

^feffer  ttegt. 
(Sr  tjat  rucber  ©efdjicf  nod)  ©e* 

(Sr  t)at  bag  spuloer  nid)t  erfunben. 
(Seine  £offnung  tfi  in  ben  SSrun= 

nen  gefallen. 
(gr  fufyrt  immer  ba6  2£crt. 
©ie  tyaben  nidjt  mit  ber  <Spradbe 

gratis  toollen. 
3d)  bin  auf  ba$  ftalbSfelt  fctn* 

SKan  §at  tym  einen  #of  befdjeib 

(§r  gtbt  ftd)  mit  unnfigem  Sanb 

3d)  ^abc  tiefen  $3unft  nur  gans 

oberflddjlid)  beriu)tt. 
(5t  $at  e§  tjalb  gem,  fyalb  ge? 

jmungcn  getyan. 
(Sr  jtfct  bem  ©luc!  im  Bfyofo. 

As  far  as  I  am  concerned  I 
do  not  fear. 

That  is  not  done  bv  looking 

That  is  Arabic  to  me. 

He  means  no  harm. 

You  have  hit  the  right  nail 
on  the  head. 

He  has  neither  wit  nor  cou- 

He  is  no  great  conjuror. 

His  hopes  have  come  to 

He  always  takes  the  lead. 

You  have  minced  the  matter. 

I  have  been  disappointed. 

He  has  received  an  evasive 

He  takes  much  pains  to  no 

I  have   only  just  hinted  at 

this  part. 
He  did  it  half  willingly  and 

half  by  compulsion. 
He  is  a  lucky  dog. 



©laubt   tf)t   eincn  barren   ror      Do  you  take  me  for  a  fool  ? 

eud)  ju  ijaben? 
(Sr  bleibt  9ttd)t€  fd^uibtg.  He  pays  his  debts, 

(§6  entgefyt  torn  SKtdjtS.  Nothing  escapes  him. 

@r  (aft  atteg  fiber  fret)  uberlaufem      He  allows  every  thing  to  go 

(Sr  ift  auf  bem  2$ege  §um  ©al*      He  is  making  a  halter  for 

gen.  nis  own  neck. 

@r  tft  Dom  <>Ko§  auf  ben  (Sfel  ges      He  has  fallen  in  the  world. 

St:  mill  rcenigflettS  ettraS  barau§      He  will  get  a  snack  out  of  it. 

(Ste  trerben  mit  tym  balb  fevtig      You  will  overcome  him  with 

fern.  the  greatest  ease. 

(St  mill  aliesS  baran  fc|cn.  He  will   spend  his  last  far- 

©te  tt>etf$  tyre  (Sadden   an  ben      She  makes  the  most  of  ner- 
mann ju  brtngen.  se^« 
>)Xan  oerbient  ntcfcr  bas  SBaffer      There  is  not  enough  to  find 

tabet.  one  m  s^lt. 

St  tft  in  bie  galle  gegangen.  He  n*s  fallen  into  the  trap. 

©tetterben  in  bie  galle  ge!)en.         You  wil1  be  caught   in  the 

£5ief  »trb  tym  nicbt  im  ®ering=      He  will  come  off  with  flying 

(ten  3U  fd:affen  geben. 


3d)  l)abe  einenoergeblid;en  @ang      I  have    lost  my  labour  for 


(Sr  fyat  alle£  gegen  fid). 

@ie  fyaben  alleS  gegen  <Sie. 
£aS  fommt  trie  gerufen. 

my  pains. 

He  has  everything  against 

You  do  it  in  spite  of  all  op- 

That  comes  in  pudding 



(5c  tanjt  nad)  jebermannS  ¥>fetfe. 
@r    muf?    nad)    einc6    2Cnbem 

spfeife  tan§en. 
(Sr  fyat  tie  spfetfe  ein§tet)en  muffen. 

He  is  of  a  very  easy  temper, 
He  is  obliged  to  submit  to 

the  will  of  another. 
He  has  been  obliged  to  draw 

in  his  horns. 
You  will  be  obliged  to  draw 

in  your  horns. 
He  is  agreeable  to  anything. 
He  has  written  me  a  most 

unfeeling  letter. 
He  is  at  his  wit's  end. 

She    knows  how  things  go 


©te  toerben  tic  spfetfe  etngie^en 

<5r  fagt  §u2CUem  ja. 
(5r   §at  mtr  einen  fXegeltjacten 

SBrtef  gefcfyrieben. 
(St*  roeijs  nid^t/  roo  itjm  ber  £opf 


©ie  ftefyt,  ttrie  tie  ©acfye  jfd)  an? 

©ie  tft  cm  lebenbtgeg  2Bod)en= 

©ie  fyaben  un§  geprellt. 
(5r  roeifj  fid)  nad)  ber  £)ecfe  ju 

@r    friedjt    langfam   true   cine 

<Sr  ift  auf  VtteS  gefaf  t. 
@r  ift  bort  2Ule6  sermogenb. 
(§§  ift  tfym  nid)t  leidjt  (StroaS 

@r  l&gt  fid)  gem  fyoren. 
(Sr  ftefyt  in  feinem  gtof en  2£n- 

©te    ftefjen  in  feinem    grofen 



©te  arbetten  mit  Suft  unb  £tebe.      They    are    zealous   in 

©ie  ift  in  allc  ©attci  red)t.  She  is  fit  for  any  thing 

She  is  a  walking  gazette. 

They  have  disappointed  us. 
He  gains  his  ends  by  hook 

or  by  crook. 
He  is  very  slow-paced. 

He  is  up  to  everything. 
He  is  every  thing  there. 
It  is  not  an  easy  matter  to 

instruct  him. 
He  is  in  his  fine  speeches. 
He  has  lost  all  his  interest. 

Their  reputation  is  gone  by. 



(Sr  mad)t  baraug  fein  ©etoerbe. 

©te   ftnb  oom  £unbertften  tn$ 

Saufenbfte  gefommen. 
Dtef  tft  etne  weteftd)e  SBarnung. 
GrS  drgert  ifyn  tie  gltege  an  ber 

©ie  ftnb  son  bemfetben  ©eltd)tet. 
3d)  werbe   e$    auSfufyren    ober 

3d)  beftnbe  mid)  fo  fo/  roeber  gut 

nod)  (dbled)t. 
£>aS  ift  fo  fo,  rceber  gut  nod) 

3d)   routbe    feinen    spjtfferltng 

fcarum  geben. 
SEfton  bat  fie  mit  grower  (Sorg* 

fait  auSgelefen. 
3J?an    t)at     tyn    roebet    geiobt 

nod)  ge(d)olten. 
Bit  brei)t  bee  2Ba$rf)ett  gern  eine 

(St  lactjte  nur  ge^roungen. 
(St  tt)ut  2CUeS  tteber  atf  be§at)ien. 

He  devotes  all  his  time  and 

attention  to  it. 
They  have  rambled  from  the 

That  is  a  hint. 
He  is  very  touchy. 

They  are  of  the  same  kidney* 
I  will   bring  it  about,  or   it 

shall  cost  me  dear. 
I  am  middling. — I  am  in  a 

critical  situation. 
That  is  but  indifferent. 

I  would  not  give  a  straw  for 

They  have  been  most  care- 
fully selected. 

They  have  not  said  a  word 
to  him. 

It  costs  her  nothing  to 
stretch  a  little. 

He  gave  a  forced  smile. 

He  is  a  friend,  except  with 
his  purse. 

He  would  skin  a  flint. 

(Sr  wurbe  an  etnem  (Si  fd)aben. 

— (St  fd)tnbet  tie  2au$  urn 

ben  SBatg. 
®k  ttJikben  an  etnem  (St  fd)aben. 
sfltan  fommt  bamtt  an  fein  (Snbe. 
<Sie  roerben  bamtt  an  fein  (Snbe 


m*  ait  ift  btefeS  £inb  ?  What  age  is  this  child  ? 

<S§  tft  nur  ffinf  SStertel  3<$r  ait.      It  is  only  a  year  and  a  quar 

ter  old. 

You  would  skin  a  flint. 
It  is  an  endless  business. 
You  will   never  have   done 
with  it,  &c. 


2Bte  breit  tfi  biefeS  &ucf)  ?  What  is  the  width  of  this 

cloth  ? 
©tefeS  SBrett  tft  fed)§  gug  lang      This  plank  is  six  feet  long 
unb  brittfyalb  breit.  and  two  and  a  half  broad. 

£)er  &i)urm  ift  oter  fyunbett  gug      The  tower  is  four  hundred 

3d)  banfe  Sfynen  fur  3$w  ©ute. 
3*  oerftefye  ntd)t  wag  er  rebet. 

2Ber  f)at  fyeute  tie  SJlcffe  gelefen  ? 
(£3  ftet)t  ubel  urn  ft'e  auS. 
@§  ftefyt  ubel  urn  tyn  aug. 

St  fann^ngltfd)  unb  grangoftfd?. 

©te  fragte  tyn  um  feinen  Sftamen. 
3d)  wollte  tyn  um  fetne  SOSofynung 

9lad)  fed)6  Utyr  trcffen  ©tc  itjn 

md)t  mefyr  §u  £aufe. 
©ie  fptelten  um  ein  grufyftucf , 

(§r  ift  auf  bem  SGSege. 

©ie  fyaben  tfym  @tn?a§  aufgebun* 

©ie  roollte  tym  ©trcaS  aufbtnben. 
2Btt  fyaben  fo  eben  mit  tf)nen  ge= 

©ie  fcmmen  gletd). 

feet  high. 
I  am  obliged  to  you  for  your 

I  know  not  what  he  is  driv- 
ing at. 
Who  has  said  Mass  to-day  ? 
She  is  very  ill. 
His  affairs  are  in  a  very  bad 

He     knows     English     and 

She  asked  him  his  name. 
I  wanted  to  ask  him  where 

he  lived. 
You   will   not   find   him   at 

home  after  six  o'clock. 
They   were    playing    for    a 

He  is  coming. 
They  have  imposed  upon  him. 

She  wanted  to  cheat  him. 
We  have  just  now  spoken  to 

They  will  he  here  immedi- 
3*  Qlaube,  wtr  merben  ein  Un=      I  think  we  shall  have  a  storm. 
gettntter  befommen. 


3$  trinle  fetnen  £affee. 
3d)  effe  nid)t  gern  ©pinat. 

I  never  take  coffee. 
I  am  not  fond  of  spinach. 
l  3 


S05a$  fatten  <§iz  bcwon  ? 

3d)  laffe  mtr  bae  nidjt  auSreben. 

2Cd&t  Sage  lang  tft  fie  nidjt  auSs 

©tc  tt)irb  bod)  fyeute  auggefyen. 
$ommen  ©ie  aud)  mtt  ? 
©ie  gibt  tfynen  freten  Sifd)  unb 

SDlan  n>trb  gleid)  ben  Ztfd)  becfen. 

@te  fyaben  mcfot  §u  leben. 

2Btr  fyaben  fetne  tebenbtge  ©eete 

(Sine  £anb  wafdjt  tie  anbere. 

2Ba£  $dnScten  nidjt  lernt/  Xernt 

#an§  nimmermefyr. 
<Ss   ftnb  ntd)t   alle   &6d)e,  tie 

lange  sflfaffer  fyaben. 
<§r  will  tmmcr  tie  spferbe  fyinter 

ben  SBagen  fpannen. 
©te  beffert  fid)  vok  ein  junger 

£)a§  SOSerf  lobt  ben  SDtetjter. 

(gin  SSSort  ein  SBort/  ein  SKann 

ein  3Jlann . 
@r  fommt    auf    leinen  grunen 

255er   juerjt   fommt/  ber  mafylt 

£)a£  ifl;  abgebrofdjeneS  ©iro$. 
fOSer   tt)o^l   fd}miert,   ber  faljrt 


What  is  your  opinion  of  it  ? 
I  shall  not  alter  my  opinion. 
She  has   not   been    out  for 

a  week. 
But  she  will  go  out  to-day. 
Will  you  go  with  me  also? 
She  gives  them  board    and 

The  cloth  is  going  to  be  laid 

They  have   nothing  to  live 

We  have  not  met  a  soul. 

One  good  turn  deserves 

An  old  dog  will  learn  no 

Appearances  are  often  de- 

He  is  always  for  putting  the 
cart  before  the  horses. 

She  grows  worse  every  day. 

A  workman  is  known  by  his 

An  honourable  man's  word 

is  his  bond. 
He    has    nothing    but  bad 

First  come,  first  served. 

That  is  an  old  story. 
He    who  would  travel    fast 
must  grease  his  wheels. 



£>utd)  ^cbaben  wtrb  man  f(ug. 

©e  ban  fen  ffnb  gollfrei. 

©ie  martet  auf  tyn  mtt  ber  Unlet! 

@r  fpcit  ©ift  unb  ©alte. 
(Snbe  gut/  a((e§  gut. 
£er  SJcenfd)  benft,  ©oti  lenf  t. 

2i*ufgefcfcoben  tft  ntdu  aufgetyoben. 

9carrenl;anbe    befdj-mteren  £tfd) 

unb  3Banbe- 
3Mjnggang  ifr  alter  Safrer  2£n= 

Srunfener    SJftunb     rebet    auS 

vg>erjen6  ©runb. 
fiufrig  in  (Sfyren,  fann  SRtemanb 

SBer  ba§  Jtleine  ntcfyt  efyrt,  tft 

be3  ©rojsen  md)t  wertf). 

Sanbltdb,  fttttttf). 

(Sinem  ge(d)en!ten  ©aulftel)tman 

ntd)t  tn's  3Raul. 
3)er   .peeler   tft  drger  als   bet* 


Experience  makes  fools  wise. 

Thoughts  pay  no  taxes. 

She  does  not  care  if  he  never 

He  is  in  a  violent  passion. 

All  is  well  that  ends  well. 

Man  proposes  and  God  dis- 

All  is  not  lost  that  is  delayed. 

Fools  scribble  their  names 

Idleness  is  the  parent  of 
every  vice. 

When  wine  goes  in,  truth 
comes  out. 

Innocent  amusements  can  do 
no  harm. 

He  who  does  not  take  care 
of  the  pence,  ought  not  to 
be  trusted  with  pounds. 

Every  country  has  its  cus- 

You  must  not  look  a  gift 
horse  in  the  mouth. 

The  receiver  is  worse  than 
the  thief. 

sflcorgenfrunbe     fyat     ©oib 

SBeffer  Sfceiber  alS  OJUttetber. 
9totfc)  t)at  fcin  ©ebot. 
2Tbenbi:ct£)    unb    feller  SKorgcn 

serfunben  einen  (d;5nen  Sag. 


im  Morning  is  the  best  time 
for  study. 

Better  be  envied  than  pitied. 

Necessity  has  no  law. 

Hed  sky  in  the  evening  and 
white  in  the  morning  an- 
nounce a  fine  dav. 


9?ad)getl)aner2Crbettift  gut  fetern. 
£>et  tfpfei  fallt  md)t  rcett  oom 

2Crt  la#t  nid)t  son  2Crt. 

50lit  etnem  blauen  2(uge  bason 

(5r  ift  bem  SSatec  rote  au§  bem 

@eftd)te  gefcfymtten. 
@§  tji  balb  aug  mit  tfym. 
©id)    urn    be$    £atfer$    SSart 

50Ran   rotrb   ityn   fdjon    betcfyten 

2Cu$  frembem    SSeutel    i$   gut 

@§  mug  btegen  ober  bredjen. 

SSon  grofjen  25i6tfen  tjaut  man 

grofk  (Sp&ne. 
<£r  bofyrt  baS  SSrett,  wo  eg  am 

bunnften  iff. 
@ie  ffnb  bet  tf)tn  tyod)  am  33rett. 
SSJlan  tyat   tym    ben   SSrobforb 

t)6l)et:  getjangt. 
etrcaS  alle  Sage  auf  bem  S3rob 

effen  mujfen. 
3$  §abe  e§  alle  Sage  auf  bem 

SSrob  cffen  muffen. 
3d)  roar  genotfytgt/  tynen  tf)te 

SBitte  abjujd)lagen. 
©ie  §tel)t  it)n  am  Sftatrenfetle. 
(5r   rotrb   fte    am    ^arrenfetle 


After  labour  repose  is  sweet. 
The    child  takes    after    its 

What  is  bred  in  the   bone 

will  never  get  out  of  the 

To  come  off  cheap. 

He  is  the  very  image  of  his 

He  is  on  the  decline. 
To  contend  for  a  thing  that 

is  out  of  one's  reach. 
They  will  teach  him  how  to 

behave  himself. 
It  is  easy  to  make  free  with 

another's  purse. 
It  must  be  done  by  consent 

or  denial. 
The  rich  ought  to  pay  more 

than  the  poor. 
He  is  not  fond  of  work. 

Your  credit  is  good  with  him. 

They  have  abridged  his  in- 

To  be  quite  sickened  of  a 

I  have  been  quite  sickened 
of  it. 

I  was  obliged  to  refuse  them. 

She  leads  him  by  the  nose. 
He  will  lead  her  by  the  nose. 


(Stnem  jeben  barren  gefallt  fetne 

barren  mufi  man  mtt  ^olben 

(St  gefyt  ber  Sftafe  nad). 
@S  gefyt  bti  tym  auf  tie  9cetge. 

2Cug    ber   3£ot()    etne    Sugenb 

greunbe  in  ber  9lot$  gefyen  stele 

auf  etn  Sott). 
2Ber   tie   sftfiife  gefreffen/  mag 

aud)  tie  ©cfyalen  tregfefyren. 
©a     jfefyen     tie    £)d)fen     am 

(St  fyat  ntcfyt  etnen  $unb  au§  bem 

£5fen  §u  tecfen. 
@ie  t)at  bunne  Dtjren. 
@ie  Itegen  mir  in  ben  Dfyren. 
(5r  tyat  ben  (Scfyalf  Winter  ben 

(§r  tft  nod)  ntd)t  Winter  ben  £)fyren 

<Ste  rooilen   ben  $el§  roafdjen, 

unb  itjn  ntd)t  nag  mad)en. 
3m   Sftofyr   figcn     unb  spfetfen 

20can  foil  ben  Sag  ntcfyt  loben, 

et)  benn  ber  2Cbenb. 
©S  iffc  weber  gefaljen  nod)  ge= 


Every  fool  likes  his  own 

We  must  drive  those  we 
cannot  lead. 

He  goes  straight  forward. 

He  is  nearly  at  the  end  of 
his  career. 

To  make  a  virtue  of  neces- 

Friends  in  adversity  are 

He  who  acts  foolishly  must 
abide  by  the  consequences. 

There  lies  the  difficulty. 

He  is  as  poor  as  Job. — He 

has  nothing  at  all. 
She  is  not  deaf. 
You  annoy  me. 
There  is   some  evil   design 

about  him. 
He  is  a  young  simpleton. 

You  are  too  gentle  in  your 

To  embrace  the  opportunity 

before  it  is  too  late. 
Do  not  rejoice  too  soon. 

It  is  perfectly  insipid. 


(Sr  fyat  bit  Sftecfynung  ofyne  ben      He  has  reckoned  without  his 

SBittfy  gemad)t.  host. 

dt  xtibt  fid)  an  iebermann.  He  pelts  everybody. 


3ebermann    nrill    ftrf)   an    tyn 

©te  fdjlagen  auf  ben  ©acf/  unb 

metnen  ben  (Sfel. 

5$ein  greunb  ttrirb  itjn  in  ben 

©attel  l)eben. 
©te  l)at  iljn  in  ben  ©attel  gefyo* 

©etn  greunb  $at  tyn  au§  bem 

©attel  Ijeben  rooilen. 
@c  lebt  in  ©au$  unb  23rau§. 
©te  l)at  iljre  ©d)afe  in3  Srocfene 

(St-  ttrirb  fetne  ©d)afe  in§  Srol^ 

lene  bringen. 
@r  fd)ert  roofyl  fein  ©djafcfcen. 
gromme  ©cfyafe  $el)en  mele  in 

ben  ©tall. 
(Sr  t|t  ein  gute§  ftommeS  ©d)af. 
©djein  unb  ©ein  ijt  sweierlei. 

2Bol)l  gefdjofiem  aber.  ubel  ges 

Everybody  wants  to  pelt  him. 

You  correct  one  who  is  not 
culpable  in  the  presence 
of  one  who  is  so. 

My  friend  will  make  his 
fortune  for  him. 

She  has  made  his  fortune. 

His  friend  would  have  sup- 
planted him. 

He  leads  a  gay  life. 

She  has  taken  care  of  her 

He  will  take  care  of  his 

He  gets  it  by  perquisites. 

Where  there  is  a  will  there 
is  a  way. 

He  is  a  good-natured  fellow. 

Mere  appearance  is  not 

Well  meant  but  ill  said. 




2Clte   ©eroofynfyeitem    legen   ftdj 

md)t  leid)t  ab. 
Arbeit  madjt  unS  fro^e  Sage, 

Srdgtyett  nrirb  un3  felbft  jur 

2Crmutf)    fdjdnbct     nidjt,    aber 

Sfyorfyett  unb  Sajler. 
2Cud>  tie  (Sonne  tjr  nidjt  ofyne 

SSofe    ©efctlfdbaften     serberben 

gute  ©trten. 
IBeffer  fpat  al§  gar  ntdjt. 
SBeffer  arm  mtr  <Si)re<  alS  retd) 

nut  <Stf)anbe. 

£)er  ift  fd)6ri/  bet  fd)6n  fyanbelt. 

£eute  rottj,  morgen  tobt. 

SDu  magft  tt>ot)l  fd)6n  unb  t>ors 

nefym    fein  5    bod)   bilbe   bit 

barauf  md)t§  etn. 
£)urd)      tt)ieberl)olte      (Streid)e 

fdtlt  bte  gvofjte  (Sidje. 
£>er  $ord)er  an  bcr  SBanb  fyort 

fcinc  eigene  ©djanb'. 
2)a$  2Cngeftd^t  oerratt)  bte  SEfyat. 

£)er  Jtrug  gefyt  fo  lange  §um 
SBrunnen  big  er  bridfjt. 

Old  habits  are  not  easily  left 

Labour  is  a  source  of  plea- 
sure, idleness  of  pain. 

Poverty  is  not   a  disgrace, 

but  vice  and  folly  are. 
Every  man  has  his  faults. 

Evil  communication  corrupts 
good  manners. 

Better  late  than  never. 

Honourable  poverty  is  pre- 
ferable to  wealth  with  in- 

Handsome  is  that  handsome 

To-day  red,  to-morrow  dead. 

Spoil  not  beauty's  honour 
with  conceit. 

Repeated    strokes    fell    the 

greatest  oaks. 
Listeners   hear  no  good  of 

A  guilty  conscience  needs  no 

The  pitcher  that  goes  often 

to  the  well  returns  broken 

at  last. 


SBtr  ftnb  bafytnter  gefommen. 
(Sine    ©djroal&e    mad)t    fetnen 

gaulfein  gletcfyt  tern  Sffojic/  eg 

Derjefyrt  mefyt  alS  2Crbett. 
griebe  ernafyrt/  Unfrtebe  wrjefyrt. 

grifd)  gewagt  ift  fyalb  gettxmnen. 

©ewofynfyett  tjt  Me  gtoeitc  SKatur. 
Sugenb  ift  tie  §ett  ber  greube. 

Sung  geroofynt,  alt  getfyan. 

jtletne  £)iebe  fyangt  man,  bte 
grofilen  laf  t  man  laufen. 

SKorgen,  morgen!  nur  ntcfyt 
fyeute,  fagen  immer  faule 

9QfHt  ber  §cit  pfXuc^t  man  Sffofen. 

9tftancf)er  2Cpfel  tjat  etne  fdbSne 
(Scfyale  unb  tnroenbtg  ftecBt 
ein  £Burm. 

?Rtd)t§  ttriffen  ift  feme  (gcfyanbe/ 
aber  md)t  lernen  tt>ollen. 

SRoty  brid)t  ©fen. 

9larf)    tern    EKegen    fdbeint   tie 

yiifyt  Bteitftftyxm/  fonbern  3ufrte* 

benfyeit   madfot  bie   SO^enfci)en 

SRom  ift  in  einem   Sage    nicfyt 

gebauet  roorben. 

We  are  in  the  secret. 

One  swallow  does  not  make 

a  summer. 
Idleness,  like  rust,  is   more 

destructive  than  labour. 
In  peace  we  bloom,  in  dis- 
cord consume. 
Freely     ventured,     quickly 

Custom  is  a  second  nature. 
Youth    is    the    season    for 

What  we  are  accustomed  to 

in  youth  we  do  in  old  age. 
Little    thieves    are    hanged, 

but  great  ones  are  allowed 

to  escape. 
Do  not  put  off  till  to-morrow 

what  you  can  do  to-day. 

Be  patient,  and  in  time  you 

will  succeed. 
A  fair  outside  may  treachery 


To  be  ignorant  is  a  misfor- 
tune, to  be  unwilling  to 
learn  a  disgrace. 

Necessity  has  no  law. 

After  a  storm  comes  a  calm. 

It  is  not  wealth,  but  content, 
that  makes  men  happy. 

Rome  was  not  built  in  a  day. 


SBerfpredpn  unb  batten  frc^r  fetn 
an  Sung  unb  liltcn. 

SSSem  ntd)t  §u  ratten  i|r,  tern  ijl 

aud)  ntd^r  gu  ^eifen. 
I85er  ntemais  benft,  nrirb  memalS 

tueife  merben. 
SSer  nidjt  fybxeuwift,  mv$  fut)len. 

2Ber  Unglutf  gefoftet  Far,  roeijj 
one  e§  etnem  anbern  fdjmecft. 

SQSo  nid)t§  i\tf  ba  fyat  ter  Jtatfer 

fetn  SRedit  »erloren. 
2Ber   roenfj    fyat,    fann   roenig 

2Ber  anbern  etne  ©rube  qxabt, 

fdllt  enbltd)  fclbji  baretn. 

23er  ftd)  in  ©efatjr  begibt,  fommt 

teid)t  urn. 
2£er   letdjt  giaubt,   nrirb    feid)t 

Sffiag  man  gern  tfcut,  nrirb  einem 

2BaS  betne£  2Cmt€   md;t  if:,  ba 

(af  beinen  SJovtpt^. 
gBtffcnfdjafi  t)err[ri):  tmmer  fiber 


3ett/  ©bbe  unb  glut§  marten  auf 

Sdjl&fler  in  tie  Suft  bauen. 
3d)  fann  ntdjts  bafur. 
©ebe  rait  tie  <£d)ulb  merit. 

3d)  bin  md)t  Sdjulb  baran. 

it  behoves  both  young  and 
old  to  perform  what  they 

He  who  will  not  be  advised, 
cannot  be  helped. 

He  who  never  thinks,  will- 
never  be  wise. 

He  who  will  not  hear,  must 

Misfortune  teaches  compas- 

Where  there  is  nothing,  the 
king  loses  his  right. 

He  who  has  but  little,  has 
little  to  lose. 

Whoever  digs  a  pit  for  an- 
other, ultimately  falls  into 
it  himself. 

He  who  runs  into  danger, 
soon  perishes. 

The  credulous  are  easily  de- 

Where  there  is  a  will  there 
is  a  way. 

Do  not  trouble  yourself  with 
other  people's  business. 

Knowledge  will  always  have 
the  ascendancy  over  ig- 

Time  and  tide  wait  for  no 

To  build  castles  in  the  air. 

I  cannot  help  it. 

Do  not  impute  the  blame  to 

I  am  not  to  blame  for  it. 



(§r  erjatyt  etrcag  (Sinfalttgeg. 

£>teg  gel)6rt  ntd)t  tytefyer. 

3d)  fann  eg  nid)t  anbern. 

Sr  fyut  few  2Sefte6. 

@te  ftellen  etne  genaue  Untctfu- 

cfyung  an. 
<5r  $at  eg  nidjt  gern  getfyan. 

<5r  lagt  fid)  20leg  gefallen. 
34  laffe  eg  barauf  anfommen. 

He  tells  stories  without  either 

head  or  tail. 
That  has  nothing  to  do  with 

1    can    do    nothing   in    that 

He  does  all  he  can. 
They    are  making    a   strict 

He  did  not  do   it  intention- 

He  submits  to  every  thing. 
I  am  prepared  for  the  worst. 
9tid)t  nriffen,  rcie  man  ftdj  bet      Not   to    know  how    to  set 
etroag  §u  serfyatten  §at,  uric  about  a  thing, 

man  eg  anfangen  foil. 
@g  fref)t  Sfynen  fret. 

£)ag  tft  mir  gu  l)od). 

Ste  follen  eg  empfinben. 

@g  fdjmecft  ntdhtg  um)erfu<$t. 

£)tefeg  portrait  tft  gut  getroffen. 

@g  elelt  mir  bat>or. 

28ie  lange  foil  id)  nod)  marten  ? 
©te  I6nncn  nod)  lange  marten. 

3d)  oerbenfe  e§  tfym  nid;t. 

3d)  serbenfe  eg  3*)nen  f^r. 

(fg  foil  barauf  md)t  anfommen. 

You  are  at  liberty  to  do  as 
you  please. 

That  is  above  my  compre- 

You  will  not  escape  with 

To  judge  of  that,  one  must 
have  experienced  it. 

This  portrait  is  a  good  like- 

I  am  disgusted  with  it. 

How  long  am  I  to  wait  ? 

You  have  a  long  time  to 
wait  yet. 

I  do  not  blame  him  alone  for 

I  think  you  are  very  much 
to  be  blamed  for  it. 

Do  not  let  that  be  an  ob- 


Wan  fyat  tyn  in  ben  2Cpril  ge= 

6t  tturb  e£  ntdjt  babet  bewenbcn 

(53  gefyt  t£)m  alleS  nad)  Sffiunfd). 

@elei)rten  tft  gut  prebtgen. 
£aS  [aft  fd)6n. 
£>aS  SSlatt  t)at  fid)  gercenbet. 
(Sr  tft  5U  allem  §u  gebraucfyen. 
£)tefe  £nopfe  fd)tc!en  ftdj  nid)t 

in  btefem  ^leibe. 
£)a§  jtefyt  36nen  fefyt  fd)6n. 
©te  tfyaten  alleS/  mas  fie  tfym  an 

ben  2Cugen  anfe^en  fonnten. 
@r  tft  md)t  fo  fd)iimm  a(6  ec 

grcunbfdjaft    $in#    greunbfdjaft 

<5tn  ©djelm/  ber  eg  bofe  meint. 

Sajfen  (Sie  fid)  ha$  eine  ^ffiar^ 

nung  fetn. 
2)te  <Sad;e   ift  ntcfyt  §u  ^tanbe 

OTeS  bletbt  betm  2Uten. 

@r  nrirb  eS  Kwtyt  bletben  laffen. 
Seber  fjat  fetn  (Stecfenpferb. 

(53  tft  mtr.  fairer  angefcmmen. 

£)te  ^ad)e  ge^t  mid)  an. 

33)  laffe  mtr  baS  nic^t  auSreben. 

They    have  made  an   April 

fool  of  him. 
He  will  not  stick  at  that. 

He  succeeds  in  every  thing 

he  undertakes. 
A  word  to  the  wise. 
That  is  pretty  to  look  upon. 
The  case  is  altered. 
He  is  fit  for  anything. 
These  buttons  are  not  fit  for 

this  coat. 
You  look  very  well  in  that. 
They  anticipated  his  wishes. 

He  is  not  so  bad  as  he  ap- 
pears to  be. 

Friendship  has  nothing  to 
do  with  it. 

Evil  be  to  him  that  evil 

Be  more  upon  your  guard  in 

The  undertaking  has  not 

Every  thing  remains  as  it 

He  will  not  interfere  with  it. 

Every  one  has  his  hobby- 

It  was  very  difficult  for  me 
to  make  up  my  mind  to  it. 

I  am  interested  in  the  busi- 

I  shall  not  change  my  opi- 


Sine  <£t)rc  ijl  ter  antern  roevtt). 

93tad)en  ©ie  eg  fid)  bequem. 
3d)  trage  fein  SBebenfen  eg  §u 

?Cftan  farm  e§  gar  mdtf  befdjretben. 
3d)  roetjj  nid)t,  roag  it)n  ba^u  be? 

(Sr  t)at  miti)  betogen. 
3d)  fann  tfym  ba$  md)t  aug  bem 

Jtopfe  bringen. 
©ie  t>t  t$n  urn  alleg  gebrad)t. 
SOfcan  §at  nid)t§  auf  i^)n  bringen 


3d)  bin  babet  gercefen. 
GrS  liegt  mir  niditg  baran. 
(Sr  fann  au§  (Srfafyrung  fpred)en. 
©ie  ijat  ifyn  fal[d)lid)  angegeben, 
3d)  i)abe  mir  eg  feft  oorgencm? 

Sftan    mufj   eg   nid)t  (o   genau 

(Sr  gibt  auf  alleg  fefyr  genau  lidjt. 

$£iv  troUen  bacon  abbredjen. 

3d)  fann  mid)  mit  ttym  nidjt  rer- 

£$ergnugt  fein  gefyt  uber  3fteict> 

Sie  fyaben  eg  ein  menig  §u  grob 

($r  l)at  eg  fefyr  gut  bei  feinem 

<Sie    tyat    eg    beffer    aU    tt)re 


One     good    turn     deserves 

Make  yourself  comfortable. 
I  am  willing  to  do  it. 

It  beggars  all  description. 
I   do  not   know  what  is  his 

motive  for  it. 
He  has  deceived  me. 
I    cannot   persuade  him    to 

the  contrary. 
She  has  ruined  him. 
They  have  not  been  able  to 

bring  any   charge  against 

I  was  present  at  the  time. 
I  have  no  interest  in  it. 
He  is  a  man  of  experience. 
She  has  accused  him  falsely. 
I  have  seriously  made  up  my 

mind  to  do  it. 
We  must  not.  examine  it  so 

He  allows  nothing   to  pass 

Let  us  talk  about  something 

i  cannot  bear  him. 

Contentment  is  better  than 

That  is  above  a  joke. 

He  is  well  treated  by  his 

She  is  in  better  circum- 
stances than  her  sisters. 


3ttan  mug  eg  nidjtfo  roett  Commen 

2Ba§  fatten  Sie  baoon  ? 
#ug  ten  2Cugen/  aug  tern  Sinn. 
@g  ijl  mix  baran  gelegen. 
(5r   mifd)t  fid)    fe^r   in  frcmbe 

(St  lann  ntd)t  mugtg  gefyen. 
SQStc  roar  3fynen  ju  SKut^e  ? 
3d)  n?eip  rote  etnem  in  bergteid)en 

gdlten  su  SJtutye  ijl, 
Sftdjttge   Sftecfynung  erfydlt    gute 

9tun  ftnb   rote   etnanber    nicfytg 

me^r  fcftuibtg. 
2B:.r  roollen  baruber  fdjtafen. 
6te  f)aben  mtr  bag  jum  spoflfen 

(Jin  rdubtgeg   ©cfcaf    fiecft    tie 

gar^e  #eerbe  an. 
<5r  fauft  wit  ein  SSurftenbtnber. 
£>et  SEBolf  fript  aud)  tie  ge§d^ 

ten  @d)afe. 
3Bo  Sauben  ftnb/  fltegen  Sauben 

(Sin   ieber  ijl  #err   in  fetnem 

£)ag  £emb  ift  mk  nd^er  alg  ber 

@te  fyat  ifcm  ben  (Sdjiuffet  auf 

bag  ©cab  gelegt. 
(§g  ift  unmoglid)/  bag  Sic   bag 

tt)un  fonnen. 
©title  fSSaffer  grimben  tief. 
SBSciwi   er   bog  ift/   fo   mag  ec 

rcueber  gut  werben. 

We  must  not  allow  it  to  go 
on  to  such  a  length. 

What  is  your  opinion  of  it  ? 

Out  of  sight,  out  of  mind. 

I  am  not  indifferent  to  it. 

He  meddles  with  other  peo- 
ple's business. 

He  must  be  doing  something. 

How  did  you  feel  ? 

I  know  what  it  is  to  be  so 

Short  reckonings  make  long 

Now  we  are  quits. 

Advise  with  your  pillow. 
You  have  played  me  a  trick 

One  bad  sheep  spoils  the 
whole  flock. 

He  drinks  like  a  fish. 

Do  not  reckon  your  chickens 
before  they  are  hatched. 

Birds  of  a  feather  flock  to- 

Every  one  may  do  as  he 
likes  in  his  own  house. 

Charity  begins  at  home. 

His   widow    has    renounced 

the  succession. 
If  you  do  it  I  will  give  you 

a  white  crow. 
Smooth  water  runs  deep. 
If    he    be    vexed,   let    him 

please  himself  again. 
m  3 


3d)  M)roa£e  me  aug  bee  ©durte.       I    never   tell    tales    out   of 

Dtefe  SRofen  fyaben  fdwn  oerbfityt.      These  roses  are  faded. 
£>te  9to(e  ift  ba6  (Sinnbilb  ber      The  rose  is  the   emblem  of 

®#5nbeit.  beauty. 

3fom  t|t  ntdjt  in  etnem  Sage  ge=      Rome  was  not  built  in  a  day. 

bauet  worben. 
®S  lann  md)t  aileS  g(etd)  jetn  in      There    must     be    different 

ber  §Q3clr.  classes  of  society. 

2BaS  er  ftd)  etnmal  in  ben  £opf      When  he  has  once  made  up 

gefefci  £at,  babet  bleibt  ec«  his  mind,  he  never  alters 

£er  2Binb  brefc)t  ftd)  oon  Morten     The   wind   is   shifting  from 

nad)  3£ejten.  the  north  to  the  west. 

Dtefer  |>ut  ftetyt  3fynen  gut.  This  hat  fits  you  well. 

Bk  fommen  mir  Ijeute  fo  ernfU      You  look  very  grave  to-day. 

fyaft  oor. 
©te    uberlegen   ntd)t    n?aS   ©tc      You  do  not  know  what  you 

fagen.  are  saying. 

Stofprecfyen  unb  fatten  tft  jweu      It  is  one  thing   to  promise 

erlet.  and  another  to  perform. 

2Cuf  etne  bumme    gvage   get)6vt      A  foolish  question  requires 

letne  2Cntn>ort.  no  answer. 

3d)  m5d)tebtefeS  23ud)  gernlefen.      I    should  like  to    read  this 

3d)  wxbt  ©ie  ffftotgen  befudjen.      I    will    call   upon    you   to- 
3d)    t)abe  mir  em    gebermeffcr      I  have  bought  a  penknife. 

3d)  nefyme  mir  bie   grcit)ett  an      I  take  the  liberty  of  writing 

@te  &u  fd)retben.  to  you. 

SBStt  wetben  unS  ba£  Sergnugen      We    will  do    ourselves   the 

mad)en.  pleasure. 

3d)  wrfte^e  nid)t  wa§  ©ie  reben.     I  do   not  understand  what 

you  say. 
KBai  fe^lt  Sfynen/  lieber  greunb  ?      What  do  you  want,  my  good 

fellow  ? 


(5$  roirb  @ie  befcemben  e§  &u 

3d)  bttte   @te  urn   3&*  geber* 

(Si*  btttet  mid)  urn  etne  ©efatltg* 

(gr    btttet    urn  tie   (Srlaubntf? 

nad)  #aufe  gu  gefyen. 
34  banfe  Sfynen  ffe:  3^e  ©ute. 

3d)  bin  ad)t  Sage  md)t  au§ges 

©te  ftnb  sot  bret  Sagen  ctbge? 

£)iefe£   &inb    fann   lefen    unb 

fcfyretben ;  taffen  ©ie  e£  etns 

mat  lefen. 
Saffen  ©ie  e3  herein  fommen. 
Saffen  ©ie  fetnen  SSruber  fyolen. 
3d)  bin  mtt  tfym  gufriebert/  unb 

aud)  mtt  3fynen, 
3d)  fomme  gtetd). 

3d)  fomme  gteid)  trteber. 

3d)  mitt  nur  eine  S3tertetftunbe 

fOBir  werben  ein  Ungenntter  unb 

SKegen  belommen. 
©tnb  mete  franjbfifdje  Sefyrer  in 

ber  ©tabt? 

2Bo   tjaben    ©te    biefen  #erw 
fennen  geternt  ? 

2)a§  fage  id)  nid)t. 

£)aS  tt;ut  mein  SSruber  nidjt. 

You  will  be  surprised  to  hear 

Pray  lend  me  your  penknife. 

He  asks  me  to  do  him  a 

He  asks  for  permission  to 
go  home. 

I  thank  you  for  your  kind- 

It  is  a  week  since  I  went 

They  took  their  departure 
three  days  ago. 

This  child  can  read  and 
write  ;  hear  him  read. 

Tell  him  to  come  in. 

Send  for  his  brother. 

I  am  pleased  with  him,  and 
with  you  likewise. 

I  will  be  with  you  imme- 

I  am  coming  back  directly. 

I  shall  not  be  away  more 
than  a  quarter  of  an  hour. 

We  shall  have  a  storm. 

Are  there  many  teachers  of 
the  French  language  in 
this  town  ? 

Where  did  you  become  ac- 
quainted with  that  gen- 
tleman ? 

I  shall  keep  that  a  secret. 

My  brother  will  not  do  that. 


£)a§  macf)t  ber  SGBcin. 

3d)  lomme  son  metnem  Dfyetm. 

£abzn  £te  tte  ©tite,  unb  !om= 

men  @te  mit  mtr. 
^etn  6>te  fo  gtutg  unb  fagen  <5ie 

3d)  roerbe  mtr  tie  (Sfyxe  geben 

gte  5U  begletten. 
3d)  nrill  3fynen  ntdjt  befytoet* 

ltd)  fallen. 
3d)  ^abt  ben  (Sdjnupfen. 
§Bo  !;aben  BU  biefcn  Sdjnupfen 


That  is  the  effect  of  the  wine. 
My  uncle  has  sent  me. 
Have  the  goodness  to  come 

with  me. 
Be  so  kind  as  to  tell  me. 

I  will  do  myself  the  honour 

to  accompany  you. 
I  will  not  interrupt  you. 

I  have  a  cold. 

Where    have   you  got    that 
cold  ? 

g*  if:  ein  foltfcer  SOtonn. 
<5r  rotbmet  jtd)   sordid)   bem 

(Sr  fyat  al£  ©eljulfc  in  ben  ange^ 

fe^cnften  £anb!ungS=£aufetn 

dr   ijat  (cine  eigenen  d5efd;dfte 

G£r  tft  etn  Gompagnon  beg  £rn. 

9fo  unb  ifl  mit  SSer^ 

bintung  gufrieben. 
dx  tjr  etn  gefd)trorner  leafier, 
©ic  fonnen  fid)  auf  tie  ga^lung 

3d)    roerbe    8ie    gur.    £ec!ung 

metner    tm   ndiften    SOlonat 

fallig  rperbenben  23erpfltdnun= 

gen  mit  guten  SRimeffen  auf 

Hamburg  rcrfe^en. 

He  is  a  man  of  good  account. 

He  confines  himself  espe- 
cially to  the  commission 

He  has  served  as  clerk  in 
the  most  eminent  com- 
mercial houses. 

He  has  set  up  for  himself. 

He  is  a  partner  of  Mr.  N., 
and  he  is  satisfied  with 
his  partnership. 

He  is  a  sworn  broker. 

You  may  rely  on  the  pay- 

I  will  provide  you  with  good 
remittan ces  on  Hamburgh, 
to  cover  my  engagement 
becoming  due  in  the  course 
of  next  month. 


Unfere  ©peculation  nacb  Xmerifa 
ift  gut  auSgefalten. 

3d)  ^abe  leinen  SBcrtfjeit  ccn 
liefer  Unternefymung  ge^abt, 
intern  ber  9Jiar!t  mit  biefem 
2Crtifel  uberfutyrt  war. 

Sfyre  Sratten  finb  getydrig  etn= 
geloft  rcorben. 

22a6  fur  ein  ©eirinn  roirb  babet 
fein  ? 

22eld)er  ©enMnn  rcirb  babei 
tyeraugf  ommcn  ? 

3&t  §Skrt$e§t>om  7.  b.  ift  ric^tig 

3i)re  gefcfyafcten  3eiten  torn  15. 
D.  SCR.  finb  unS  erft  t)eute  §u= 

3§r  2Sertr;e3  com  18.  3ulp  ift 
mit  tester  $>ojr  eingegangen. 

2Btr  benu^en  tiefe  ©elegen^eit 
nacl)  2Cmerila/  burd)  ben  ©apU 
tain  ©rat)/  ©ie  ju  benad^ri^ 
tigen/  baf$  tt>ir  nod)  fonwafc 
renb  o\)m  irgenb  eine  2CnttDort 
rutfftcbtltd)  beS  betrufjten  ©e= 
fd>afts  finb. 

3$r  letter  SBrief  an  mid)  ift  irre 

Sie  finb  fur  auggelegteg  SSrtef- 
porto  mit  5Z.  45.  6c?.  belafret 

3£rem  2£uftrage  ^ufoige  nmrben 
wit  leinen  ^ugenbucf  gefaumt 
fyaben  Sfyve  SSefteltung  au?5u= 
fu^ren/  aber  §u  ben  un£  ge= 
marten    SSegran^ungen   war 

Our  speculation  for  America 
has  turned  to  account. 

I  have  reaped  no  profit  from 
this  undertaking,  the 
market  having  been  over- 
stocked with  this  article. 

Your  drafts  have  been  duly 

What  profit  will  accrue 
thereby  ? 

What  gain  will  arise  there- 
from ? 

Your  favour  of  the  7th  inst. 
came  duly  to  hand. 

Your  esteemed  lines  of  the 
loth  ult.  have  but  reached 
us  to-day. 

Your  kind  letter  of  the  18th 
July  C3me  by  last  post. 

We  embrace  this  opportu- 
nity for  America,  by  Cap- 
tain John  Gray,  to  advise 
you  that  we  are  still  with- 
out any  answer  concern- 
ing the  business  in  ques- 

Your  last  letter  to  me  has 

You  are  debited  for  the 
postage  I  paid,  with 
51.  4s.  6d. 

Pursuant  to  vour  order,  we 
should  not  have  lost  a 
moment  in  executing  your 
commission,  but,  at  the 
limits  given  us,  it  was  not 


eg  md)t  mogltd),  tfyren  SSefefyl 

Set)  bebarf  einer  gregen  (Summe 

@eibe$.      3d)  bin  in   SRoty 

urn  (Safja. 
£>ie  ^retfe  ftnb  in  baarem  @elbe 

Scf)  bin  sum  Curator  ber  ?0^a(fe 

erwafylt  roorben. 
@r  f)at  in  biefem  gallifiement 

eine  SSotlmadjt  on  ben  £errn 

S3,  gefanbt. 
(§r  Ijat  fid)  $u  frarl  in  SBSed&fefe 

retteret  etngeiafjen. 
sDer  Simbenb  roirb  ffinf  <5d)tfs 

linge  fiir  ba$  $Pfunb  few*  or, 

er    fyat   funf   (Scfyttfinge   im 

spfunbe  geiaffen. 
SSetber  te^ten  SSerfammlung  ber 

©tdubtger     be^telt    i<$    mir 

meine  2Cnfprucbe  oor/   wenn 

ber  roteber  in   beffere 

Umjidnbc  lommt. 
<£r  war  tic  (Stn^tge,   ber   bm 

sorgefefytagenen  23ergleid)  nidjt 

3d)  r;abe    fetne   S5ud)er   unter* 

fud)t/   urn  5U   erfar;ren/   ttrie 

(eine  <Sad)en  ftefjen. 
3d)  roerbe   genotfyigt  fetn;  (Sie 

roegen  jroet  28ed)fel  §u  belan= 

©panifdje  ££otfe  lann  je£t  jolU 

fret  etngefufyrt  roerben. 
Setn   £rebit  roar  aufs  fyocfyjle 


possible  to  effect  your 

I  have  occasion  for  a  great 
sum  of  money.  I  am 
distressed  for  cash. 

The  prices  are  quoted  in 
ready  cash. 

I  have  been  chosen  an  as- 

He  has  sent  a  power  of  at- 
torney in  this  failure  to 
Mr.  B. 

He  has  given  too  much  into 
drawing  and  redrawing. 

The  dividend  will  be  five 
shillings  in  the  pound, 
or,  he  has  left  five  shillings 
in  the  pound. 

At  the  last  meeting  of  cre- 
ditors, I  reserved  a  future 
claim,  in  case  the  bankrupt 
again  proves  successful  in 

He  was  the  only  one  who  did 
not  consent  to  the  agree- 
ment proposed. 

I  have  examined  his  books, 
to  find  out  how  matters 
stand  with  him. 

I  shall  be  obliged  to  bring  an 
action  against  you  about 
two  bills. 

Spanish  wool  may  now  be 
imported  duty  free. 

His  credit  had  risen  to  the 


£5er28etn  mug  abge^ogen  werben. 
(gr  gtng  auS,  urn  etroa§  (Mb 

£)te  ?>retfe  beg  £orn§  ftetjen  fyodj. 
£>te  spretfe  finb  geftiegen. 
(Sr  lommr  empor. 
£)a$  ©tranbredjt  tjife^r  ftrenge. 

©te  mujfen  fid)  auf  bte  SSe^afytung 

etneS      sftadjfdjutfeS      gefa^t 

3d)  empfange  3fyre  ^Briefe  D'ebet 

uber  £)jfenfce,  al§  uber  #ol* 

£)aS  ©d)tff  ift  an  ber  Sftunbung 

beS  glujfci  gefrranbet. 
(Sin  grofkr  S£§eit  ber  ©uter  ift 

burd)  Seudjterfafyrjeuge  gebor- 

gen  roorben. 
2)a£  ©cfytff  ift  ttneber  fXott  ge~ 

mad)t  trorben. 
©te  finb  burd)  bie  SSerftdjerung 

£)ie£3erfid)erer  finb  nid)toerpfItd]= 

tet,  oorS5eenbtgung  ber  ©treits 

fadje  5U  bejafylen. 
3d)  oerliere  bet  btefem  Unfalle. 
£)ie  SSerftd^erer  bejafyften  ben  23er= 

fid)erten  30  p(5t.  auf  #bfd)lag. 

£)a§  ©d)iff  Ud)tete  bie  tfnfer 
unb  ging  mtt  einem  gunjftgen 
fJBtnbe  unter  ©egel. 

£)er  (Sapitatn  war  burd)  nribrige 
SBinbe  genotfytgt,  in  23reft  eins 
gutaufen  unb  2Cn!er§un?erfen. 

The  wine  must  be  racked. 
He  went  out  to  raise  some 

Corn  is  very  dear. 
Prices  have  risen. 
He  is  making  his  fortune. 
The  laws  of  shipwreck  are 

very  rigorous. 
You  may  prepare  yourself  to 

pay  some  arrears. 

I  like  to  receive  your  letters 
via  Ostend,  rather  than 
by  way  of  Holland. 

The  ship  stranded  at  the 
mouth  of  the  river. 

Great  part  of  the  goods  has 
been  saved  by  lighters. 

The  ship  has  again  been  set 

The  insurance  covers  you. 

The  insurers  are  not  bound 
to  pay  the  money  before 
the  suit  is  ended. 

I  lose  by  that  mishap. 

The  underwriters  paid  30  per 
cent,  before  hand  to  the 

The  ship  weighed  anchor, 
and  set  sail  with  a  fair 

The  captain  was  forced  by 
adverse  (or  contrary) 
winds  to  put  into  Brest 
and  to  cast  anchor. 


<Sin£rieg§fd)tff  bradjte  $roet  reid) 

belabene  $auffa£)rtetfd)tffe  auf. 
£)te  ^eerdubet  (or   tie  itaper) 

beunrufytgen  tie  jtujlc,  unb  tie 

S$erftd)erung§=93ramie  tjl  fefyr 

Sic  £aoatie  iji  nod)  md)t  aufc 

@S  ijl  tin  ftarfeS/  btd)te§   unb 

tt?ot)lgebautc€  Sd)tff,  unb  com 

£errn   Sft.   auf  (Stjactepartte 

6r  biente  aiS  ©djtffgjtmmcrmann 

auf  ben  SDSerften  t>on  (Snglanb. 
(Sr  rujlet  jwei  ©djiffc  aus. 
3d)  oerlange  cine  (Sntfdj&fetgung 

oon  tfym,  tnbem  ic^  bafur  ocr^ 

antmortltd)  bin. 
28et£en  tjl  urn   200    £f)tr.  §u 

2Bed)fel  auf  spans  ftnb  al  pari 

md)t  gu  fyaben. 
Snbtgo  ijl  fetyr  begefyrt. 
3d)   be$tefye    mid)   auf    meinen 

le£ten  33rief. 
£te   ^Preife    jletgen    ftyr*   unb 

ircrbcn  ftd)  alter  SBatnrfdjein* 

ltdjfett  nad)  fatten. 
@S  ijl  roentg  Seben  auf  unfcrm 

Sic  Sfyran^retfe  fatten  ftd). 
@S  fyat  ftd)  cine  gute  9tad)frage 

fur  SGSolle  ctngejlellt. 
3n  btefem  TCugenblicf  !am  tie 

(Snctftfd)e  gpoft  &ur.  @tabt. 
<5r  t)at   etnen  RNr$afte»Scfftf 

gegen  tfyn  bewtrlt. 

A  man  of  war  captured  two 
merchantmen  richly  laden. 

The  pirates  (or,  the  priva- 
teers) infest  the  coast,  and 
the  premium  of  insurance 
is  very  high. 

The  av  ^rage  is  not  yet  set- 

It  is  a  strong,  staunch,  and 
well  built  vessel,  and  char- 
tered by  Mr.  N. 

He  served  as  a  shipwright  in 
the  dockyards  of  England. 

He  is  fitting  out  two  ships. 

I  demand  an  indemnity  of 
him,  being  answerable  for 

Wheat  sells  at  200  dollars. 

Bills  on  Paris  are  not  to  be 

had  at  par. 
There  is  a  great  call  for  indigo. 
I  crave  your  reference  to  my 

last  letter. 
The    prices   run    very  high, 

and  in  all  likelihood  will 

be  supported. 
There    is  little   stir   in   our 

Train-oil  keeps  up. 
Wool  has  been  much  in  de- 
The    English  mail   reached 

town  this  moment. 
He  has   got   a  writ  against 



£)te  ®uter  finb  tern  gufyvmann 

auSgeliefert  worben. 
3otlangabe  tx)irb    btejemge    £)e^ 
Iteration  genannt,  roorin  tie 
etngefufyrten  ©titer  fpectfictrt 
angegeben  finb. 

JDte  Unloften  ouf  ben  ge^ogenen 

unb    proteftirten  2Bcd)fel  be= 

foufen  fid)  auf  SCR!.— 
SDGcm   tyat  etne    grofe     fERenge 

$rapp  au6geful)rt. 
3$  fenne  fetne  SkrmogenSums 

3&r    2Sed)fel    tjl    Sffiangel^n* 

nafyme  protefttrt  roorben. 
£)er  2Sed)fel  tft  son  etnem  unbe? 

fannten  £au(e  ge§ogen,  aber 

Don  ben  erften  33anfter$  tn^ 

2)te  S3er!auf6sSRed)nung  ijl  oor= 

3<3)   bitte  (Sie  ben   SSetrag   in 

JSolomaUBaaren    anjulegen/ 

benn  bte   ^pcetfe  roerben  ofyne 

Sroetfel  ftetgen. 
Sebermann  an  unferer  836rfe  war 

ber  SKetnung,  baf*  bte  spreife 

btefcr  2Baare  niebrtger  ge^en 

<Set)r   grofe    2Cn!aufe    ftnb     in 

3taffee  gemad)t  roorben. 
©te  burfen  ntdjt  befuccfytem  baj? 

bie  spretfe  fallen  trerben. 

£)a§  ftetgen  ber  ^vetfe  §u  £am~ 

The  goods  have  been  de- 
livered to  the  carrier. 

Entry  at  the  custom-house 
is  called  that  declaration, 
wherein  the  goods  which 
have  been  imported,  are 

The  account  of  charges  on 
the  protested  bill  amounts 
to  marks  — . 

There  is  exported  a  great 
quantity  of  madder. 

I  am  acquainted  with  the 
state  of  his  affairs. 

Your  bill  has  been  protested 
for  want  of  acceptance. 

The  bill  is  drawn  by  an  un- 
known house,  but  indorsed 
by  the  first  bankers. 

The  account-sales  are  very 
pleasing  (satisfactory). 

I  beg  you  to  invest  the 
amount  in  colonial  pro- 
duce, because  the  prices 
will  rise  beyond  doubt. 

Every  body  at  our  exchange 
was  of  opinion  that  the 
prices  of  this  commodity 
would  decline. 

Very  large  purchases  have 
been  made  in  coffee. 

You  need  be  under  no  ap- 
prehension of  a  decline  in 

The  rising   of  the  prices    at 



burg  fyat  auf  unfern  9ftar£t 

(Stnfiuf?  gefyabt. 
Set)  roerbe  2Cntl)ett  baran  nefymen. 
3d)  barf  e§  ntcrjt  roagen  Sfynen 

eine  ^ommtffton  511  aeben. 
Sklieben  ©ie  unfere  Prima  §ur 

Skrfugung  ber   Secunda  511 

2)er    23elauf     ber     Ricambio 

(3ftucfr'oed)felred)nung)ijr£ — . 
£te  SBaaren  [tub  fecr;S   SOtonat 

3tel  angefe^t,  unb  roir  berml- 

itgen  3fynen  4  p(5t.  bci  £3aar= 

SBMu    t)Qben    10.000   SDcf.   ^cc. 

auf  ©ie  abgegeben/  unb  rrer^ 

ben  ntd)t  mfefyleu/  Sfynen  bei 

SSerfalljeit  2Cnfd)affungen  bo^ 

fur  §u  mafym. 
3d)  jrebe    Jbnen    etnen    ^rebtt 

son  £ —  git. 
SBtr  rotbmen  un$  bloS  tern  G>orn^ 


St)*    £au£    tft    unS  empfot)(en 

£)ie  Courtage  (Sftafletlo^n)  ijr 

SBegen  metner  2Cu3lagen  roerbe 
td)  mid)  mtt  tern  $errn  Sft". 

Stjre  2Cnn>ei(ung  auf  — —  ijr 

SKenn  3fyre  SCnfdjaffungen  gur 
rcd)ten  3ett  bn  un§  etnfpredjen, 
fo  rcerben  wrir  me  bxe  <3tnIo^ 
fung  il)rer  Srattcn  serrceigern. 

Hamburgh  has  affected 
our  market  likewise. 

I  shall  take  a  share  in  it. 

I  dare  not  venture  to  give 
you  a  commission. 

Please  to  hold  our  first  of 
exchange  for  the  call  of  the 

The  amount  of  re-exchange 
is  £ — . 

The  goods  are  charged  at 
six  months'  credit,  and  we 
grant  you  4  per  cent,  in 
paying  prompt. 

We  have  valued  on  you 
10,000  marks  banco,  and 
shall  not  fail  of  reimburs- 
ing you  at  maturity  (or, 
before  they  fall  due). 

I  allow  you  a  running  credit 
so  high  as  £ — . 

We  devote  (confine) ourselves 
solely  to  the  commission 

Your  house  has  been  recom- 
mended to  us. 

The  brokerage  is  £  per  cent. 

For  the  amount  of  my  dis- 
bursements I  shall  draw- 
on  Mr.  N. 

Your  bill  on is  cashed. 

If  your  funds  reach  us  in 
due  time,  we  shall  never 
refuse  the  acceptance  of 
your  drafts. 


Sfyre  Unternet;mmig  roirb  fefyr 
gute  SRed)nung  geben. 

3d)  biete  3fynen  meine  £)ienfte 

£)ie  Dftinbifdje  gompagnie  §at 
2000  SSallen  SSaumwcIle  &um 
SSerfauf  auSgefefct. 

£>a$  £au§  con  9£.  tyat  3afylung 

©te  fonnen  ftct)  barauf  cerlaffeti/ 
bag  id)  3fyre  Sratten*  bti 
SSorjeigung/  ge^ortg  oerefyren 

©te  lonnen  fid)  fur  ben  SBclauf 
3^er  gafture,  unter  glettfs 
settiger  ©infenbung  be£  Gon^ 
noifjements  §ur  Skrficfyerung, 
auf  ben  #errn  5ft.  in  Hamburg 

£>a  baS  ©(^itf#  reeled  ©te  con 
2Cmerifa  er  roar  ten*  in  fdf)lecfy= 
tern  SFtuf  bei  unfern  ^ffecura^ 
beurs  tjt/  fo  fyaben  rotr  letne 
2Cu€ftd)t/  bie  2Cffecuran$  ^u 
hem  oorgefd)riebenen  SpretS 
511  be  [or  gen, 

<Sc(d)e  SBebtngungen  fretjen  unS 
nicr)t  an. 

(Sr  fyat  ein  3Baaren=2ager  in 
ber  ^rfort^trafe  errid)tet. 

3d)  r;abe  au3  S^rem  Umlaufs* 
fdjretben  bemerft/  bag  ©ie 
fid)  conbem  $errn  9t.  getrermt 

@r  treibt  feine  @ef$&fte  mit 
inelem  (Srfolg. 

Your  enterprise  will  turn  to 

good  account. 
I  tender  my  services  to  you. 

The    East   India    Company 

has  put  up  for  sale  2000 

bales  of  cotton, 
The  house  of  N.  has  stopped 

You    may  rely    on  my   duly 

honouring    your  drafts  on 


You  may  reimburse  yourself 
for  the  amount  of  your  in- 
voice on  Mr.  N.  in  Ham- 
burgh, transmitting  him  at 
the  same  time  the  bill  of 
lading  for  insurance. 

The  ship  you  expect  from 
America,  being  in  bad  re- 
pute among  our  under- 
writers, we  have  no  pros- 
pect of  effecting  the  in- 
surance at  your  limits. 

Such  terms  do  not  suit  us. 

He  has  set  up  a  warehouse 
in  Oxford-street. 

I  observed  by  your  circular 
your  having  dissolved  part- 
nership with  Mr.  N. 

He  carries  on  business  with 
much  success. 


3d)  bin  mtt  feinem  &aufe  5U= 

frieben/  inbem  tie  ^Dreife  fetts 

bem  gejltcgen  ftnb. 
£Me  Dualitat  con  rofyen  Sucfern 

jltmrat  nid)t  mtt  ber  ^Probe 

SKofye  unb  gttK'tbrd^tige  (Seibe  fyaU 

tm  fid)  fortbauernb  tm  preife. 
3fyre  S^imeffe  Don  £  —  ijl  ge= 

l)6rt0  neretjrt  it?orben. 
£)er  SKud^oll  a'uf  3ucfer/  wetter 

au§  ben  SSeretntgten  ^taaten 

nrieber  augQefuijrt  rcorben/  ijl 

SSeXie&cn  <Ste  tie  Sabung  lieber 

uber;  al§  unter  bem  SKkrtfje 

§u  oerftdjern. 
@r   fytelt   mid)   ^>in   wegen   bee 

3a  I)  lung. 
(Sr.  tfyut  e§/  urn  geit  §u  gettrin^ 

3t)fe  SSollmadjt  ifl  nid)t  in  ge^ 

Rodger  gorm  auSgefeuttgt. 
3d)  ^)abc  ifym  meine  gange  S8olU 

mad)t  gegeben. 
©ie   ftnb  tie  foltbejlen  Seute  in 

biefem  Sanbe. 
3^e  gorberung  an  mid)  ijl  nid)t 

metyr  at§  2000  ££)lv. 
£er  #errn  9t.  ijl  burd)  mid)  er^ 

macfytigt,  SBriefe  unb  fSSec^fet 

in  meinem  Xiamen  gu  jeicfynen. 

I  am  satisfied  with  his  pur- 
chase, the  prices  having 
since  advanced. 

The  quality  of  the  raw  sugar 
does  not  agree  with  the 

Raw  and  thrown  silk  con- 
tinue pretty  steady  in  price. 

Your  remittance  of  £ —  has 
been  honoured. 

The  drawback  on  sugars,  re- 
exported from  the  United 
States  is  trilling. 

Please  to  insure  the  cargo 
rather  above  than  below 

He  kept  me  off  and  on  for 
the  payment. 

He  does  it  to  gain  time. 

Your  power  of  attorney  is  not 

drawn  up  in  due  form. 
I  have  invested  him  with  my 

full  power. 
Their  character  is  one  of  the 

fairest  in  this  country. 
Your   claim  upon   me  is  no 

more  than  2000  dollars. 
Mr.  N.  is  empowered  by  me 

to  sign  letters  and  bills  in 

my  name. 

J.  Wertlieimer  &  Co.,  Printers,  Fmsburj  Circus.